Disaster Preparedness and Assistance and People with Disabilities
Resource Listing by Topic Areasfor Emergency Managers, Health and Disaster Personnel, and People with Disabilities
June 2008
1. American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws as pertaining to disaster preparedness for persons with disabilities
Access Board. Resources on Emergency Evacuation and Disaster Preparedness. board.gov/evac.htm
American Association of People with Disabilities. (2006). U.S. disability law covers foreign cruise ships
Comstock, D. (2005). ADA decision heralds new safety thinking. Fire Chief.
Fadale, Anthony. KansasADA Coordinator. Outline on Guidance for Agencies during Emergency Management/COOP. (post on our web server so it can be accessed)
Landmark Settlement Requires Accessible Evacuation Procedures at all Marshall’s Stores Nationwide.
U.S. Dept. of Justice.
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local GovernmentsChapter 4: 9-1-1 and Emergency Communications Services
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local GovernmentsChapter 7: Emergency Management Under Title II of the ADA
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local GovernmentsChapter7 Addendum1: Title II Checklist (emergency Management)
ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local GovernmentsChapter7 Addendum 2: The ADA and Emergency Shelters: Access for All in Emergencies and Disasters
ADA Checklist for Emergency Shelters.
An ADA Guide for Local Governments: Making Community Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs Accessible to People with Disabilities.
2. Business preparedness plans for persons with disabilities
Hawthorne, Nan. Emergency Plans That Include Workers With Disabilities.
National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). Emergency Evacuation Planning Guide for People with Disabilities(search under disabilities for all reports on persons with disabilities)
Secretary of Transportation. Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
Batiste, Linda Carter and Beth Loy (2004).Employers’ Guide to Including Employees with Disabilities in Emergency Evacuation Plans.
FEMA and US Fire Administration. Emergency Procedures for Employees with Disabilities in Office Occupancies.
U.S. Department of Labor. (2005).Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning: Addressing the Needs of Employees with Disabilities.
3. Clearinghouse listings on emergency management and disabilities
American Association of Health and Disability.Emergence Preparedness and People with Disabilities: Guidelines, Plans, and Bibliography Resources
HSD Public Policy and Research Institute Homeland Security. DEMIN,PPRI Disaster and Emergency Management Information Network,Data, and Web Based Bibliographic Information Sources.
University of Colorado, NaturalHazardCenter.
4. Emergency management planning at local levels
Center for Disability and Special Needs Preparedness(DPC)
FEMA. Accommodating Individuals With Disabilities In The Provision Of Disaster Mass Care, Housing, And Human Services Reference Guide.
FEMA. (2001). FEMA Emergency Procedures: Special equipment anddevices.
FEMA. Emergency Support Services Function #6: Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services Annex. (January 2008).
National Organization on Disability. Guide on the Special Needs of People with Disabilities for Emergency Managers, Planners and Responders.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2001). Fact Sheet on Obtaining and Using Employee Medical Information as Part of Emergency Evacuation Procedures.
University of Arizona. Tips for First Responders.
5. Emergency management research and disabilities
US Department of Education (April 2008). Emergency Management Research and People with Disabilities Resource Guide.
6. Emergency management websites
FranklinCounty, Greenfield, MA.
7. Individual preparedness for persons with disabilities
Kailes, J. I. Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility for Your Safety. A Guide for People with Disabilities and Other Activity Limitation
American Red Cross.
Disability Resources Monthly (DRM) Web watcher.Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities (also link to resources by state).
IN.Gov. Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services.
Kansas Disability Commission. Emergency Preparedness Information Network.
National Organization on Disability (NOD)Emergency Preparedness Initiative
Nobody Left Behind: Disaster Dos and Don’ts Checklist. Individual and Disaster Dos and Don’ts Checklist Community Preparedness. Prepared for and by Persons with Disabilities. (website with pdf files).
8. Mapping, resources and disabilities
BRFSS maps by state on disabilities
Kansas Commission on Disabilities. These are maps showing service areas for State agencies that are service providers for low income households, elderly, and people with disabilities.
National Organization on Disabilities (NOD). Emergency Preparedness Initiative. Interactive Map of Disability and Emergency Preparedness Resources.
University of South CarolinaHazards and Vulnerability Research Institute (November 2006). Social Vulnerability Maps and Data by Counties in Kansas.
9. Pandemic Planning
(This section is not necessarily disability specific; yet, it is important that people with disabilities with medical needs be extra prepared for this type of disaster as they may not be high on the list for services, assistance, etc…with the demand being for those who are the most likely to survive.)
American Public Health Association.Stockpile Campaign and Tool Kit
American Nursing Association. (March 2008) Adapting Standards of Care Under Extreme Conditions: Guidance for Professionals During Disaster, Pandemics, and Other Extreme Emergencies.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pandemic Influenza Information for Health Professionals.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. An excellent resource to keep up to date with what is globally happening and for federal, state and local, personnel, workplace, school and medical planning:
University of Kansas, Research and TrainingCenter on Independent Living. Ready, Willing, & Able Internet Course. This is a FREE two hour course for health and safety workers and persons working with individuals with disabilities. It covers disability etiquette, terminology, and communication and assistance techniques during disasters to assist persons with sensory, physical and cognitive disabilities. It is approved for CUE’s for Kansas nurses. Login into KS-TRAIN FREE at and the course ID# 1010882.
Emerging Best Practices Listing (next lists to complete)
RENO county’s survey, etc