Period 3: Heng IV Grading Period 1.8
Mrs. Krueger October 10 – 17
This is a tentative assignment sheet—meaning that changes will sometimes be necessary All classwork and homework are subject to grading. If you are absent, you are responsible for picking up any missed work and making up any missed work within 5 school days, unless it is a long-term assignment. REMINDER: Tutoring on Tuesday afternoons until 4:00 or by appointment.
CLASSWORK: / ASSIGNMENTS DUERefer to Website for Resources
Rigor =
Application / EQ-RL3-RL5: How does the structure of this story advance the plot and develop characterization?
1. Warm-up: #11
2. Romance Genre
3. Read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” (137-155)
· What characteristics about WBT fit with those of a romance?
· What characteristics about WBT do not fit with the romance genre?
· In what way could WBT be interpreted as a fantasy of the tale-teller?
· Do you consider this tale suitable for winning the tale-telling contest?
4. Wrap-up: Answer questions 2-8 on page 155. Follow standard answer format. / On page 155, answer questions 2-8. Use the verbiage of the question in your answer and write complete sentences. Due Wednesday, 10/15. Quiz Grade.
Rigor =
Application / EQ-RL3: How does a story teller’s background inform the plot and development of characters?
1. Warm-up: #12
2. Vocabulary Quiz: Unit 2
3. Fabliaux Genre
4. Read “The Miller’s Tale” Handout
· Why is it ironic that the Miller tells his tale after the Knight?
· How do we know that Chaucer, the narrator and pilgrim is concerned about how this tale will be received?
· In what ways is “The Miller’s Tale” an ironic romance?
· Is there anything in the tale that we can connect with the Miller’s portrait in “The General Prologue.”
· What is bawdy about this tale?
· How is religion tied to this tale?
· In what ways can “The Miller’s Tale” be connected with the Reeve’s portrait in “The General Prologue”?
· Do you consider this tale suitable for winning the tale-telling contest?
5. Wrap-up: Read pages 160-161 / Read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, pages 162 to the italicized text in the middle of page 169. There will be a reading cwiz on this section tomorrow.
Don’t forget that your WBT questions on page 155 are due tomorrow as well. QUIZ GRADE.
Rigor =
Application / EQ-RL5: How does the structure of SGGK reflect characteristics of a medieval romance?
1. Warm-up: #13
2. WBT Questions Due (155) Quiz Grade
3. Reading Notes
4. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (162-169) CW
5. Wrap-up: Begin reading the rest of the Sir Gawain excerpt (169-175) / Using standard answer format, answer questions 1-8 on page 175. Due tomorrow. QUIZ GRADE. Be prepared for a graded discussion on this story. QUIZ GRADE. If you’re not present for the discussion you will have to type a 1 ½ page paper according to MLA standards. This would be due 10/20. No late work will be accepted.
Rigor =
Assimilation / EQ-SL1: How can you prepare for and propel a collegial discussion, while responding thoughtfully to points of view that are different from yours?
1. Warm-up: #14
2. Vocabulary Words: Unit 3 Synonyms
3. SGGK Questions Due. Quiz Grade
4. SGGK Discussion. Quiz Grade
5. Wrap-up: How is a medieval romance different than a modern romance? / Read the excerpt from Morte d’ Arthur (176-184).
Rigor =
Application / CLOSE READING EQs RL1-2-3-4: How can Close Reading Skills improve your comprehension?
1. Warm-up: #15. Turn in for weekly Quiz Grade.
2. Vocabulary: Unit 3 Antonyms
3. Critical Reading Questions 2-7 (184) CW Grade. 40 minutes
· Work with a partner
· Standard answer format.
· Complete sentences
4. Wrap-up: Read pages 188-189. Preview vocabulary on page 189 as well. / Read “Letters of Margaret Paston” 190-193. Answer questions 3, 4, 5 on page 193.
Read “Lord Randall” (195) and “Get Up and Bar the Door” (196-197). On Monday, you will be told which of the ballad questions you must answer for ½ QUIZ GRADE.
Next week: We will wrap up the Middle Ages and have a Test on Wednesday. You will receive a short, compare-contrast essay assignment, and we will begin literature from the English Renaissance.
EXTRA CREDIT: Come in for English Department Tutoring for assignments for our class on either Thursday mornings or afternoons. Details are on the outside of the classroom door. Tutor must sign pass, verifying your attendance and work. I will give you 5 extra TEST POINTS.