A total of 142 species were recorded on the island in 2012, one more than in 2011 & a new record for Eigg. As happens every year a few reasonably regular species failed to appear with omissions from the 2012 list including Barnacle Goose, Sandwich Tern &, surprisingly, Wigeon. Two new species were however added to the island list; Glossy Ibis & Snow Goose though the latter were undoubtedly feral birds. The number of species breeding during 2012 was also high with 72 species known to have bred & at least two further species attempting to do so.
Unlike much of the UK the Hebrides enjoyed a superb summer with long spells of hot sunny weather. This resulted in an excellent breeding season with a wide variety of species, ranging from gulls to warblers, benefitting from the excellent weather. Large raptors also did well thanks to the abundance of Rabbits available to them during the first half of the year whilst the re-colonization of the island by House Sparrows continued to gather pace. The attempted colonization of Castle Island by Great Skuas continued with a pair producing the first chick ever hatched on Eigg though sadly it failed to survive to adulthood.
The dry spring & summer though did create problems for some species with Blue & Great Tits seemingly suffering from a lack of caterpillars in spring & having at best average seasons. The biggest losers though were Swallows which raised relatively very few young presumably due to a lack of midges, their main prey species, throughout much of the summer.
Migration was the usual mix of sometimes prolonged quiet spells brightened here & there by the occasional unexpected highlight. Oddly though the winter & late autumn months produced the most outstanding records with the spring in particular relatively uneventful.
The year started off on a high note with a group of up to seven Glossy Ibises appearing in January. Other noteable winter records included multiple Iceland Gull sightings early in the year, the return of last year’s Great Spotted Woodpecker plus a few Waxwings late in the year.
Spring was relatively uneventful but produced a Black Throated Diver, a Green Sandpiper, single Tree Sparrows & Snow Buntings, a few Yellowhammers & the islands 2nd Lapland Bunting. As usual summer produced little though it did bring the islands first feral Snow Geese & a small invasion of Crossbills.
After a slow start autumn provided a few decent records with passage Pink Footed & Brent Geese, a Common Scoter, a couple of Bar Tailed Godwits, single Long Tailed & Pomarine Skuas, three records of Little Gulls, a Stock Dove, the islands 2nd Woodlark, several Bramblings & two Common Redpolls.
As always my thanks to the many people who passed on records & observations, these add a great deal to the annual reports.
Whooper Swan
Spring records of seven over the pier on March 7th & one over Kildonan on March 24th. Six autumn records between October 12th & November 24th, mostly of 1-2 birds but six on Nov. 22nd (JC, C Carr, D Wiggin, E Weldon, B Gardner, B Greene, B Cormack, S Millar, E Scott)
Pink Footed Goose
A flock of 120 ‘grey geese’ passing north over Galmisdale on March 26th (A&S Boden) was almost certainly this species. Autumn migration from Sept 12th when a flock of 97 passed east over Galmisdale (JC). A lone bird was present with the Greylag flock at Kildonan between Oct 21st & Nov 6th.
Greylag Goose
A common resident & a much more successful breeding season than last year with 17 broods totaling 55 young seen. Present throughout though winter flocks smaller than in recent years with peak count of 113 on October 24th. A group of six passing north high over Kildonan on April 2nd were probably genuine migrants.
Snow Goose
A group of five feral white phase birds flying over the croftland on August 9th (M McKinnon, D McFadyen) was a 1st record for this species.
Brent Goose
A very poor year with only one record, two adult pale bellied birds at Galmisdale Bay from Sept 2nd-4th (B&S Gardner et al)
Canada Goose
Three early spring records of small numbers. Two at the SE Bays on March 30th (JC, George Carr), two at Howlin on April 7th (M McKinnon) & three at Kildonan on April 11th (JC).
3-4 pairs present during the spring-early summer but no successful breeding though at least one pair known to have laid eggs. First returned male at Laig on January 30th (B&S Gardner) with further birds appearing Feb-early March. At least seven birds present at Laig & the SE Bays during May with 3 pairs remaining until mid June & last bird seen at Kildonan on June 30th.
Present in smallish numbers at Laig up until April 22nd & from October 19th. The early year maximum of 15 on January 17th is actually the highest count recorded on Eigg for this species! Up to six present during Nov-Dec. A male & female present at Galmisdale Bay on May 17th were the only passage birds seen.
At least five pairs bred but seemingly a poor survival rate of young possibly due to the very low water levels. First ducklings seen on April 19th (B Gardner). Winter population of around 20 birds.
An excellent breeding season with between 10 & 15 broods of young seen & around 40 ducklings surviving to adulthood. As usual many females moved their young away from the island in late July.
Birds present from March 1st with main return in late March. Max count of 15 males near the pier on May 23rd with first ducklings also seen on May 23rd. The majority of females/young left in late July-mid August but small numbers remained into September.
Winter records of an immature male at Galmisdale Bay on January 3rd & a female which remained around the SE Bays until the years end.
Common Scoter
A single record of a female at Kildonan Bay between October 19th & 23rd(JC et al). First island record since 2005.
Three birds, a male & two females, present at Loch Ben Tighe up until at least March 22nd. A male at Loch Nam Ban Mora on Dec 11th was the only late year record.
Red Breasted Merganser
Small numbers regular & seen almost daily at the SE Bays up until June & from October 4th but no suggestion of any breeding attempt. Max of only seven on April 6th & October 9th.
Red Grouse
Small population present on the moors & apparently a reasonably successful breeding season with several broods of young seen. Females with five young seen near Ben Tighe on June 17th (Brendan Greene) & with three young near Loch Nam Ban Mora on August 7th. Outwith the breeding season several records of sightings from the Sgurr moors with the odd bird seen on Ben Bhuide.
Common resident with large & increasing population. An excellent breeding season with birds undoubtedly benefitting from the dry summer weather & many broods of young seen. First young observed on June 12th (S Millar). Common throughout with nine birds regularly attending the garden feeders at Millers Cottage from late summer on.
Given the propaganda from certain minority groups it would seem remarkable that despite the daily presence of Golden Eagles, Buzzards, Hen Harriers, Sparrowhawks & Peregrines & with no human induced introductions that this species has increased so dramatically in recent years!
Red Throated Diver
Two pairs bred on the moorland lochans with one pair failing at the egg stage. The second pair though successfully reared a late chick which finally fledged in early September. Birds present offshore throughout though typically distinctly scarce during the mid winter periods.
Black Throated Diver
A single record of a breeding plumaged bird at Laig Bay on May 23rd (JC)
Great Northern Diver
Present offshore in small numbers up until June 11th but relatively very few sightings in Jan-Feb probably due to the stormy weather. Max count of eight off Struidh on April 20th.
No records of summering birds. First returned bird on Nov 2nd with small numbers fairly regular between then & the years end.
Recorded offshore from March 7th & present almost daily in small numbers between late March & late May. Significant increase in numbers from early June on with up to 100 birds regularly fishing close inshore throughout the latter part of the summer. Remained fairly numerous until mid October but then fast decline in numbers with last record of one on Nov 26th (B&S Gardner)
A total of 93 prs located, a slight improvement on the 84 prs of last year but a huge decline from the 220 prs recorded in the late 1990s. Probably a reasonable breeding season with several downy chicks seen in late July.
Recorded at the breeding colonies from Feb 6th with main departure late July-early August. A few records of single birds in September with last sighting on 15th.
Manx Shearwater
Breeding numbers at the Cleadale cliffs apparently pretty much as normal. First bird recorded between Mallaig & Eigg on March 26th (M McKinnon) with offshore numbers building up mid-late April. As usual large numbers present during the summer with a huge raft stretching from Muck towards Mallaig reported on June 1st (E Weldon) & 5,000+ off Struidh on June 19th (JC). Remained fairly numerous until mid September but then fast decline & last one seen Oct 1st (R Dyer)
Storm Petrel
Small numbers seen offshore June 23rd (R Dyer, S Macdonald) until mid August. Sightings fairly regular late June-July though max of only four on June 28th.
59 breeding pairs found, a big increase on the 34 pairs of last year, & a pretty successful season with good numbers of juvs seen. Present throughout with some sizeable gatherings around the Perches rocks in the autumn & counts of 120 on Sept 5th & 140 on Oct 23rd.
Rather irregular sightings of very small numbers, usually only 1-2 birds, between January & July. Much more numerous & regularly seen from mid August on with almost daily sightings of 8-10 birds in the Kildonan-Perches area. Max of 16 at Kildonan Bay on Nov 2nd & Dec 12th.
Grey Heron
Present throughout in small numbers, max of seven on Nov 30th. As would be expected most sightings from around the SE & NW Bays.
Glossy Ibis
A group of up to seven birds were present in the croftland between mid January & the beginning of March. First reported on January 16th (M McKinnon) the initial group of five birds increased to seven by the end of that month (JC et al). At least six birds were present on February 1st-2nd but thereafter only five, probably the original group, were seen. Last record on March 1st (D&T McLean) when all five birds were observed flying off from Howlin.
(Photos by A Boden, B Gardner, K Millar)
These birds, a first record for Eigg, were part of an unpreceeded influx into the western side of the UK. The Eigg birds included one colour ringed individual which was reportedly ringed as a chick at the Scamadrie colony at the Camargue, France in 2006 (though later there was some suggestion that it originated from the Coto Donana in Spain). This individual was later reported from the Saltholme RSPB reserve in Teeside where it remained until the end of March.
White Tailed Eagle
Six records involving probably three different individuals between Jan 1st & March 13th. Unusually no records during the summer months but very regular sightings from Aug 20th on at which time a severe ‘myxie’ outbreak amongst the islands Rabbits may have proved a considerable attraction. At least four individuals (an adult, a sub-adult & at least two juvs) present & birds seen frequently, sometimes on an almost daily basis, Oct-Dec. Adult & juv birds seen together over Talm on Nov 2nd & two juvs seen above Howlin on Dec 6th (C & G Carr)
Hen Harrier
Two pairs bred, one pair seemingly failed at the egg stage but the second pair successfully fledged all four young hatched. First young bird fledged around July 1st.
Birds present throughout though few sightings mid Sept-late Oct. At least two males & two ‘ringtails’ present during the winter months.
At least one pair bred & raised young in the forestry plantation. Present throughout with regular, almost daily, sightings Sept-Nov when birds frequently seen attacking passerines at
Sparrowhawk (cont)
garden feeding stations. Juv found dead after flying into a window at Cleadale on Aug 17th (S Millar)
At least nine territorial pairs present with a minimum of six pairs breeding & rearing 9+ young. Common throughout & very widespread & vocal in the spring & autumn. One seen killing a seemingly healthy Hooded Crow at Sandavore on Oct 18th (J Booth). Sickly juv bird seen being attacked & killed by Ravens at Galmisdale on Oct 10th (J Booth).
Golden Eagle
Two pairs bred successfully & reared two & one chicks respectively. This constitutes the first successful breeding by the SW pair since 2003, probably a result of the huge numbers of Rabbits available over the winter months allowing the old female to attain a fertile condition. First chick fledged by July 21st.
Birds present throughout with regular sightings of the juvs throughout the autumn & one present until the years end.
Six breeding pairs located with at least another two non breeding pairs also present. Overall a poor season, possibly due to a scarcity of voles, & only a few fledged juvs seen. Present throughout with one hunting Kildonan daily between late August & the years end. One seen taking a Goldfinch from the ground at the Kildonan hayfield on Jan 15th.
A poor year with only four definite records. A female at Galmisdale on March 23rd, a male at Grulin on July 3rd, a female briefly attacking a Curlew at Kildonan on Sept 11th & a female at the Kildonan Braes on Nov 5th.
One pair bred & successfully fledged a lone chick at the West Cliffs. Breeding birds present mid March-mid August. Outwith the breeding season an imm female was present in mid January & there were several autumn records including two seen together over Talm on Sept 10th. Late year records of birds at Cleadale on Nov 20thDec 28th-29th.
(Falcon sps.)
(Intriguing record of a seeming hybrid large falcon, an escaped falconer’s bird complete with jesses, seen briefly over Cleadale on Feb 29th & again on March 11th (S Millar))
Two very spasmodically singing birds present at the north end of the croftland between May 8th & 16th with one remaining until the 28th (S Millar, S Kirk, K Helliwell et al) Throughout their stay both birds sang very irregularly & for only brief periods & it would appear certain that no serious breeding attempt took place.
Water Rail
One pair bred successfully at Cuagach with a tiny downy chick seen on May 29th (S Heath). Second pair present & probably bred at the Cleadale reedbed. Occasional records of calling birds during the winter months.
A total of 125 prs located around the shoreline (118 prs last year) & an excellent season with large numbers of fledged juvs seen. Main arrival of breeding birds in mid March with departure from late August. As usual numbers much lower during the winter months when probably around 50 birds present.
A clutch of five eggs (possibly two females laying in the same nest) found at Struidh on June 19th but deserted by July 10th.
Ringed Plover
10 prs located around the shoreline (8 prs in 2011) & seemingly a reasonable season with several well grown young seen. Present throughout though very scarce during April when wintering birds had mostly moved off & breeding birds not yet arrived. Up to 29 present in January. Autumn build up from late August with peak count of 36 on Dec 5th.
Golden Plover
An extremely poor year with very few records of passage birds & no suggestion of territory holding pairs. Spring records of 23 near Cora Beinn on Feb 2nd followed by five records of 1-2 birds in the Kildonan area between Feb 3rd & May 4th. Even fewer sightings in autumn with a lone bird at Galmisdale Bay on Aug 29th, a flock of 25 near Loch Nam Ban Mora on Oct 23rd & a single bird in the same area on Dec 11th the only records.
30 breeding pairs present with population split between the marshes at Howlin, Laig & Kildonan. Overall a pretty successful season with good numbers of young seen particularly at Howlin. Rather unusually birds present throughout the year with up to 36 regular during the autumn-winter.
A lone spring record of a bird at Galmisdale Bay on May 17th. Two autumn records, both from Laig Bay, of three on Aug 28th & one on Sept 8th (JC, B&S Gardner). Unusual mid-winter record of a bird at Laig Bay on Dec 18th (B&S Gardner)
One spring record of three birds at Galmisdale Bay on May 17th. Autumn migration from July 25th – Sept 8th with almost daily records from Laig Bay in late August-early September. Max counts of 15 on Aug 28th & 16 on Sept 4th (JC, B&S Gardner).
Spring passage between May 4th & 28th, mostly small numbers but an exceptional 79 present on the 17th during a spell of torrential rain. First autumn return on July 18th & 11 records of small numbers, max of only six, between then & Sept 7th.