NursingCollege / / Mid-term Exam(2)
ِAnatomy&phys(A)for midwives
Name:------No: ------30/12/2009 Time: 30 minutes
I-Match table A with table B ( 15 points )
Table A Table B
( )-Quadreseps 1-proper site for injection
( )-Gluteus medius 2-prime mover for elbow flexion
( )-Biceps brachii 3-one muscle for mastication
( )-Sternocledomastoid 4-flex the head
( )-Maseter 5-extends the knee
6- toe –dancer muscle
Table A Table B
( )-thalamus 1-control balance and equilibrium
( )-hypothalamus 2-plays a role in the awake/sleep cycles
( )-brain stem 3-crude recognition of sensation
( )-cerebellum 4-plays a role in temperature regulation
( )-postcentral gyrus 5-primary motor area
6-primary sensory area
TableA TableB
( )- Vestibulococlear 1-extends to thorax and abdomen
( )-oculomotor 2- fifth cranial nerve
( )-facial 3-supplies muscles of facial expression
( )-vagus 4- nerve for hearing &equilibrium
( )-phrenic 5-supplies eye muscles
6-spinal nerve
II-Choose the correct answer ( 45 points )
( ) Which of the following is not a cranial bone?
a- maxilla b-temporal c- occipital d- frontal
( ) Spaces found in some bones of the skull are termed:
a- meatuses b- sinuses c- orbits d-foramina
( ) The clavicle and scapula form the:
a-pectoral girdle b- shoulder blade c-pelvis d- pelvic girdle
( ) Which of the following is not a bone of the upper extremity?
a-radius b-humerus c-ulna d-clavicle
( ) Which of the following is a highly movable joint?
a- shoulder b- sacroiliac c-pupic symphysis d- lumbosacral
( ) A gradual weakening and decrease in bone mass is called:
a-osteoarthritis b-osteoporosis c-osteochondrosis d-none of the above
( ) Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
a- rib b-frontal bone c- clavicle d- vertebra
( ) The ______bone is unique in that it is the only bone of the body that does not articulate directly with any other bone.
a-inferior concha b- clavicle c- hyoid d-mandible e- vomer
( ) Vertebrae are separated by ______, which cushions and absorb shocks
a-bony pad ligaments b- fatty pads
c- loose areolar connective tissue d-intervertebral disks
( ) The spinal curvatures in the ______and ______regions are referred to as primary curvatures because they are present when we are born.
a-cervical; sacral b- thoracic; sacral c-cervical; lumbar
d- cervical; thoracic e- cervical; lumber
( ) The coxal bones (ossa coxae) make up the:
a-pelvic girdle b-shoulder girdle c- vertebral column and sacrum
d-hip and thigh e-pectoral girdle .
( ) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a synovial joint?
a-reinforcing ligaments b-allows only limited movement c- fibrous articular capsule d- joint cavity e-articular cartilage
( ) The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is the:
a- fontanel. b-coronal suture. c-sagittal suture. d-lambdoidal suture. e- squamous suture
( )The bone that is the only freely moveable bone in the skull is the:
a- temporal. b-maxilla. c-mandible. d- frontal. e- occipital.
( )- What is the muscle that encircles the eye?
a- orbicularis oris b-orbicula orbicularis
c- opticalris oculi d- none of the above
( )-A tissue with striations and many flattened nuclei under the plasma membrane in each cell would be called
a. cardiac muscle. - b. visceral muscle. - c. skeletal muscle.
d. smooth muscle. - e. both b and d above are correct.
( )- What does the term deltoid mean?
a-near the arm b- very strong c-near the shoulder d- triangle shaped
( )-The energy source that is directly responsible for muscle fiber contraction is:
a- glucose. b - glycogen. c - ADP. d - lactic acid. e- ATP.
( )-The muscle that causes planterflexion of the foot is the:
a - biceps femoris. b - buccinator. c - gastrocnemius.
d - triceps brachii. e- rectus femoris.
( )-The bending or movement of a limb towards the midline of the body is called:
a - flexion. b - extension. c - abduction. d - adduction. e - pronation.
( )-The "all-or-none" property of muscles is a phenomenon that occurs on
the ___ level.
a - cellular b - tissue c - organ
d- groups of muscles e - sarcomere
( )-Which of these muscles is located in the abdominal region?
a- Rectus femoris b - Latissimus dorsi c - External oblique
d - Biceps brachii e - Biceps femoralis
( )-The state of continuous partial contractions is called:
a- isometric contraction b- muscle tone
c - muscle fatigue d - oxygen debt
( )-What is the specific neurotransmitter that is released by motor neurons and stimulates skeletal muscle?
a- Endomysium b- Epinephrine
c - Acetylcholine (Ach) d - Dopamine
( )- Which of the following are characteristic of cardiac muscle?
a- intercalated disks b- body skeleton attachment
c- multinucleated cells d- spindle-shaped cell e-nonstriated
( )-Which of the following is NOT a function of muscle?
a - Generates heat b - transport of oxygen in the blood
c - Produces movement d - Maintains posture e - Stabilizes joints
( )-Which of the following is the only muscle type that is nonstriated and involuntary?
a - Cardiac b - Smooth c - Epimysium
d - Skeletal e - Muscle fiber
( )- The intercostals are found:
a- between the radius and ulna b-between two muscles
c- between the eyes d-between the ribs
( )The dendrite of a neuron:
a. conducts nerve impulses towards the nerve cell body.
b. conducts nerve impulses away from the nerve cell body.
c. is the single main cell process of a multipolar neuron. d. both b and c above are correct.
( )The part of the brain concerned with water balance, appetite, and regulating body temperature, is the:
a- cerebral cortex. b- cerebellum. c- hypothalamus.
d-medulla oblongata. e- thalamus.
( )The tightly packed coil of the Schwann cell plasma membranes that encircles certain kinds of axons is termed the:
a- myelin sheath. b - neurolemma. c- node of Ranvier.
d- Nissl granules. e - ependymal cells.
( )The basic unit of the nervous system is the ______.
a- axon. b- dendron. c- nephron. d- neuron. e- nerve cell body.
( )The brain is part of the:
a- autonomic nervous system. b- central nervous system.
c- peripheral nervous system. d- somatic nervous system. e -splanchnic nervous system.
( )The cerebellum aids in maintenance of:
a- balance and posture. b - binocular vision. c - emotional behavior. d-speech. e- visual acuity
( )The cerebral cortex is characterized by numerous elevated ridges of tissue called ______.
a - gyri. b - sulci. c - fissures.
d - neural tubes. e- the cerebral lobes.
( )What are groups of nerve cell bodies in the CNS called?
a- nerves b- tracts c- ganglia
d- central area e- nuclei
( ) What detects the amount of stretch or tension in skeletal muscles, their tendons, and joints?
a-pain receptors b-pressure receptors c-heat receptors
d-cutaneous receptors e-proprioceptors
( )The cell bodies of sensory neurons whose fibers enter the cord by the dorsal root are found in the:
a-ventral root ganglion b-autonomic ganglia.
c-dorsal root ganglion d-basal ganglia
( )The transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the:
a-choroid. b-ciliary body c- cornea. d-iris e-retina
( )The outer fibrous coating of the eyeball is the:
a-iris. b- sclera. c- retina. d- choroid. e- ciliary body.
( )The area of the retina containing only cone cells is the:
a- uvea b. optic disc c. fovea centralis d-blind spot e-both b&d
( )A delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the part of the outer surface of the eyeball is called
a - lacrimal gland b - cornea c- conjunctiva d-retina e-choroids
( )The auditory (or Eustachian) tube is located between the:
a - throat and middle ear. b- throat and trachea c- . throat and larynx.
d- throat and inner ear. e - middle ear and inner ear.
( ) What is the muscle that encircles the mouth?
a- orbicularis oris b-orbicula orbicularis
c- opticalris oculi d- none of the above
( ) The muscle that causes extention of the forearm is the:
a - biceps femoris. B- buccinator. c - biceps brachii.
d - triceps brachii. e- rectus femoris.
( )What are the two types of bone tissue?
a-spongy and hematopoietic b-compact and long c- cartilage and irregular d- compact and spongy e- flat and tall
Good Luck