84 Mill St. S. L1B 1H2 905 987 4515

Lynn Liddell, L.L.W.L., Guest Worship Leader

Joanne McLennan, A.R.C.T., L.T.C.L., Music Director

December 27, 201510:30AM

1st After Christmas

Praising God Together


Processional Hymn:

CALL TO WORSHIP: Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth, peace and goodwill to all

For out of God’s own being,

Jesus has come to bring light and love to all people

Jesus is Emmanuel, God-with-us,

come to gather our tears and laughter,

our work and our play, into God’s loving embrace.

Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth, peace and goodwill toward all


Blessed are you, O Christ child,

that your cradle was so low

that shepherds, poorest and simplest of earthly people,

could yet kneel beside you,

and look, level-eyed, into the face of God.

Blessed One, we come to you in reverence

Our Life & Work

Minute for Mission – Bill Skitch


Sharing Time

Singing verse 2 of # 73 as young people and leaders go out

Celebrating the Word

First Reading:1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26God blesses the boy Samuel. Pew Bible Pg. 214

The Gospel:Colossians 3:12-17Clothe yourself with compassion and kindness. Pew Bible Pg. 958

Reader: The word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Special Music: 1st Movement Mozart Concerto in G - David Shewchuk, violin




Presentation of our gifts as we sing verse 4 of # 55

What can I give him, poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb,

If I were a wise man, I would do my part,

Yet what I can I give him – give him my heart.

Offertory Prayer: God, we come to you in plenty and in want. Teach us to receive without embarrassment when we have needs, and help us to give without reservation when we have abundance. Bless and multiply these Sunday gifts and unwrap our hearts to you every day. Amen

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession


The Lord’s Prayer (sung) # 959

Sending Forth



“Go Now in Peace” – Besig/Price (words printed inside cover of VU)


Welcome! we enjoy open seating so please, sit where you feel comfortable and meet a new friend. We are happy you are here. Please sign our guest book, located in the narthex and we invite you to worship with us again.

Greeting you this morning are Patti and Jim Bamford.

Nursery care is provided for little ones to age 4 years from 10:20AM until the end of the service. Our nursery is located in the hall, through the doors on either side of the choir loft. Paige is our care provider.

Thank you to David Shewchuk for sharing his ministry of music with us this morning.

Our local Refugee Sponsorship organization is at the stage of forming committees regarding the several aspects of the project, such as transportation, housing, ESL, furniture, etc. Please speak to any M&S member (Susan Pascoe, Wendy Bracken, Anne Harrison, Bill Skitch) if you feel interested and able to sit on any such committee.”

Thank you all our young people who so capably participated and lead in our Christmas Eve service: Avery, Elliot, Emily, Faith, Hope, Jewel, Melanie, Nathan, Nina-Simone, Sarah, Spencer, Tessa, Timothy. Well done! And to the Choir under Joanne’s direction, soloists Faye Jose and Shirley Schroter and our “regular” ushers Greg, Jim, Rob & John. – Janet, Susan & Lorna

“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and saw the baby lying in the manger. When the shepherds saw him, they told them what the angel had said about the child. All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said.” – Luke 2: 16-18

Newcastle United Church