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Catalogue compiled by Filip Delcloo
Books & Collectables / Filip 082684 0813
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE / Sold1 / BAUCH / German Culture at the Cape, Cape Town 1964, ****, Dw., 1st edition, hard cover, illustrated, English, Afrikaans & German text, non page numbers. / R.100-120
2 / TELFORD A.A. / Yesterday’s Dress A history of costume in South Africa, Publ. Purnell 1972, ****, Dw., 1st edition, larger format, illustrated, 177 pages. / R.100-150
3 / VOIGT J.C. / Fifty Years of the History of the Republic in South Africa 1795-1845, Volume 1 & 2, Publ. C. Struik 1969, ****, Dw., Facsimile reprint, Africana Collectanea volumes XXXII / XXXIII, fold-in maps, near mint condition, 350 & 316 pages. / R.800-1500
4 / BECKER P. / The Pathfinders A Saga of Exploration in Southern Africa, Publ. Viking 1985, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, near mint condition, 281 pages. / R.120-150
5 / GODFREY D. / Antiques and Bygones, Publ. Howard Timmins 1967, ****, Dw., 1st edition, name and dedication inscription, illustrated, 123 pages. / R.50-70
6 / DICKE B.H. / The Bush Speaks, Border Life in Old Transvaal, Publ. Shuter & Shooter 1937, ****, third edition, hard cover, some spots on the cover and light foxing, with photos, name inscription, 421 pages. / R.200-300
7 / MOORE P. & COLLINS P. / The Astronomy of Southern Africa, Publ. Howard Timmins 1977, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, name inscription, 160 pages. / R.80-100
8 / CLAMMER D. / The Zulu War, Publ. David & Charles 1973, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, 239 pages. / R.70-90
9 / BOUCHER M. / Livingstone Letters 1843 to 1872, Publ. The Brenthurst Press 1985, ****, Dw., 1st limited edition, Brenthurst second series No 1, larger format, illustrated, name from previous owner, 255 pages. / R.800-1000
10 / PRELLER J.F. / Die komvensie-Dagboek van sy edelagbare Francois Stephanus Malan 1908-1909, Publ. Van Riebeeck Society 1951, ****, eerste uitgawe, eerste reeks number 32, met fotos, 284 pages.
11 / KIRBY P.R. / A Source Book on the Wreck of the Grosvenor East Indiaman, Publ.Van Riebeeck Society 1953, ****, El., 1st edition, name inscription, 1st series nr 34 fold-in map, 228 pages.
12 / FRANKEN J.L.M. DR. / Duminy-Dagboeke / Diaries, Publ, Van Riebeeck Society 1938, ****, 1st edition, illustrated and maps, 1st series nr 19, 318 pages.
13 / MENTZEL O.F. / Description of the Cape, A Geographical and Topographical Description of the Cape of Good Hope, Part 3,, Publ. Van Riebeeck Society 1944, ****, 1st series nr 25, fold-in maps, 253 pages.
14 / MCNEILE M. / True Stories of This Africa of Ours, Publ. McAlan 1957, ****, Dwd., 1st edition, with a SIGNED dedication card from the Author 257 pages. / R.30-50
15 / WILMOT A. / The History of South Africa, Publ. J.C. Juta & Co 1901, ****, 1st edition, hard cover, include fold-in map, 247 pages. / R.120-150
16 / CHILVERS H.A. / The seven Wonders of Southern Africa, Publ. SA Railways and Harbours 1929, ****, 1st edition, hard cover, illustrated, 396 pages. / R.50-80
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE17 / LIVINGSTONE D. / Missionary Travels and researches in South Africa, with notes by Frederick Stanley Arnot , Publ. John Murray, London 1912, ****, Reprint, , red cloth hard cover, spine with light discolouring and light foxing on the first pages, illustrated and fold-in map, 468 pages. / R.300-500
18 / EDITORS / Kaapsche Almanak en Naamlyst voor het jaar 1851 / Cape Almanac and Directory for the year 1851, Publ. J. Suasso De Lima 1851, ****, hard cover with wear, complete with advertisings, 231 pages, genealogy material, extremely scarce! / R.800-1200
19 / LEIBBRANDT H.C.V. / Rambles Through the Archives of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope 1688-1700, (first series) Publ. J.C. Juta and Co 1887, ****, El., 1st edition hard cover, foxing and wear, pencil markings, 205 pages. / R.300-400
20 / MURRAY M. / Ships and South Africa A Maritime Chronicle of the Cape, Publ. Oxford University Press 1933, ****, 1st edition, cloth hard cover, larger format, wear on the hinges and a mark on the front cover, name inscription, illustrated, include pioneers, Boer war, ship wrecks etc…larger format, 360 pages. / R.1000-1500
21 / EDITORS / South Africa and its Future, Include the Commercial & General Gazetteer of South Africa, Publ. D.E. McConnell & Co, Cape Town 1903, ****, 1st edition, ¼ leather binding, illustrated and fold-in coloured map, larger format, 447 pages, Scarce! / R.400-600
22 / NOBLE J. / Official Handbook of South Africa A Resume of The History, Conditions, Populations, Productions and Recourses of the several Colonies, States and Territories, Publ. J.C. Juta & Co 1893, ****, 1st edition, hard cover, foxing on the first and last pages, illustrated and fold-in map, 568 pages, Scarce! / R.600-800
23 / EDITORS / Health The Voyage to South Africa and Sojourn there (on the Drummond Castle liner) , Publ. London 1891, ****, semi hard cover, illustrates and fold-in map, 78 pages, Scarce! / R.200-300
24 / HEWITT A.G.
DUCKITT H. / Two early cookery books, both need to be rebounded
- Cape Cookery, Publ. Darter Bros & Walton 1890, ***, 1st scarce edition, hard cover, loose spine, and some spots, all pages complete, 88 pages.
- Hilda’s “Where is It ?” of Recipes, Publ. Chapman & Hall 1890, **, 1st edition, title page and shut pages missing, inscriptions, 265 pages. / R.120-150
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE25 / CHRISTOPH H. / Soul of Africa, Magical Rites and Traditions, Publ. Cologne 2000, ****, Dw., illustrated hard cover, 502 pages. / R.60-80
26 / MUTWA C. / Indaba My Children, Publ. Blue Crane Books 1965, ****, 3rd standard edition, damaged first shut page, some spots, 562 pages. / AT BEST
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE27 / WALLIS J.P.R. / The Barotseland Journal of James Stevenson-Hamilton 1898-1899, Publ. Chatto & Windus 1953, ****, dust wrapper with wear, 1st edition, Central African Archives Oppenheimer Series 7, illustrated and fold-in map, (Northern Rhodesia) 246 pages, Scarce! / R.500-800
28 / HOLGATE K. / Africa in the footsteps of the Great Explorers, Publ. Struik 2006, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, 303 pages. / R.150-200
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE29 / MALINOWSKI B. / The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia, Publ. Routledge & Kegan Paul 1931, ****, soft cover with some wear, 1st edition, illustrated, 505 pages. / R.40-60
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE30 / MIDDELTON DR. / The Life and Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Publ. London 1848, **, 1st edition, hard cover, spine torn and water marks, illustrated, 826 pages. / AT BEST
31 / DOMINIK H. / Vistra das weisse Gold Deutschlands, Publ. Leipzig 1936, ***, 1st edition, hard cover, Gothic letters, damaged spine, comes with a monster of the German “cotton wool”, 254 pages. / AT BEST
32 / VAN MOERKERKEN P.H. / Aardrijkskundige Platenatlas, Publ. Leiden ca.1930, ****, large hard cover, illustrated, 353 pages. / R.80-100
33 / WELLS H.G. / The Science of Life, Publ. London 1931, ****, Dw., 1st edition, large hard cover, illustrated, 896 pages. / R.40-60
34 / HOWITT W. / A Popular History of Priestcraft, Publ. London 1833, ***, 1st edition, hard cover, 276 pages. / AT BEST
35 / EMDEN P.H. / Money Powers in Europe, Publ. London 1938, ****, 1st edition hard cover, illustrated, 426 pages. / AT BEST
36 / LAWRENCE T.E. / Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Publ. Jonathan Cape 1934, ****, 4th impression, larger format, some spots and foxing, name inscription, 672 pages. / AT BEST
37 / FARRAR F.W. / The Life and Work of St.Paul, Volume I & 2, Publ. Cassel, Petter, Galpin & Co 1879, ****, El., 1st edition, ¼ leather, illustrated with maps, 678 & 668 pages. / R.200-300
38 / STEPHEN J. SIR / Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography, Volume I & 2, Publ. Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans 1853, ****, El., third edition, ¼ leather, 520 & 507 pages. / R.200-300
39 / GULIELMUS LINWOOD / sophoclis tragoediae superstites, (Sophoclessurvive), Publ. Longmans, Green and Son 1877, ****, El.fourth edition, ¼ leather bound, marbled shut pages, name and dedication, 525 pages, book is written in Latin. / R.100-120
40 / ZANGWILL I. / The king of Schnorrers, Publ. William Heineman 1911, ****, fourth impression, El., ¼ leather, illustrated, 400 pages. / R.150-200
41 / HORDER LORD / The British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice, Publ. Butterworth & Co 1950 London, ****, El., Leather binding, second edition, illustrated, Complete in 12 volumes + Index and Pharmacopoedia volume, from 500 to over 900 pages a volume, nice display books! / R.500-1000
42 / CURTIS G.W.
EDITORS / 3 x Antiquarian books
Nile Notes of A “Howadji” or The American in Egypt, Publ. Henry Vizetelly no date, ***, reprint, illustrated with engravings on wood, smaller format, wear on the cover, 227 pages.
- Pictures and Stories of Natural History, Wild Animals, Publ. T. Nelson and Sons 1883, **, 1st edition, damaged spine, name with plate inscription, illustrated, include Elephant hunt in Africa, 90 pages.
Fifty Years of “Via Eastern” A souvenir and record of the celebrations in connection with the jubilee of the eastern associated telegraph companies 1922, Publ. Eastern Associated Telegraph Companies 1922, ****, 1st edition, hard cover, illustrated, 203 pages. / AT BEST
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE43 / EDITORS / Life, Love and Landscapes The Etchings of Pieter van der Westhuizen, Published & Conceived by Leonard Schneider 1998, large semi soft cover, 1st edition, illustrated 160 pages. / R.400-500
44 / COETZER W.H. / Pen Sketse / Sketches, Publ. Cum-Boeke 1981, ****, 1st edition, hard cover, limited edition, Afrikaans/English text, illustrated, name inscription, 67 pages. / R.200-300
45 / DISSEL P. / Zebra Register of South African Artists & Galleries 2002 (Vol.2), Publ. Dissel Marketing & Research, ****, larger landscape format, illustrated, 324 pages. / R.30-50
46 / DE KAMPER G. & DE KLERK C. / J.H. Pierneef in Print, Publ. Dream Africa 2014, *****, Dw., 1st limited standard edition to 200 copies and SIGNED by the authors, larger format, good illustrated book, selling as new, 230 pages. / R.950-1200
47 / KLOPPERS S. / Ode to the Miner, Inspired by the sculptures of miners by Tienie Pritchard, Publ. Dream Africa 2015, *****, Dw., ., 1st limited standard edition to 200 copies and SIGNED by the author, larger format, very nice illustrated book, stories and mining history, cultural and political, contains 82 works of S.A. painters and sculptures on mining and miners, a stunning book! Selling as new, 323 pages. / R.1000-1300
48 / KLOPPERS S. / A Dictionary of the Artists of the Waterberg, from Prehistory to Present, A Collector’s Guide , Publ. Dream Africa 2013, *****, 1st limited, SIGNED and numbered edition of only 50 copies, half leather bound, nice illustrated, selling as new,140 pages / R.1000-1200
49 / KLOPPERS S. / Dictionary of Namibian artists a collector’s guide, Publ. Dream Africa 2012, *****, 1st limited, SIGNED and numbered edition of only 50 copies, , half leather bound, nice illustrated, selling as new,192 pages / R.1000-1200
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE50 / BARNARD F. / 13 Jaar in die skadu van Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, Publ. Voortrekkerpers 1967, ****, stofomslag met verweer, fotos, naam inskrywing, 159 bls. / R.40-60
51 / STEENKAMP L. DR. / Onderwys vir Blankes in Natal 1824-1940, Publ. J.L. van Schaik, ****, semi sagte band, eerste uitgawe, Monument-Reeks No,18, Voortrekkers inhoud, 214 bls, Skaars! / R.80-120
52 / VAN HOEK K. / Gesprekke met Dr. W.J. Leyds, Publ. J.L. van Schaik 1939, ****, semi sagte band, met fotos, Monument-Reeks No,17, Paul Kruger inhoud, illustrasies,49 bls., Skaars! / R.120-150
53 / PIENAAR H. / Die Derde Oorlog teen Mapoch, Publ. Idasa 1991, ****, Sc., eerste uitgawe, buiteblaaie en laaste bls met buigmerke anders in ‘n goeie toestand, GETEKEN met toewyding deur die skrywer, 295 bls. / R.150-200
54 / AUCAMP G. / Suid-Afrikaanse Heldegalery, Gedenkboek van Figure in ons Geskiedenis wat deur hul Heldedade, Baanbrekerswerk en Selfopoffering in Dankbare Herinnering behoort te bly, Publ. M. Rieck 1947, ****, eerste uitgawe, groot formaat, buiteblaaie met ‘n paar kolle, illustrasies, 238 bls. / R.80-120
55 / EDITORS / Totius Versamelde Werke, Eeufees-uitgawe, Publ. Tafelberg 1977, ****, Dw., eerste uitgawe, kompleet stel van 11 volumes. / R.500-600
56 / SCHOEMAN K. / Riviereland, Twee besoeke aan Nederland, Publ. Protea 2011, ****, Dw., eerste uitgawe, 398 bls. / R.100-150
57 / STALS E.L.P. / Afrikaners in die Goudstad, Deel 1, 1886-1924 & Deel 2 1924-1961, Publ. HAUM 1978 & 1986, ****, Dw., eerste uitgawes, groot formaat, illustrasies 207 & 220 bls. / R.200-300
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE58 / RAATH A.W.G. / De La Rey, ‘n Stryd vir Vryheid, Publ. Kraal Uitgewers 2007, ****, Dw., tweede uitgawe, groot formaat, baie fotos, Erwe van ons Vaad’re reeks no 3, 575 bls. / R.400-600
59 / LEE E. / To The Bitter End, A Photographic History of the Boer War 1899-1902, Publ. Guild 1985, ****, Dw., 1st edition, name inscription, nice illustrated, 226 pages. / R.120-160
60 / WATKINS-PITCHFORD H. / Besieged In Ladysmith, Publ. Shuter & Shooter 1964, ****, Dw., 1st edition, near mint condition, 129 pages. / R.100-150
61 / SMIT A.P. & MARE L. / Beleg van Mafeking, Dagboek van Abraham Stafleu, Publ. RGN 1985, ****, Dw., eerste uitgawe, met fotos,285 pages. / R.300-400
62 / JONKERS G.H. & GROENEWALD J. / Die Machadodorp-briefkaarte van die Anglo-Boereoorlog, Publ. Filateliese Federasie van Suid-Afrika 2006, ****, Sc., groot formaat, GETEKEN deur Joh Groenewald, fotos en illustrasies, 56 bls., Skaars! / R.300-400
63 / SCHEEPERS STRYDOM C.J. DR. / Ruitervuur, die veldslae, gevegte, storm- en dryfjagte van die Boereoorlog, Publ. Tafelberg 1970, ****, Dw., eerste uitgawe, naam inskrywing, 233 bls. / R.80-100
64 / SCHOLTZ G.D. / In Doodsgevaar, Die Oorlogervarings van Kapt. J.J. Naude, Publ. Voortrekkerpers 1940, ****, eerste uitgawe, harde band, naam inskrywing, fotos, 233 bls. / R.180-220
65 / DUXBURY R. / The Battle of Magersfontein 11th December 1899, Publ. S.A. National Museum of Military History Johannesburg 1979, ****, Revised edition, Sc., illustrated and maps, No 9 in the series “Battles of the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902”, 42 pages, Scarce! / R.80-120
66 / BAKKES C.M. / Die Britse deurbraak aan die Benede-Tugela op Majubadag 1900, Publ. University van Pretoria 1971, ****, El., Proefskrif, groot formaat, met kaarte, verlieslys met naam en ouderdom, Krygsgevange en gewond met naam, graftelys, 255 bls, Skaars! / R.300-400
67 / KOTZE C.R. / My Ballingskap, Publ. Nasionale Pers 1942, ***, eerste uitgawe, harde band, met ‘n paar kolle en verweer op agterblad, 130 bls. / R.70-90
68 / HOFMEYR N. / Zes Maanden by De Commando’s, Publ. W.P. Van Stockum & Zoon 1903, ****, El., eerste uitgawe, 344 bls, baie skaars! / R.400-600
69 / COETZER O. / Fire in the Sky The destruction of the orange Free State 1899-1902, The Anglo Boer War, Publ. Covos Day 2000, 1st edition paperback , illustrated, 338 pages / R.150-200
70 / OOSTHUIZEN A.V. / Rebelle van die Stormberge, Publ. J.F. van der Walt 1994, ****, eerste uitgawe, harde band, met fotos, 262 bls. / R.150-180
71 / KESTELL J.D. / Met de Boeren-Commando’s, Mijne ervaringen als Veldprediker, Publ.Hoveker & Wormser 1903, ***, eerste uitgawe, verweer en plakker van die Universiteit, met fotos, 285 bls. / R.300-400
72 / KESTELL J.D., VAN VELDEN D.E. / The Peace Negotiations, Publ. Richard Clay & Sons 1912, ****, 1st edition, with photos and facsimiles of original documents, 212 pages. / R.200-300
73 / REITZ D. / Commando A Boer Journal of the Boer War, Publ. Faber & Faber 1935, ****, Dwd., reprinted, 331 pages. / R.120-150
74 / BRANDT J. / The Petticoat Commando or Boer Woman in Secret Service, Publ. Mills and Boon Limited 1913, ****, second edition, Sc., illustrated, 374 pages, Scarce! / R.350-500
75 / V.D. MERWE H.R. / Onthou, In die skaduwee van die galg, Publ. Nasionale Pers 1940, ****, eerste uitgawe, harde band met verweer, naam inskrywings en ‘n paar kolle, met fotos, 347 bls. / R.120-150
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE76 / EDITORS / Die Bybel, eerste vertaling 1933, ****, naam inskrywing, Skaars! / R.600-800
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE77 / MANDELA N. / Long Way to Freedom, Publ. Randburg 1995, ****, third impression, hard cover, illustrated, 630 pages. / R.60-80
78 / LUGG H.C. / A Natal Family Looks Back, Publ. T.W. Griggs & Co 1970, ****, Dwd., 1st edition, illustrated, pencil markings and underlining, Appendix of 58 pages, text 126 pages. / R.70-90
79 / WOOD F. & LEWIS M. / The Extraordinary Khotso Millionaire Medicine Man from Lusikisiki , Publ. Jacana 2007, ****, Sc., 1st edition, with photos, 368 pages. / R.120-150
80 / BUTTERFIELD P.H. / Centenary The first 100 years of English Freemasonry in the Transvaal 1878-1978, Publ. Ernest Stanton 1978, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, 296 pages. / R.150-250
81 / HAMBROOK O. / The Lodge De Goede Hoop, The Mother Lodge of South Africa, Publ. The Lodge 1952, ****, Dwd., Revised edition, illustrated, 210 pages. / R.150-200
82 / HUTTON C.W. / The Autobiography of the late Sir Andries Stockenstrom, two volumes, Publ. C. Struik 1964, ****, Facsimile limited numbered edition (1887 edition), volume one with light dented corner, Africana Collectanea volumes VIII / IX, 440 & 467 pages. / R.400-600
83 / FFOLLIOTT P. & LIVERSIDGE R. / Ludwig Krebs, Cape Naturalist to the King of Prussia 1820-28, Publ. A.A. Balkema 1971, ****, Dw., 1st edition, SIGNED by the author , illustrated and specimen list, S.A. Biographical & Historical Studies Number 9,304 pages. / R.250-350
84 / SCHOEMAN K. / Die laaste Afrikaanse boek, outobiografiese aantekeninge, Publ. Human & Rousseau 2002, ****, Dw., eerste uitgawe, met fotos, 682 bls. / R.80-100
85 / MAGNUS M. / My lewe saam met die SA Weermag, Publ. Protea 2006, *****, eerste uitgawe tweede druk, harde band, met fotos, 518 bls. / R.80-100
86 / WALKER E.A. / W.P. Schreiner A South African, Publ. Central News Agency no date, ****, 1st edition soft cover, 198 pages. / R.40-50
87 / SHUTTLEWORTH S.G. / From Riempies to Fashion Shoes, Publ. J.J. Eggers Port Elizabeth 1983, ****, Dw., 1st edition, The Searles of Great Brak River …Shoemakers of the Transvaal, with photos, 241 pages. / R.80-100
88 / SERFONTEIN D. / Vrypas, Publ. Protea 2009, ****, semi sagte band, eerste uitgawe,met fotos, 351 bls. / R.60-80
89 / LEVY J.I. / Meyer Dovid Hersch, Rand Pioneer and Historian, Publ. Ammatt Press 2005, ****, semi hard cover, second printing with corrections 2005, illustrated, SIGNED, 290 pages. / R.80-100
90 / ERNST J. / Anton van Wouw, Publ. Corals 2006, ****, Sc., eerste uitgawe, met fotos, 128 bls. / R.70-90
91 / REITZ D. / Trekking On, publ. Faber and Faber 1943, ****, Dwd., 6th impression, illustrated with maps, Include the 1914 Rebellion, German East and West Africa and the Western Front, 351 pages. / R.100-150
92 / KOHLER C.W.H. / The Memoirs of Kohler of the K.W.V. Politician –Traveller – Founder of the South African wine Industry , Publ. Unie –Volkspers 1946, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, name and dedication inscription, include Rhodes, Anglo Boer War etc… 128 pages. / R.120-150
93 / SMUTS J.C. / Jan Christian Smuts, (by his son) Publ. Cassel & Company 1952, ****, Dwd, 1st South African edition, SIGNED by the author, illustrated and maps, 568 pages. / R.80-120
94 / McDONALD J.G. / Rhodes A Life, Publ. Geoffrey Bles 1934, ****, 4th edition, cover with some wear and spots, light foxing, 403 pages. / R.50-80
95 / PRETORIUS P.J. / EDITORS / Jungle Man Mtanda Batho 18 February 1877-20 November 1945, The Autobiography of Major P.J. Pretorius – Jungle Man, Publ. Dream Africa 2013, *****, 1st standard edition (1000 copies), hard cover, illustrated, this is the first and only unabridged, authentic and complete autobiography of Major P.J. Pretorius printed according the manuscript he dictated, selling as new, very good book, 635 pages. / R.850-1000
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE96 / GATTI A. / Kamanda, Publ. Antwerpen 1950, ****, Dw., 1st Dutch edition, hard cover, illustrated, 118 pages. / AT BEST
97 / BIRKENSHAW P. / The Livingstone Touch, Publ. History Book Club 1973, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, name inscription, drawings and map, 182 pages. / R.70-90
NO / AUTHOR / TITLE / ESTIMATE98 / SELOUS F.C. / A Hunters’s Wanderings in Africa, Publ. Galago 1985, ****, Dw., facsimile from the 1st edition, foxing on the shut pages, illustrated, 455 pages. / R.150-200
99 / SELOUS F.C. / African Nature Notes and Reminiscences, Publ. Pioneer Head no date, ****, Dw., facsimile reprint, Limited edition, Heritage series No 1, illustrated, some cello-tape marks on the inside of the covers, name inscription, 356 pages. / R.250-350
100 / PEARSE R.O. / Barrier of Spears, Drama of the Drakenberg, Publ. Howard Timmins 1973, ***, Dwd, 1st edition, larger format, SIGNED by the author, illustrated, 301 pages. / R.40-60
101 / EDITORS / Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game XX edition, Africa and Asia, Publ. Rowland Ward Publications 1986, ****, 1st limited and numbered edition of 3000 copies, large format, illustrated, 626 pages. / R.250-350
102 / BURROWS J. & S. / Figs of Southern & South-Central Africa, Publ. Umdaus Press 2003, ****, Dw., 1st edition, large format, very nice illustrated book, 379 pages. / R.400-600
103 / MARAIS A. & C. / Etosha Experience, Publ. Gamsberg Macmillan 1999, ****, reprint, landscape hard cover, illustrated, 102 pages. / R.60-80
104 / FLACK P. / Heart of An African Hunter, Stories of the Big Five and the Tiny Tin, Publ. Safari Press 1999, ****, Dw., second edition, illustrated, 266 pages. / R.300-400
105 / MORKEL B. / Hunting in Africa, Publ. Howard Timmins 1980, ****, Dw., 1st edition, illustrated, 252 pages. / R.60-80
106 / CHADWICK W.S. / Jagters en Wild, Publ. Nasionale Pers 1932, ****, El., Dwf., eerste uitgawe, 222 bls. / R.50-70
107 / MEIRING P. / Die Wildtuin is hul woning, Publ. PMP 1982, ****, Dw., derde druk , stemps van vorige eienaar, lyn illustrasies, 212 bls. / R.30-50
108 / KLOPPERS H. / Veldwagter!, Publ. Janssonius & Heyns 1967, ****, stofomslag met verweer, eerste uitgawe, eerste skutblad is beskadig anders in goeie toestand, met fotos, 288 bls. / R.50-70
109 / EDITORS / Wild Flowers of South Africa, Publ. C. Struik 1983, ****, Dw., large format, 1st edition, illustrated, name inscription, 128 pages. / R.40-60
110 / HILLIARD O.M. & BURTT B.L. / Dierama The Hairbells of Africa, Publ. Acorn Books 1991, ****, Dw., 1st edition, large format, illustrations by Auriol Batten, 152 pages. / R.150-200
111 / PEARSE R.O. / Mountain Splendour The Wild Flowers of the Drakenberg, Publ. Howard Timmins 1978, ****, Dw., 1st edition, larger format, illustrated, 239 pages. / R.60-80
112 / BOHNEN P. / Flowering plants of the Southern Cape, Publ. Still Bay Trust 1986, ****, 1st edition, right corner with a dent, SIGNEDby the author, illustrated, 92 pages. / R.100-150
113 / SHORTRIDGE G.G. / The Mammals of South-West Africa, Volume 1, Publ. William Heinemann 1934, ****, Dw., 1st edition, with illustrations and map, first and last pages with light foxing, name inscription, large format 437 pages, / R.150 -300