Minutes of the Amenities Committee meeting held on February 21st 2018

Chaired by Cllr Riddle.

Present: Cllrs Riddle, Parkes, Whittaker, Laxton, Gadsby, Mulcrone, and Janet Spencer (Tree Warden), and a member of the public.

1 / Apologies For Absence – Cllrs Tuplin, Custance, Ashley
2 / Minutes of Last Meeting – November 15th 2017 – previously approved and circulated.
3 / Matters Arising From Previous Minutes (for information only)
The Clerk advised that the bench had now been installed at St Andrews cemetery.
4 / Members’ Declaration Of Interest for items on the Agenda: None
Public Forum / The member of the public spoke regarding his letter at 7.3 and asked that the Committee consider each request on its own merits rather than making a blanket decision.
7.3 / It was agreed to move the agenda item forward.
7.3 Cemeteries:
  • Request from resident re memorial at St Andrews – it was proposed by majority that the Full Council consider allowing the purchase of a plaque on the bench at St Andrews in these circumstances. The couple had been residents of Sawtry for over 30 years and had been involved in the community throughout that time.

5 / Greenfield:
  • Sawtry Sports and Leisure Association update from Cllr Tuplin – attached
  • Signage – it was not considered necessary to increase the signage
  • Otter at fishing lake – the committee recommends to Full Council that the hedge remains and the fence put either insider or outside of the hedge
  • Working party update – none. The Committee recommend to Full Council that there is no further purpose in continuing with the working party
  • Review of lease–proposal to Full Council that SSLA are contacted with the proposal that the Council take over the responsibility for the facilities – car park and building, and that SSLA continue to maintain the pitches
  • Maintenance of Black Horse Drain – to be included in the review of the lease
  • Update on costings for connection to mains sewer – none available

6 / Allotments:
St Judith’s:
  • Request from allotment holder to work additional plot as there are empty plots and no waiting list – it was agreed to keep the regulations the same – only one plot per household.
The Mulberries – update noted:
  • Anglian Water response that the meter will remain in the footpath, owner of land responsible for pipework from meter to the tap – therefore Persimmon will be responsible from meter to fence, Parish Council from fence to tap. Agreed that this situation would be accepted.
  • Tenancy Agreement – still with solicitor due to Huntingdonshire District Council being unable to identify specific figure for maintenance from the Unilateral Planning document.

7 / 7.1 Green Spaces
  • Review and renewal of grass cutting contract – it was agreed that, as the current contractor provides an excellent service, to propose acceptance of a three year contract from the current contractor – CGM – for the same rates as the last three years. Due to the tight timescale the Chairman agreed that the Clerk could sign the agreement before Full Council in March.
  • To note Stephanie Taylor of Sawtry Small Business Partnership has organised a Sawtry Spring clean on Saturday March 3rd 11am – 1pm. This is part of the national Great British Spring Clean weekend 2nd – 4th March. – noted, an excellent thing to do.
  • To consider noticeboard for The Mulberries – not considered necessary, there are noticeboards at Greenways and at the Co-op.
  • Noted – new dog bin installed on The Mulberries near Windsor Road path

7.2 Play Areas:
  • To consider quotes for gym equipment at St Judith’s – it was agreed to use HAGS as the contractor. The final choice of equipment to include the inclusive bundle for wheelchair users and a cross trainer. The Clerk to contact the Clerk at Little Paxton to find out more about a grant from HAGS to double the amount of equipment.
  • Noted – annual play park survey to be carried out by Wicksteed

8 / Trees:
  • Tree Warden Report – a tree has been planted as a memorial for a resident at the fishing lake
  • To consider whether to plant more Alders at St Andrews – deferred to next meeting
  • Noted – annual tree survey to be carried out by GTS

9 / Strategic Planning/Future Projects:
  • The Old Lock Up – to consider information plaque/open days – it was agreed to recommend to Full Council a plaque be placed on the wall of the Old Lock up giving information about it’s history – subject to approval from the listed buildings officer, and to look into the moving of the gates near the lock up to the end of the building.

10 / Financial Report – noted
11 / Reports from Lead Councillors:
11.1 Allotments – Cllr Ashley – not present
11.2 Cemeteries – no lead councillor. It was agreed that Cllr Mulcrone would be the lead councillor
11.3 Land – Cllr Laxton – no problems
11.4 Open Spaces – Cllr Laxton – no problems
11.5 Play Areas – Cllr Riddle – no problems
11.6 Benches – Cllr Mulcrone – all in good repair, may need re-varnishing in the summer
12 / Date of next meeting – April 18th at 7.00pm