Elisha Eumi Ann

College:SwarthmoreCollege • 500 College Ave • Swarthmore, PA19081 • (267) 474-0099Email:

EDUCATIONSwarthmoreCollege, Swarthmore, PA. Bachelor of Arts candidate, expected June 2008.

Major GPA: 3.8; Overall GPA: 3.5

Honors Special Major, Educational Studies and Psychology.

Honors thesis: Elementary Students in the Classroom: Self-Regulating Interest as a Source of Motivation.

Pennsylvania Teacher Certification candidate, Elementary Studies, expected June 2008.

Fall 2007University of Melbourne.Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

SIT Program: Identity and Public Policy in a Multicultural Society. Completed a field based Independent Study Project in an Australian primary classroom: Literacy is Learning: Exploring Intersections between Learning Literacy, Children’s Interests, and Meeting Standards at CoburgPrimary School; GPA: 3.8

June 2005EasternCollege, taken at SwarthmoreCollege. Summer coursework in Communication Arts for Children and

Teaching of Reading; GPA: 3.8.

June 2004NorthPennHigh School, Lansdale, PA. Graduated in top 10% of class. National Honor Society. Member of

Class Cabinet (student government). Co-President of Korean American Club. GPA: 3.8.



Summer 2007Joel Dean Social Sciences research grant, SwarthmoreCollege.Selected to receive special funding to pursue research throughout the summer. Researched literatures of learning motivation, self- regulation, and literacy learning in elementary schools. Completed a literature review and Methods section for further thesis work.



Sept. – December 2007Student Teacher. 4th grade, WallingfordElementary School, Wallingford, PA. Currently designing and implementing an integrated Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum. Also teaching Everyday Math, science, Writers Workshop. Structured curriculum to meet the differentiated needs of learners.

Oct. 2004- PresentSunday School Coordinator, LogosPhiladelphiaChurch, Chalfont, PA. Organize Sunday School worship for a

newly-planted church, create and teach curriculum forelementary school age children.

June 2007- August 2007Summer Tutor, FolkArts-CulturalTreasuresCharterSchool, PhiladelphiaPA. Weekly tutoring for selected students to receive additional ESL help through the summer.

Summer 2006Counselor in Training (CIT) Summer Camp Counselor. RoseValley Summer Camp,RoseValley, PA. Mentor/counselor for teenagers training to become counselors in a progressive private school environment. Led team building and leadership activities and also general camp activities as well.

January 2006-April 2006Student Researcher and Classroom Assistant, 4th grade class, WallingfordElementary School, Wallingford, PA. As a part of Professor Diane Anderson’s Education seminar, Literacy and Numeracy Policy and Practice, observed and conducted research about literacy practices in two contrastive communities. Helped 4th grade class in their Cookie Campaign project, and also presented lessons about persuasive writing based on our observations.

January 2006Observer and Classroom Assistant, Jenny Hoedman’s 2nd grade class, WissahickonCharterSchool, Philadelphia, PA. Participated in a one week externship through SwarthmoreCollege. Observed and assisted in a second grade classroom, learn about teaching profession, connected with students and faculty.

Sept. 2004-Spring 2006ChinatownTutorialTutorSwarthmoreCollege, Swarthmore, PA. Aid students in Chinatown community with educational help, personal interaction, social awareness, and mentoring. Tutor/ mentor student weekly.

Summer 2004, 2005Teacher & Tutor,AP Academy, North Wales, PA.

Taught a small, enrichment class of 1st-3rd graders in English and Math. Also tutored and mentored elementary and middle school students from Koreaparticipating in a summer exchange program. Developed curriculum for all classes and tutoring sessions.


September 2007 –PresentThesis, SwarthmoreCollege.

Titled “Elementary Students in the Classroom: Self-Regulating Interest as a Source of Motivation” . Expected completion, May 2008. Conducted empirical research in a 4th grade classroom, and wrote thesis with literature review, methods, results, and discussion.

May 2007- PresentStudent Council, Educational Policy Representative, SwarthmoreCollege. Elected position to advocate on behalf of the student body. Sit on faculty-student Curriculum Committee and Committee on Educational Policy. Collaborated with Registrar, Provost, faculty, and Information Technology Services to improve Student Council project to compile all Swarthmore course syllabi for student viewing on Blackboard website.

September 2006- Present SwarthmoreCollege Tour Guide, Swarthmore, PA.Guide tours twice a week for visitors to Swarthmore

College for the Admissions Office.

Fall 2005- PresentSwarthmore Asian Organization Board, Intercultural Center, SwarthmoreCollege. Served as Political Char (2005), Treasurer (2006-2007), and Historian (2007-2008).

August 2004- August 2007Research Assistant,Dept. of Educational Studies, SwarthmoreCollege, Swarthmore, PA.data analysis, transcriptions, help with Prof. Ann Renninger’s various research projects. Currently working on study of engineering students’ perceptions of the Swarthmore Engineering department’s pedagogy and coursework.

Spring-Fall 2005“Beyond the Box” Conference Program Logistics and Booklet Committee Chair, SwarthmoreCollege, Swarthmore, PA. Organize conference on multiracial, diversity, college students, on-campus activism.