journalism & mass communication (ELECTIVE)

Session2016-2017, 2017-2018 & 2018-2019


PAPER-I:broadcast journalism

Max. Marks: 100 Theory:60 Marks

Pass Marks 35% Viva :20 Marks

Time Allowed: 3 hrs. Internal Assessment: 20 Marks


The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and will carry 10 marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each question carries 2 marks.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A and B of the question paper and entire section C.


-Broadcast Journalism; Definition, Concept and Scope

-Print Vs Broadcast Journalism

-Radio as means of Mass Communication

-Television as means of Mass Communication

-Mass Communication Characteristics of Radio and Television

-Radio Audience, Commercial Radio, Education Radio and Community Radio

-Brief History of Radio and Television in India


-Basic Principle of Broadcast News Writing

-Television: Structure and Ownership patterns

-Writing for the Visuals

-Satellite TV Cable TV, E-TV, DTH

-Recent Trends in TV Broadcasting

Note:Viva will be taken by the experts from the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, PunjabiUniversity, Patiala.


1.M.K. Joseph, Modern Media and Communication, Anmol Publications (2004).

2.Gerald Millerson & Jim Owens, Television Production, Focal Press (2009).

3.H. R. Luthra, Indian Broadcasting, Publication Division, MIB, Govt. of India (1986).

4.P. C. Chatterji, Broadcasting in India, Sage Publications (1991).

5.Roger L.Walters, Broadcasting Writing, McGraw Hill (1994).

6.Sharda Koshik, Script to Screen, Macmillan Publisher (2000).

7.Chandrakant P. Singh, Before the Headline, Macmillian (1999).

8.Ted White, Basic TV Reporting, Focal Press (2005).

9.S.C. Bhatt, Broadcast Journalism:Basic Principals, Har Anand Publications (2007).

10.Paddy Scannell, Radio, TV & Modern LifeWiley (1996).

11.John & Graft, Electronic Media, WadsworthLearning.

12.Ted White, Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, Focal Press (2013).

13.Television Patarkarita : Sindath and Techniques by Interjeet Singh and Madhulika Sharma,

Kanika Publishers (2014).

14. Radio Patarkarita orParsaran Ke Sidhant by Meensha Deuvadi and Shashimema Sharma. (2014)

15. Media Sahitya and Sanskrit by Om Gupta. (2014)

16.gZsoekoh ns/ iB^;zuko by Prof. H.P.S. Walia and Parul Raizada. Madan Publishers (2015)

17. Television: Critical Methods and Application by Jeremy G. Butler, Lawerance Eribaum Associates. (2004)


PAPER-II:New Media

Max. Marks : 100 Theory : 60 Marks

Pass Marks 35% Viva:20 Marks

Time Allowed : 3 hrs. Internal Assessment:20 Marks


The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Sections A and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and will carry 10 marks each. Section C will consist of 10 short-answer type questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Each question carries 2 marks.


Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A and B of the question paper and entire section C.


-New Media:Definition and Characteristics

-Information Highway

-Internet: Internet as Source of Education

-Internet as Source of Information

-Internet as Source of Entertainment

-Online Services: World Wide Web, E-mailing; Blogging, Chatting, Social Networking

-New Media Technology and Media Literacy.


-Web Journalism: Definition and Fundamentals


-On-line Editions

-Web Radio: Fundamentals of Web Radio

-Web TV: Fundamentals of TV

-Importance of Internet in Print Media, Broadcast Media and Films

-Emergence of Global Village

-Advantages and Disadvantages of New Media Technologies

-Role of Internet in Modern day life.

Note:Viva will be taken by the experts from the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, PunjabiUniversity, Patiala.


1.Christopher Callahan, A Journalist's Guide to the Internet: The Net as a reporting tool, Pearson (2002).

2.Andrew Bonime, Writing for New Media: The Essential Guide to Writing for Interactive Media, CD-ROM's and the Web, John Wiley & Sons (1997).

3.Christian Crumlish, The ABCs of the Internet, Sybex Inc. (1997).

4.Danis P. Curtin, Information Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Education (1999).

5.Preston Gralla, How the Internet Works, Que Publishers (2007).

6.Wilson P. Dizard, Old Media/New Media, Longman (1997).

7.Lievrouw, leah A. and Liuingstone, Sonia (2010). Hand book of New Media. New Delhi: Sage Publication.

8.Internet Journalism in India by Om Gupta and Ajay S. Jasra. Kanishka Publishers (2014)

9.New Media and its Language by Malti Mehta Sarup Book Publishers (2013)

10.Politics and Use of Personal Media by Malti Mehta. (2013)