God in all things / JOB DESCRIPTION
Title of Job:Teacher-Librarian/PYP Coordinator
Classification: Teacher
Tenure: Full-time, permanent position


1.Summary of the broad purpose of the job in relation to the school's goals

A Teacher-Librarian/PYP Coordinator at St PetersLutheranSchool is both an educator and an information manager with integrated understandings from both areas. A sound knowledge and understanding of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, (IB PYP) teaching strategies, learning styles, assessment and reporting strategies is essential together with knowledge of resource management, information services, personnel management and information access systems including information technology system. employed to meet the needs of students in the teacher’s care. Working alongside teachers and students in the development and exploration of Units of Inquiry, facilitating an inquiry approach to learning is a key element of the role.

The teacher will fulfill the roles, accept responsibilities and meet appropriate duties as described within this statement in accordance with the School’s Mission Statement, aims and values and the Industrial Agreements.

A Teacher-Librarian/PYP coordinator at St Peters will work within:

  • The law applying to teachers;
  • Copyright regulations
  • School policies, regulations and expectations as outlined in school documents;
  • The School Mission Statement, aims and values;
  • Industrial Agreements as they apply from time to time;
  • Workplace Health and Safety Regulations and other external regulations governing the school.

2.Reporting / Working Relationships

The person will:

  • report to the Principal
  • work closely with all other teachers as required by the Principal
  • work closely with Lutheran Schools Officers Curriculum as required by the Principal
  • support and cooperate with parents
  • support and work with the Learning Support Team as required by the Principal
  • Support and work with Lutheran School Officers as required by the Principal
  • support the Parents and Friends Association as required by the Principal

3.Extent of Authority

Work with classroom and other specialist teachers to develop to finality teaching and learning programmes for students as described in the school policy documents

Recruit and train volunteers to support particular programmes in consultation with the Principal.

Manage the Resource Centre and PYP budget. All purchase orders to be referred to the Principal for approval prior to lodgment.

4.Statement of Key Outcomes

  • Develop and seek to maintain harmonious professional relationships with colleagues.
  • Develop and maintain supportive and caring relationships with students
  • Cater for the information needs of the school community – students, staff and parents
  • Uphold the pivotal role of the resource centre in the ongoing implementation of the IB PYP by providing an environment that will create suitable conditions and resources for research and reading
  • Encourage a love of reading for pleasure and recreation, as well as information and enable students to see themselves as successful readers
  • Work with teachers to plan and implement the IB PYP that is based on an inquiry based approach to teaching and learning.
  • Ensure that information, resources and services are used to the best possible advantage in every subject and year level
  • Engage in regular professional development activities consistent with the goals of the school.
  • Facilitate the purchase of a wide range of resources to support the learning programme, including materials which reflects a range of cultures, perspectives and languages including mother tongue
  • Establish and maintain relationships with parents/caregivers based on courtesy, mutual trust, respect and open communication.

Contribute to school organisations and committees.

Contribute to the wider school curriculum.

  • Provideone hour of teaching time per week for each class to cover non-instructional teaching time.
  • Provide key teacher release time
  • Provide emergency or short term TRT where other TRT is not available.
  • Act as teacher in charge when the Principal is absent.


1.Educational / Vocational Qualifications

A Teacher-Librarian/PYP coordinator at St PetersLutheranSchool will…

  • be registered by the SA Teachers Registration Board as a teacher, or hold authority in writing from the Board to seek a teaching position
  • have satisfactorily completed the appropriate theological study requirements to be accredited as determined by the Board for Lutheran Education Australia
  • have completed training in Mandatory Notification in the last three years
  • hold a current Certificate in Basic Casualty Care

2.Personal Skills, Abilities and Aptitude

A Teacher Librarian/PYP Coordinator at St PetersLutheranSchool will…

  • be a committed practising Christian with a strong Lutheran theological background
  • be willing to disclose and bear witness to their own faith as they interact with students and other members of the school community
  • be prepared to be actively involved in the non-instructional responsibilities which are part of a developing school
  • have a passion for the profession
  • believe that all students have the right and ability to learn
  • work as part of a team towards the whole school development of a stimulating dynamic learning environment designed to meet the needs of every student
  • have a sound and thorough understanding of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme
  • have knowledge of relevant law, regulations, policies and other specific functional knowledge
  • have the capacity to explain teaching processes and strategies


A Teacher-Librarian/PYP Coordinator at St PetersLutheranSchool will have

proven experience and success in the teaching of students in the primary years and demonstrated competence in the following areas…

  • Professional knowledge

-have a sound knowledge of Christian education requirements based on Lutheran doctrine

-have a sound knowledge of copyright regulations

-have an understanding and be able to apply current theories regarding the development children in the 0-14 years age range

-articulate and apply a wide range of teaching strategies

-have the ability to plan, implement, assess and review units of work that are engaging, establish clear, challenging and achievable expectations for students, and develop their sense of control and responsibility for their own learning

-have the capacity to monitor student progress and provide feedback on that progress to all stakeholders

-know and be able to use a wide range of strategies for assessing student progress

-expose students to a range of genres in both print and digital formats

-develop strategies to foster a love of reading and literature for leisure

-promote best quality literature and authors reflecting a variety of cultures and themes

-collaborate with teachers to develop literature based reading programmes and current literature for children and young adults

-collaborate with teachers to develop literature based reading programmes and literature which supports the programme of inquiry

-cooperatively plan and teach units of work with subject and classroom teachers

-work with specialist teachers to support them with their role in the programme

-ensure that the inquiry approach is being used in classrooms

-understand how students learn

-understand the relationship between process and content

-recognise and value diversity and individual differences in students

-expect every student to succeed

-operate within the framework of the law and regulation, school policies and expectations

  • Communication

-Ensure that copies of the IBO publications pertaining to their sections of the school are available to all staff members

-Set up systems for communication and collaboration among all staff involved in implementing the PYP

-Conduct parent information sessions

-Publish articles pertaining to the program in the school newsletter

-Circulate all relevant information received from the IBO

-Prepare and submit any documentation required for evaluation

-Ensure that all requirements and procedures set by the IBO concerning the programme are adhered to

-Provide a liaison between the school and the IBO

-Inform the School Council about progress being made in terms of implementation and development

-respond to the needs, rights and contributions of all students in order to promote equality of educational opportunity

-have a working knowledge of contemporary practices in student behaviour management and employ strategies which ensure a safe, orderly and success-oriented learning environment

-provide a friendly learning environment in which students feel confident that their information needs will be addressed

-take action to eliminate discrimination and harassment among students

-work cooperatively and collaboratively with teachers, ancillary staff and others

-develop essential agreements with all staff

-establish relationships with parents and others responsible for the care of students based on courtesy, mutual trust, respect and open communication

-respect family privacy and treat information with an appropriate level of confidentiality

-communicate with school support staff, other members of the profession and the wider community in a courteous and respectful manner

-promote international mindedness throughout the school

  • Management

-Organise efficient procedures and systems for delivery of services, including flexible time-tabling for use of the resource centre

-Administer resource budgets and be accountable to school administration

-Coordinate the roles and daily tasks of resource centre staff and volunteers

-Manage the automated library system

-Coordinate displays, special events and activities to support student learning

-Contribute to the school web page

-Encourage staff, parents and students to identify people in the community and resource that can be used to support the programme

-Organise teacher support in planning, modelling and strategies in class and out of class

-be aware of developmentally, socially and culturally appropriate practice

-facilitate the provision of learning and teaching through purposeful programmes designed to meet the individual needs of all students

-foster independent, collaborative and cooperative learning

-facilitate and attend planning team meetings

-support other specialist teachers

  • Documentation

-Publish the school’s Programme of Inquiry

-Coordinate year level outcomes to ensure both vertical and horizontal articulation

-Establish and maintain a record of completed planners

-Review and develop resource centre policies, set goals and objectives and evaluate according to changing school needs

-Lead the process of reviewing the school’s scope and sequence documents

-Ensure that reporting formats reflect the requirements of the PYPknow the educational basis and role of assessment in teaching

-take part in student assessment and reporting procedures as per the work programme and principles developed by the school

-ensure that the monitoring of student progress and judgment about students’ work reflects reliability, credibility and fairness

  • Professional Development

-Sustain a high level of professional knowledge

-Together with the principal critically reflect on own practice to support own development needs

-Ensure that all staff members are made aware of professional development opportunities available and encourage participation

-Organise induction of new staff to the PYP

-Make recommendations regarding training opportunities both in school and at other sites

-Keep a record of workshops and school visits in order to achieve equality of opportunity and identify ongoing needs

-Assist teams and/or individuals in developing units of inquiry

-Provide opportunities for all staff members involved in the PYP to reflect on their own practice, set goals, and identify strategies to support them in their ongoing development

-Contribute to the professional development of staff

-Attend PYP workshops and keep up to date with new developments within the PYP

-Attend PYP Coordinators meetings in the region

-be involved in professional reading

-critically evaluate contemporary ideas and practices in teaching

-seek active membership in professional associations

Job Description and Person Specification is Approved

Margaret Linke......



Acknowledged by Person selected:


(Print Name)(Signature)


M:\Staff\Role Statements\Teacher-Librarian&PYP Cordinator.doc