BOX 200


Annual Meeting

Proposed Minutes of the Board of TrusteesMay 3, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

ATTENDANCE: Present: Suzanne Borowicz, Susan Kellner, Lisa Witmer, Lynn Gerber, Matt Boyle

Staff: Lydia Herren

In Attendance: Linda Coniglio, Eagle Scout Marcus Ballowe, Lisa Ballowe

A motion was made by Lisa Witmet to accept the minutes from the February 2, 2016meeting. It was seconded by Susan Kellner and carried.


  1. The Treasurer submitted the report. A motion was made by Lisa Witmer to accept the Treasurer’s Report. It was seconded by Matt Boyle and carried.
  2. A motion was made by Matt Boyle that we change the Annual Report 2015 membership form from Friends membership to the Association membership. It was seconded by Lisa Witmer and carried.
  3. A motion was made by Lisa Witmer that all funds gathered from the John Mills 2016 fundraiser to be added to the Association funds. It was seconded by Matt Boyle and carried.
  4. A motion was made by Matt Boyle that the money made from the Annual Book Sale will go into the Friends Account. Lisa Witmer seconded and it was carried.
  5. Lynn Gerber handed in her resignation letter as trustee and treasurer effective May 15, 2016. A motion was made by Lisa Witmer to accept Lynn Gerber’s resignation. Matt Boyle seconded and the motion was carried.
  6. A motion was made by Lynn Gerber to accept the nomination of Linda Coniglio as a member of the Board of Trustees and our new treasurer effective May 15, 2016. It was seconded by Lisa Witmer and carried.
  7. Lisa Witmer has volunteered to send out thank you notes to donors.


  1. Marcus Ballowe gave a report of the progress of his Eagle Scout project. He has completed the bookshelf and is working on the sign. The total for the project was $422.47.
  2. A motion was made by Matt Boyle to write a check for this amount to Marcus Ballowe for his expenses. It was seconded by Lisa Witmer and carried.
  3. A motion was made by Linda Coniglio to make a resolution to accept the Annual report. It was seconded by Matt Boyle and carried.
  4. Lydia suggested we change the summer Friday hours from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. A motion was made to switch the hours by Matt Boyle. It was seconded by Linda Coniglio and carried.
  5. A motion was made to spend $420 for new exit signs. Matt Boyle seconded. It was carried.
  6. A motion was made by Lisa Witmer to spend the Gallivan Grant Money to purchase 2 laptops, 2 iPads and an Osmo to use with the iPads. It was seconded by Susan Kellner and carried.
  7. The John Mills hot dog fundraiser is Thursday, June 16th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
  8. The Boston Historical Society would like to borrow the library paintings for display at the Erie County Fair. A motion was made to allow them the loan of the paintings by Lynn Gerber. It was seconded by Matt Boyle and carried.
  9. A motion was made by Lisa to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Linda Coniglio and carried.

Dates for Board Meetings in 2016:

September 6 – 6 p.m.

December 6 – 6 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan J. Kellner