Thursday, June 25, 2009
1 - 3 PM EDT
Welcome from Pamela Brody-Heine, co-chair. Holly Elwood is on vacation.
Roll Call/ Attendance
Ligia Bejat (Lexmark International Inc)Cate Berard (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Paul Bickford (Cherokee Data Solutions)
Mike Biddle (MBA Polymers)
Pamela Brody-Heine (Eco Stewardship Strategies/ Zero Waste Alliance)
Joe Burquist (Hewlett Packard)
Sandra Cannon (U.S. Department of Energy)
Stephanie Castorina (IPC)
Catherine Cesnick (US DOI)
Sue Chiang (Center for Environmental Health)
Mark Corbett (Pitney Bowes Inc.)
Jim Crossland (InfoPrint Solutions)
Derek Dao (Samsung Electronics Co.)
Cindy Erie (E-World Recyclers)
Holly Evans (Strategic Counsel, LLC)
Faridoon Ferhut (CIWMB)
Ashley Foster (SCS)
Joshua Gallegos (Sandia National Laboratories)
Kenny Gravitt (Global Environmental Services)
Stephen Greene (Howland Greene Consultants LLC)
Rich Halloway (Oce)
Andy Harlan (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Laura Heywood (UK Cartridge Remanufacturers Association)
Brian Hilton (RIT)
Chris Kent (US EPA)
Richard Kerr (Bayer)
Mike Kirschner (Design Chain Associates) / Barbara Kyle (Electronics TakeBack Coalition)
Susan Landry (Albemarle Corporation)
Judy Levin (Center for Environmental Health)Erica Logan (Xerox Corporation)
Ron Mateas (Epson America, Inc.)
Pat McPhail (Toshiba)
Alexandra McPherson (Clean Production Action)
Jennifer Miyamoto (Xerox Corporation)
Colleen Pickford (ITI)
Tim Ringo (Konica Minolta Holding USA, Inc)
Mario Rufino (Canon USA, Inc)
Chris Saunders (Lexmark)
Josh Saunders (UL)
Mark Schaffer (Schaffer Environmental LLC)
Nicola Schirru (self)
Bert Simon (USGS)
Ted Smith (Electronics TakeBack Coalition)
Yuichi Somemori (Sharp)
Miwa St. Onge (RISO)
Jenny Stephenson (US EPA)
Katherine Stewart (TerraChoice)
Steve Tolan (Oce North America, Inc.)
Ed Weil (Polytechnic Institute of NYU)
Cat Wilt (Univ. of Tennessee)
D’Lane Wisner (The Electronics & Appliances Market Issue Team (part of the American Chemistry Council)
Jonathan Wood (Defra)
Aubrey Wooley (Canon)
Observers and Others Attendees:
David Caldwell (Lexmark)Michael Gell (Xanfeon)
Tom Moriarty (Dell)
Jeff Omelchuck (GEC) / Stan Rhodes (SCS)
Eelco Smit (Epson)
Vincent van Dijk (Euro. Toner & Inkjet Remanufacturers Assoc.)
Agenda Review
Pamela reviewed the agenda. There were no comments or questions.
Approval of May Minutes
The minutes were posted on the website. The minutes from the 5/28/09 meeting were approved as presented and will be posted in the public area of the website.
General Announcements
Pamela provided an update on the following:
· 1680.2 PAR Status. The PAR has gone to the IEEE New Standards Committee for approval. Their next meeting is in September.
· EASC and Working Group P&P Revision Process. As was discussed during the last call, IEEE asked each sponsor committee to develop P&P for Working Groups. The EASC elected to develop an umbrella set of P&Ps for all the Working Groups. The draft P&P was distributed to the Working Groups for review; there were no comments. The Working Group P&Ps are considered final and ready to be used. They are posted in the EASC directory of the IEEE 1680 website, and were sent out with the meeting reminder.
Pamela specifically pointed out Sections 7.4 and 9.0 of the WG P&Ps.
The EASC Policies and Procedures have been submitted to the IEEE for their approval. The EASC will run using the old P Ps until the new ones are approved by IEEE.
· 1680.1 Status. The recirculation of P1680 and P1680.1 was initiated last week. The recirculation allows balloters an opportunity to change their votes if they desire, now that the comments have been addressed. The recirculation will be open for 10 days and then any new comments will be addressed by the Ballot Resolution Committee. Next the two new standards will move forward for IEEE approval.
· LCA Webinar. Request for more information on LCAs, both existing tools and process for imaging equipment and TVs, and how LCA could inform and/or be incorporated into a multi-attribute standard like EPEAT, has come up in several subgroups, both in TV and IE subgroups. The University of Tennessee will organize a webinar for late July or August, and will be open to members of both Working Groups.
· Link to patent information on website. Link to Patent Information on Website/Call for Patents: In keeping with IEEE policy, the Pamela provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claimsof which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of the standard. No patents were identified on this call.
EuP Presentation
Two guest speakers, Eelco Smit and Tom Moriarty joined the call to present on the EuP for imaging equipment. Eelco, who led the presentation, is an Environmental Affairs Manager with Epson Europe. Tom is in the Regulatory & Environmental Compliance department of Dell and is based in Ireland.
Eelco Smit provided an overview of the process involved in developing a Framework Directive.
As part of the on-going dialogue on the draft, industry is discussing the idea of a voluntary framework; Eelco stated that a voluntary agreement is simply one of many types of regulatory structures that can be used to implement a Framework Directive. These discussions are very preliminary. The goal is to have a proposal on the framework directive prior to a consultation forum in September.
Consumer Visibility
Jeff Omelchuck, Executive Director of GEC, provided an overview of EPEAT’s recent discussions on public visibility. In December 2008, the EPEAT Board of Advisors directed EPEAT to develop plans to increase EPEAT’s public visibility. EPEAT formed a visibility committee, or “VisComm,” to address this need. In early 2009, EPEAT began working with Lippincott, a leading brand strategy and development firm, which generously agreed to support the EPEAT branding project on a pro bono basis. They have been actively working on background reviews of possible names, including cultural, linguistic, and legal searches on possible names. Once all the screens are done, the ultimate decision will be made on whether or not to change the EPEAT name. If a decision is made to change the EPEAT name, a transition plan will be developed, along with a corresponding logo. The loose timeframe for this decision will be early fall.
If there are any members of the 1680.2 Working Group interested in participating in the VisComm, they can contact Jeff at .
Product Definitions
The Product Definitions Subgroup has developed final draft product definitions for review and comment by the Working Group. These definitions were sent out for review prior to the call. Colleen Pickford reviewed the process that the subgroup went through to develop these definitions. Based on guidance from the PAR, the subgroup basically recommended the corresponding Energy Star specifications.
Comments on these product definitions are due to Colleen Pickford () by
July 2.
In accordance with the new Working Group P&P’s, the subgroup shall consider and respond to all comments received from the Working Group, and shall attempt to achieve consensus support of Working Group members. The subgroup shall adopt a draft component by a vote with participation of at least a majority of subgroup members and shall be adopted by a 75% vote of the members participating in the vote.
Subgroup Updates
Subgroup Balance
As was discussed during the last call, there have been concerns voiced about balance from multiple stakeholders. The co-chairs had some discussions with IEEE and have learned that in the IEEE process openness trumps balance. Further, balance is only enforced within IEEE at the ballot stage. However, there is a desire push balance back throughout the standards development process.
The co-chairs have a proposed strategy which requires the voluntary cooperation of Working Group members to create the balance. Note that subgroups should always strive for consensus, and balance is only an issue if there is dissention within the subgroup such that a vote needs to be taken.
- If, when a subgroup needs to take a vote, one stakeholder interest group exceeds 50%, first ask members that have more than one representative from their organization participating to consolidate their votes into a single vote.
- If this still does not reduce the stakeholder interest group to below 50%, then ask for volunteers who feel that their views are represented in their stakeholder group to abstain from the vote.
Subgroup Coordination with TV Working Group
There are now five 1680.2 subgroups that are merged with TV subgroups: environmentally sensitive materials, materials selection, EOL management, corporate performance, and packaging.
The remaining three subgroups (of the 8 required performance categories) may collaborate in the future if common criteria are identified.
Subgroup Co-Chair Role
Subgroup co-chairs are voluntarily organizing and managing subgroups. It is important to remember that they are also stakeholders in the process, and as such, will have opinions and suggestions. They are not meant to be neutral third-party facilitators. Their voices carry the same weight as any other stakeholder in the process.
Subgroup Report Outs
Environmentally Sensitive Materials: Their last meeting was June 4, which was the first, merged meeting with TV stakeholders. Their next meeting is July 9, which will include presentations on topics identified by subgroup members, such as REACH.
Material Selection: They are having their first meeting as a merged subgroup on July 10. They are having presentations on plastics recycling and availability and biopolymers on upcoming calls. There is a desire to consider how LCA might be used in their criteria selection.
Design for End of Life/Product Longevity: They are working on design for EOL first, and then will tackle longevity issues. The group held a special meeting with recyclers on design for disassembly concerns.
Energy Conservation: The last call was held, but the planned agenda for the call was postponed to better accommodate two guest speakers.
EOL Management: The last call was on June 1, and it was the first call as a merged subgroup. Battery take-back criteria are being separately considered outside of common criteria, as well as how R2 and EStewards programs apply.
Corporate Performance: There were technical difficulties that impeded the last call.
Packaging: This subgroup is having their first merged group call on July 9; the TV stakeholders are meeting together next week to get up to speed on work to date in the subgroup.
Consumables: This group is meeting biweekly, and is deeply engaged in re-defining the subgroup’s scope and workload. On the last call, there was concern that there was a need to step back and insure buy-in on the definitions and scope of consumables under consideration before honing in on criteria. The next call is on July 8.
Indoor Air Quality: Had a call on June 25 and developed a preliminary scope document.
Next Steps & Action Items
· Next meeting on July 23rd
· Information on LCA Webinar will be coming soon
· Skip August meeting