Ø What is the caregivers history for caring for others, skills/education/experience?
Ø What is the motivation of the caregiver to being a Medical Foster Home provider?
Ø What are the schedules/routines of the home?
Ø Will the home meet my changing needs as I grow older or need more care?
Ø What recreation options are provided in the home via community outings?
Ø Are bedrooms private?
Ø What are some examples of meals?
Ø What are the house rules?
Ø How long has the caregiver been in the adult foster home business?
Ø Does the caregiver appear to be knowledgeable and sincere?
Ø Is the home clean, odor free, well lit, and free from clutter?
Ø Are the common areas attractive, comfortable, and inviting?
Ø Does the size and design of the home appeal to you?
Ø Do current residents appear to be happy and comfortable?