/ RFP-161722
Document Recording and Reporting
Response Form 1
Capacity and Method / Pinal County
Finance Department
31 N. Pinal St.
Bldg. A
P.O. Box 1348
Florence, AZ 85132

Responder Name: [Response here]

Responders shall complete the following Response Form, indicating their responses in the spaces provided. Additional pages may be added so long as they are clearly referenced in the spaces provided.

Please note: Any exception and the total number of exceptions taken will negatively affect your evaluation score. Compliance to Terms and Conditions has been identified as an evaluation criterion for this solicitation.

Any exception not contained within this section of the solicitation will be deemed invalid and will not be considered.

Acceptability of Responses

Offers that do not include this completed Response Form or that do include an incomplete Response Form or that include a completed Response Form with unacceptable responses may cause the entire offer to be deemed unacceptable and therefore non-responsive.

1 Capacity of Responder

1.1Responder shall describe their company history including company full legal name, primary business location, years in business, number of employees, ownership structure, and website, if applicable.

[Response here]

1.2Responder shall provide the company organizational chart.

[Response here]

1.3Responder shall describe their experience providing Document Recording and Reporting systems to public entities of similar size and scope to Pinal County. The narrative must thoroughly describe how the Responder has supplied expertise for similar contracts and must include the extent of their experience, expertise, and knowledge as a contractor for Document Recording and Reporting systems. Please include all experience within the State of Arizona.

[Response here]

1.4Responder shall provide a minimum of three (3) public entity references who can comment on the company’s professional work in providing a Document Reporting and Recording system similar in scope to that of Pinal County. Responder must include phone, fax, email and physical address of each reference.

[Response here]

1.5Responder shall describe the experience and qualifications of the staff that will be assigned to the County’s contract.

[Response here]

1.6Responder shall describe at least one (1) project success and one (1) project failure of a Document Recording and Reporting contract to include how each experience improved or changed the Responder’s services.

[Response here]

1.7Responder shall submit the following financial information: (1) a current audited financial statement, report or a copy of a current federal income tax return and Dun & Bradstreet report.

[Response here]

2Method of Approach

2.1Responder shall describe their process for ensuring that the system design will adhere to all Arizona State statutes regarding the official recording of documents (A.R.S. §11-461 through §11-484).

[Response here]

2.2Responder shall provide a detailed user workflow document.

[Response here]

2.3Responder shall describe in detail the design and user functionality of each of the following:

2.3.1Document receiving/intake process.

[Response here]

2.3.2Document indexing process.

[Response here]

2.3.3Document sorting and searching process.

[Response here]

2.3.4Document processing such as document printing, emailing, scanning ability.

[Response here]

2.3.5Document imaging and integration to Hyland’s OnBase application.

[Response here]

2.3.6Chronicling of recording activity.

[Response here]

2.3.7Cashiering and receipting process.

[Response here]

2.3.8Accounting functionality and processes.

[Response here]

2.3.9Reporting capabilities.

[Response here]

2.4Responder shall describe security profile creation and modification design and processes.

[Response here]

2.5Responder shall describe data table and field entry capabilities and processes.

[Response here]

2.6Responder shall describe process to enable the conversion of historical document numbers into new document numbers per the Statement of Work.

[Response here]

2.7Responder shall describe user and administrative training methods.

[Response here]

2.8Responder shall describe their implementation strategy to include roles and responsibilities of both parties, proposed timeline, and significant milestones within the timeline.

[Response here]

2.9Responder shall provide a technical workflow document.

[Response here]

2.10Responder shall describe in detail the technical requirements of system to include roles and responsibilities of both parties as they relate to the technical requirements of the system. This is to include at a minimum server locations and IT interfacing requirements.

[Response here]

2.11Responder shall describe in detail any equipment that is included as part of this proposal and any additional equipment that may be required.

[Response here]

2.12Responder shall describe their company’s problem resolution and escalation process from both a user perspective and an IT/technical perspective.

[Response here]

2.13Responder shall describe their service level and response time assurances.

[Response here]

2.14Responder shall describe how prices associated with other recently awarded contracts compare with the prices Responder provides in this proposal. If significantly different, describe the drivers of the difference in price.

[Response here]

2.15Responder may provide additional information regarding technology or services not specifically listed in the RFP that they may believe to be beneficial to the County. Please list any additional costs associated with these items in the Options tab of the Cost Response form.

[Response here]