1. KNOCKADOON HEAD. Spinning and floatfishing for pollack, mackerel, wrasse and mullet. Bottom fishing for three bearded rockling. There is a track down to this mark.
2. KNOCKADOON PIER. Spinning for pollack and mackerel. Floatfishing for mullet and small wrasse. Bottom fishing for dogfish.
3. BALLYMACODA. Bottom fishing for bass and flounder at high water.
4. PILLMORE. Bottom fishing for flounder during flood tide neaps. Also spinning for bass and sea trout in channel. Specimen flounder recorded here.
5. PILLMORE OUTER. Surf fishing for bass and flounder. Plaice and codling taken in winter time. Spinning for sea trout.
6. PILLMORE BEACH. Surf fishing for bass and flatfish. Flood tide best.
7. YOUGHAL STRAND. Surf fishing for bass and flatfish. Coalfish from October to December. Flood tide best.
8. YOUGHAL STRAND. Surf fishing for bass and flatfish. Coalfish from October to December. Flood tide best.
9. GREEN PARK CORNER TO QUAYS. Bottom fishing for flounder, codling, bass, plaice and conger on the flood tide.
10. CARPET FACTORY PIER. Bottom fishing for flounder. Crab best bait.
11. SOUTH OF OLD BRIDGE (DYKE WALL). Very good flounder fishing from half flood to half ebb. Bottom fishing for codling and plaice. Spinning for bass. Crab best bait.
12. MOUTH OF TOURIG RIVER. Bottom fishing and spinning for flounder, bass and seatrout.
13. RIVER BLACKWATER. Bottom fishing and spinning for flounder, bass and seatrout.
14. REMAINS OF OLD BRIDGE. Bottom fishing for flounder, bass and codling. Also spinning for pollack.
15. FERRY POINT OUTER. Bottom fishing for flounder, bass and codling. Good flounder fishing at low water. Lugworm best bait.
16. FERRY POINT. Steep shingle beach which fishes well from half flood to half ebb for flatfish, bass, dogfish and codling. Conger have been taken at night near rocks. Spinning for seatrout. Parking at head of beach.
17. SOUTH OF MONATRAE HOUSE. Good bottom fishing for flounder, plaice and rays.
18. MANGAN'S COVE. Bottom fishing for bass, flounder, codling, rays and dogfish.
19. CALLISO BAY. Surf fishing for bass, flatfish and dogfish. Conger, wrasse and rockling at left hand side of bay. Spinning for bass and seatrout from beach in August and September.
20. WHITING BAY. Spinning and float fishing for bass, pollack, wrasse, seatrout and mackerel. Bottom fishing for dogfish.
21. WHITING BAY. Surf fishing for bass and flatfish.
22. WHITING BAY. Surf fishing for bass and flatfish. Irish record bass of 17 lbs. 1 1/4 ozs. taken from here.
23. GOAT ISLAND. Bottom fishing for bass, flatfish, coalfish and dogfish. Spinning for seatrout.
24. FALL AN IARANN. Spinning for mackerel and pollack. Float fishing for wrasse.
25. FALLAWADERRA. Spinning for pollack and mackerel. Float fishing for wrasse.
26. FR. O'DONNELL'S WELL. Spinning for pollack and mackerel. Float fishing for wrasse.
27. ARDMORE HEAD. Spinning and float fishing for pollack, mackerel, wrasse, seatrout and occasional garfish.
28. ARDMORE PIER. Bottom fishing for bass, flatfish and dogfish. Spinning for seatrout and float fishing for mullet. Black sole and plaice have been taken here.
29. ARDMORE BEACH. Surf fishing for bass, flounder, black sole and plaice.
30. ARDMORE BEACH. Surf fishing for bass, flounder, black sole and plaice.
31. BLACK ROCKS. Spinning for bass, mackerel and pollack. Bottom fishing for dogfish.
32. BALLYQUIN STRAND. Surf fishing for bass, flatfish, painted ray, thornback ray and dogfish. Flounder up to 3 % lbs. recorded here.
33. BALLYQUIN STRAND. Surf fishing for bass, thornback ray, painted ray, plaice, dabs, flounder and dogfish. Specimen painted ray, plaice and dogfish have been recorded here.
34. FUGES. Casting on to clean ground from the rocks for painted ray, bass, flounder, plaice and dogfish.
A. PILLMORE. Lugworm plentiful here below carpark.
B. OLD BRIDGE. Good peeler and soft crab along this stretch.
C. INSIDE FERRY POINT. Lugworm can be dug here.
D. MONATRAE. Crabs, can be collected along the rocks below Monatrae House.
E. MANGAN'S COVE. Crab can be collected here.
F. WHITING BAY. Good lugworm here, 600 yards left of carpark. Crab can also be collected here.
G. ARDMORE STRAND. Lugworm can be dug here.