(To be completed after enrolling and requesting courses in FLVS; required for guidance approval.)


Print Name:

Courses requested on FLVS:

I understand:

1.  It is my responsibility, not my counselor’s, to monitor the completion of all course work and the selection of classes.

2.  I am not allowed on the LAKE MINNEOLA HIGH SCHOOL campus if I am not attending an LMHS class. If I am taking an online course in place of a LMHS course on campus, I may only drop a 1st or a 7th block ELECTIVE course. I am also responsible for my own transportation. ______INTIAL HERE.

3.  These courses require EOC: Algebra 1, Geometry (Hon), Algebra 2, US History and Biology (Hon). After completing the course, I need to contact LMHS testing coordinator to schedule to take the EOC.______INITIAL HERE.

4.  9th & 10th graders: In order to fulfill the online graduation requirement, you must complete the ENTIRE COURSE. Please note: Most courses have 2 segments.

5.  If I drop an online class, it is my responsibility to inform my counselor of the change. sign your name HERE:______

6.  If you are planning to take Foreign Language online, you need to complete the Foreign Language waiver. See your counselor for the waiver.

7.  All Seniors graduating in January 2017 must finish by January 15th, 2017.

8.  If I am planning to excel next by taking additional classes online, I need to register for the online class/es before June 1st.

9.  If am graduating in June, all coursework must be completed by May 20, 2017..

10.  If my coursework is not completed by the deadline, I will not graduate or participate in the graduation ceremony.

11.  I have reviewed my options and discussed them with my guardians.

12.  My grade point average may be affected if I do not complete my FLVS courses.

Student Signature Date

I support my student’s decision to enroll in Florida Virtual School classes. I have reviewed this form with him/her.

Parent Signature