(ICPSR 9425)

Principal Investigators

Robert W. Fogel, Stanley L. Engerman, et al.

Center for Population Economics

University of Chicago

Inter-university Consortium for

Political and Social Research

P.O. Box 1248

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106

SUMMARY: This data collection was designed to analyze the

relationship between height, morbidity, and mortality among

individuals recruited into the Union Army. Information about each

recruit includes date, place, and term of enlistment, place of birth,

military ID number, random number assigned to each company, occupation

before enlistment, age at enlistment, and height. Population figures

for 1850 to 1860 by race, sex, and country of birth also are included

by county and town of both recruit's birth and enlistment places. In

addition, the latitude and longitude of the population centroids of

each civil division were also computed. CLASS IV

UNIVERSE: All recruits mustered into the Union Army.

SAMPLING: One-stage cluster sampling of white companies in the Union

Army. Clusters were companies, with each company having an equal

probability of being included

Cases: 39,616

Variables: 72

pos. type var. name description


1-4 Num ENLYR Year of enlistment

5-6 Num ENLMO Month of enlistment

7-8 Num ENLDAY Day of enlistment

9-10 Char ENLST State of enlistment

11-35 Char ENLPLACE County or town of enlistment

36-60 Char BIRTHST State of birth

61-75 Char TERM Term of enlistment

76-79 Num AGE Age at enlistment

80 Num TC Term of enlistment code

Card Number 2

1-25 Char BIRTHPL County or town of birth

26-50 Char OCCUP Occupation

51 Num HFT Height: Feet component

52-56 Num HIN Height: Inch component

57-61 Num RANNUM Random number assigned to each


62-69 Num MILID Military ID number (MILID =


70-71 Num ESNO ICPSR state code for state of


72-74 Num BSNO ICPSR state code for state of


75 Num RVERT Philadelphia Social History

Project occupational code

76 Num ROCCODE Occupational code to determine


77 Num ENLSTQ Quality code for state of


78 Num BIRTHPLQ Quality code for state of


79 Num ENLPLQ Quality code for county or

town of enlistment

80 Num BIRTHPLQ Quality code for county or

town of birth

Card Number 3

1-25 Char XENLPL Originally coded county or

town of enlistment

26-50 Char XBIRTHPL Originally coded county or

town of birth

51-65 Char XENLST Originally coded state of


66-80 Char XBIRTHST Originally coded state of


Card Number 4

1-2 Char EPLACE Type of enlistment place

3-4 Char BPLACE Type of birthplace

5-6 Num ECOUNT Number of towns with given

name in state -- E1

7-8 Num BCOUNT Number of towns with given

name in state -- B2

9-16 Num EID Town identification number--E

17-24 Num BID Town identification number--B

25-41 Char ECNAME County name -- E

42-58 Char BCNAME County name -- B

59-62 Num ECOUNTY ICPSR County code -- E

63-66 Num BCOUNTY ICPSR County code -- B

67-73 Num EPOPCTY County population -- E

74-80 Num BPOPCTY County population -- B

Card Number 5

1-6 Num EFRNCTY Foreign born population in

county -- E

7-12 Num BFRNCTY Foreign born population in

county -- B

13-20 Num EAGG Aggregate town population in

1860 -- E


(1)"E" hereafter is used as a shorthand for "ENLPLACE", county

or town of enlistment.

(2)"B" hereafter is used as a shorthand for "BIRTHPL", county

or town of birth.