Buddhi P. Lamsal, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist (Research Assistant Professor)
Grain Science and Industry Department
201 Shellenberger Hall, Manhattan, KS66506
Tel: (785) 532-2875; Fax: (785) 532-7010;
- Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WIUSA, 2004.Major: Food and Bioprocess Engineering. Thesis: Soluble leaf proteins from alfalfa: extraction, separation and characterization.
- Master of Engineering: Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 1994.Major: Post-harvest technology and Food Engineering. Thesis: Investigation of the factors affecting the electrical conductivity of the selected fruit juices during ohmic heating.
- Bachelor of Engineering: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, 1992. Major: Agricultural Engineering.
Professional Experiences
Senior Scientist (Research Assistant Professor)Nov 2006-present
Grain Sciences and Industry Department, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- Enzymes as wheat milling and processing aid
- Biomass and agricultural byproduct pretreatment for feedstock: enzymatic and non-enzymatic treatments
- Enzyme Applications Lab
Senior ScientistJun 2006-Oct 2006
Grain Sciences and Industry Department, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- Research in use of enzymes in wheat milling and processing
- Biomass processing from agricultural byproducts
Post-doctoral Research AssociateDec 2003-May 2006
Food Science Department, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
- Conducted research on Enzyme-assisted Aqueous Processing of Soybeans for oil and protein; Oil demulsification; Oil and protein characterization
- Showed Extrusion beneficial as a mechanical treatment of soy flakes for aqueous oil extraction
- Scaled-up in pilot plant the enzymatic hydrolysis of soy proteins to restore functional properties; characterized rheological and functional properties of hydrolysates
- Scaled-up in pilot-plant the enzyme-assisted soy protein extraction and protein isolate production; characterized rheological and functional properties of isolates; Worked with pilot-scale centrifuges, spray dryer
Graduate Research AssistantJan 1999-Dec 2003
Biological Systems Engineering department; University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Processed alfalfa biomass for extraction, separation and concentration of soluble leaf proteins using membrane technology
- Performed engineering performance evaluation tests on custom-made rotary dynamic ultrafilter, pilot-scale decanter
- Evaluated rheological and functional properties of soluble leaf proteins
- Used bench-top and pilot-scale extraction, separation and concentration units
InstructorJun 1997-Dec 1998
Department of Agro-industrial Technology, King Mongkut Institute of Technology-North Bangkok, Thailand
Taught undergraduate engineering courses in:
- Materials handling systems and equipment for agro-industries
- Industrial plant design
- Food marketing
Responsibilities included class instruction, discussion, testing and grading; organizing factory visits
Project EngineerDec 1994-May 1997
N-Line Agro Intl. Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
Responsibilities included project planning and implementation, quantity estimation and control; Fabrication supervision of agricultural processing equipment like dryer, silos, conveyor belts, screw conveyor etc., on-site installation and test run of the same
- Supervised fabrication and installation of grains handling and storage equipment for Cargill Siam Ltd., Feed Division, Phitsanulok, Thailand
- Supervised fabrication and installation of a 30 Ton/h paddy drying, handling and storage facility for Nakhorn Luang Rice Mill, Ayuthaya, Thailand.
- Supervised conveying system fabrication and installation for corn seeds for Cargill Siam Ltd., Seed Division, Phitsanulok, Thailand
- Designed and supervised the fabrication of conveyor and ship loading machinery for palm cake for installation in Malaysia
Research Associate: Sep 1994-Nov 1995
Asian Institute of Technology, BangkokThailand:
- Evaluated a 30-Ton/h paddy drying, handling and storage facility for Nakhorn Luang Rice Mill, Ayuthaya, Thailand for its performance
- Designed and supervised fabrication of a lab-scale fluidized coffee bean roaster
Grants/ Patents
- Investigation of soybean hull as a value-added feedstock for bioenergy and biomaterials. 2007. Co-PI, Funded with $34,215 by Kansas Soybean Commission, Kansas.
- Investigation of wheat cellulosic material as feedstock for bioenergy and biomaterials. 2007. Co-PI, Funded with $36,823 by Kansas Wheat Commission, Kansas.
- Ultrasonics to enhance the protein and sugar yields from soybeans. 2006. Co-PI, Funded with US$76,914 by Grow Iowa Value Fund, State of Iowa.
- Nisin production with lactic acid bacteria during soy processing industry wastewater remediation. 2005. Co-PI, Funded with US$87,000 by USDA through Iowa Biotechnology Byproducts Consortium.
- Patent applied for: Producing High Value Nisin from Soywhey; co-inventor with Dr. Khanal and others; ISURF docket # 03396-Khanal, Samir K.
- Patent applied for: Ultrasonication in Soy Processing for Enhanced Protein and Sugar Yields and Subsequent Nisin Production, co-inventor with Dr. Khanal and others; ISURF docket #03405-Khanal, Samir K.
- Patent applied for:Enzyme-assisted de-emulsification of aqueous lipid extracts; Co-inventorwith ISU and Genencor scientists; Provisional filing Dec 06.
Refereed Publications (Published/ Accepted)
- B.P Lamsal, Koegel, R.G. and Gunasekaran, S. 2006. Some Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Alfalfa Soluble Leaf Proteins. LWT-Food Science and Technology, doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2006.11.010.
- B.P. Lamsal, P.A. Murphy, and L.A. Johnson. 2006. Extrusion as Mechanical Treatment for Enzymatic Aqueous Extraction of Oil and Protein from Full-Fat Soy Flakes. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, 83(11): 973-979.
- B.P. Lamsal, S. Jung, and L.A. Johnson.2006. Rheological Properties of Soy Protein Hydrolysates Obtained from Limited Enzymatic Hydrolysis. LWT-Food Science and Technology (Published on Web: doi 10.1016/j-lwt/2006.08.021).
- B.P. Lamsal, C. Reitmeier, P.A. Murphy, and L.A. Johnson. 2006. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Extruded-expelled Soy Flour and Resulting Functional Properties. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society83(8): 731-737.
- S. Jung, B.P. Lamsal, V. Stepien, L.A. Johnson and P.A. Murphy. 2006. Functionality of Soy Proteins Produced by Enzyme-assisted Extraction. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society, 83(1): 71-78.
- Lamsal, B.P., Koegel, R.G. and Gunasekaran, S. 2005. Gelation of alfalfa soluble leaf proteins. Transactions of ASAE48(6): 2229-2235.
- Lamsal, B.P. and Koegel, R.G. 2005. Performance evaluation of a rotary membrane ultrafilter for concentrating alfalfa soluble leaf proteins. Transactions of ASAE, 48(2): 691-701.
- Lamsal, B.P., Koegel, R.G. and Boettcher, M. E. 2003. Separation of Protein Fractions in Alfalfa Juice: Effects of some Pre-treatment Methods Transactions of ASAE, 46(3), 715-720.
- Turhan, M.; Gunasekaran, S. and Lamsal, B.P. 2001. Drying of gelatinized whole wheat. Drying Technology19 (2) 333-342.
Refereed Publications (Submitted)
B.P. Lamsal, and L.A. Johnson.Separating Oil from Aqueous Extraction Fractions. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society (Submitted)
Oral Presentations/ Posters/ Proceedings
- B.P. Lamsal, and L.A. Johnson. Enzyme-assisted Aqueous Processing as the Front-end to a Soybean Biorefinery. Poster presentation at AOCS World Conference and Exhibition on Oilseed and Vegetable Oil Utilization: Processing, By-Products, Biodiesel, Specialty and Functional Oils, and New Applications & Technologies, 14-16 August 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.
- B.P. Lamsal, P.A. Murphy, and L.A. Johnson. Extrusion as Mechanical Treatment for Enzymatic Aqueous Extraction of Oil and Protein from Full-Fat Soy Flakes. Oral presentation at AOCS 97th meeting St. Louis, MO, Apr 30-May 3, 2006
- B.P. Lamsal, C. Reitmeier, P.A. Murphy, and L.A. Johnson. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Extruded-expelled Soy Proteins and Functional Properties. Oral presentation at AOCS 97th meeting St. Louis, MO, Apr 30-May 3, 2006.
- Lamsal, B. P., S. Jung, P. A. Murphy, L. A. Johnson. Rheological properties of soy protein hydrolysates. Poster at IFT 2005 Annual Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, July 16-20
- S. Jung, B.P. Lamsal, V. Stepien, L.A. Johnson and P.A. Murphy. Enzyme-assisted Extraction and Functionality Testing of Soy Proteins from Defatted Flakes in Lab- and Pilot-scale. Invited paper at AOCS conference in Salt Lake City, Utah,May 1-4, 2005
- Lamsal, B.P., Koegel, R.G., Gunasekaran, S. Rheological properties of leaf protein gels. Oral presentation at the IFT 2003 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in IFT Book of Abstract
- Lamsal, B.P., Koegel, R.G., Gunasekaran, S. Important parameters for concentrating soluble plant proteins through dynamic rotary membrane filtration. Oral presentation at the IFT 2002 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. Abstract published in IFT Book of Abstract
- Lamsal, B.P., Koegel, R.G., Gunasekaran, S. Clarification of alfalfa juice and concentration of soluble protein through dynamic rotary membrane filtration. Oral presentation at the IFT 2001 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. Abstract published in IFT Book of Abstract
- Ph.D. Dissertation: Alfalfa soluble leaf proteins: extraction, separation, concentration and characterization. (Advisor: Prof. Richard G. Koegel, Co-advisor: Prof. S. Gunasekaran, Biological Systems Engineering Department, UW-Madison, Madison-WI)
- M. Eng. Thesis: Investigation of factors affecting electrical conductivity of select fruit juices under ohmic heating,AIT BangkokThailand
Teaching interests:
Enzymes in food processing, Unit Operations; Transport phenomena; Mass transport operations; Agricultural process engineering
Research interests:
Enzyme application in food processing; biomass processing, properties of food ingredients- proteins, polysaccharides; food rheology; agricultural crops utilization and industrial value-added products
- American Oil Chemists Society 97th Annual meeting and Food Expo. St. Louis, MO, Apr 30-May 3, 2006.
- Institute of Food Technologists Annual meeting and Food Expo. New Orleans, LA, July 16-20, 2005.
- Institute of Food Technologists Annual meeting and Food Expo. Chicago, IL, July 12-16, 2003.
- Institute of Food Technologists Annual meeting and Food Expo. Anaheim, CA,June 16-19, 2002.
- Institute of Food Technologists Annual meeting and Food Expo. New Orleans, LA, June 24-27, 2001.
- American Society of Agricultural Engineers Annual meeting. Milwaukee, WI, July 2000.
- Institute of Food Technologists Annual meeting and Food Expo. Chicago, IL, June 1999.
- HMG-UK/AIT scholarship for graduate studies at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 1993-1994.
- USAID/HMG-Nepal scholarship for undergraduate studies at TamilnaduAgriculturalUniversity, Coimbatore, India, 1988-1992.
- Tribhuvan University Merit Scholarship in Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) in Science for academic excellence; AmritScienceCollege, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1984-1986.
Professional Societies and Services
- Professional member, American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN
- Professional member, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL
- Professional member, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI
- Professional member, American Oil Chemist Society, Champaign, IL
- Manuscript reviewer: Transactions of ASAE, Journal of Food Sciences, Food Research International, Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of Food Processing
Other Activities
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Associate: September 2004-May 2005. Two-semester course in life in academia, teaching and research expectation, ethics etc. at IowaStateUniversity.
Nepali: Native; English: Excellent; Hindi: Excellent; Thai: Fair; Tamil: Rudimentary