Subject:� Language Arts����������������������������������������������������������� Grade:� First

Standard:� #3� Reading:� Application

Key Concept:� Different cultures have different ways of telling stories.

Generalization:� the type of story studied gives important information about a culture.

Background: �students have been studying a variety of stories to learn about different cultures.� Today we will study ______. (Irish stories, African American Spirituals).

This lesson is tiered in content according to learning style.

Tier I:� Visual Learners

These students will read the words to "Molly Malone" (or "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" or whatever nationality song you wish to cover).� They will discuss the meaning of the song.� Then they will hear the music as they read the words.� They will discuss the story that the song tells.

Tier II:�

Auditory Learners

These students will listen to a recording of the song and will discuss the meaning of the song after they listen to it.� They will discuss the story as they hear it and then will discuss the elements of the music that add to their understanding.

Tier III:� Kinesthetic Learners

These students will learn a simple Irish dance (movement for the Spiritual) to help interpret or understand the song.

Assessment:� Understanding the culture through the lyrics of a song and the music that accompanies it is the focus of this lesson.� Teacher observation of groups and demonstration of understanding in accomplishing the task are the focal points of this assessment.
