Non-government and non-profit profesional association
Fiscal Code: 8704265
BANCA COMERCIALA ROMANA (BCR), Filiala Sector 1, Bucureşti
Accounts: Lei: RO14RNCB5010000018790001
Euro: RO30RNCB5010000018790004
The 18th ROMANIAN National Foundry Conference
June 09 – June 11, 2005, BRASOV, ROMANIA
Brasov is a Transylvanian town at the foot of Carpathians (600 m altitude), and 150 Km from Bucharest. As an ancient center of crafts and trade, it has become in time a well-known and important cultural and economic town of the country. To visitors the town offers the old City-Civitas Coronensis with medieval monuments of XIV – XVII c-ies and surroundings of cultural, historical or ethnographical interest: Poiana Brasov (1030 m altitude resort), Predeal (alt.1100m, the highest altitude town in the country), the peasant fortress of Rasnov (XIV-th.c), the Bran Castle, built in 1378 and known as Dracula’s castle, village museum or mountain villages which offer opportunities of getting closer to old customs of the Romanian countryside.
The conference is aimed at the researchers, professors from technical universities, design engineers, foundry technical & production staff and businessmen. All these people who are involved in the production of cast parts or in related areas, both from Romania and abroad, will have the opportunity to meet together and have interactive talks. More than 100 representative Romanian companies ,which are involved in metalcasting production , are expected to be there.
For two and a half days specialists in metallurgy, raw materials and equipment suppliers, will present their latest discoveries in the field of technological design, production of cast parts, materials and equipment, used in our area of activity. Throughout the conference, companies will be exhibiting their products and ideas in a special organized exhibiting area, next to the conference hall, or in separated show room.
June 09, 2005
0900-1600 -Participants Registration
1000-1015-Conference Opening
1015-1330-Plenary Session
1330-1430-Lunch Break
1430-1800-Plenary Sessions, Exhibition Visit, Business Meetings,
Companies Presentation
June 10, 2005
1000-1300-Plenary Sessions
1300-1400-Lunch Break
1400-1530-Business Meetings, Exhibition Visit, Companies Presentation
1530-1800-General Assembly of ATTR
2000-Foundrymen’s Night
June 11, 2005
Optional Programs
0900-1200-Business Meetings, Companies Presentation,
Foundry Visit
Fee Schedule:
Individual Fee Schedule:100 EUR
Presenting Technical Papers: no fee
Presenting Papers that have commercial purposes: 150 EUR / paper
Stand fee: 40 EUR/sqm [min. 6 m2]
Poster in the Exhibition: 50 EUR
Advertisement in the conference folder: 50 EUR / material
Handing out publicity materials: 50 EUR
Company show, in a separate show room: 300 EUR/h
Transport/Accommodation/per diem: will be paid by the participants
Further information about the conference can be provided by:
Prof. Iulian RIPOSAN, President of ATTR , Phone: +4074 5371462,
+4021 4029543; Fax: +4021 4102397; E-mail: ;
Dr.Ion Alexandru BACANU, Executive Secretary of ATTR:
Phone: +40722 208115; Phone/Fax: +4021 3203267;