-- Cross Court --
MAY2018 2018-2019

Dear IHSTCA Member:

What a crazy spring it has been this year. Maybe Mother Nature has decided to let spring out of her cage. As for the southern part of the state, we will probably skip the spring like temperatures and head right into the heat of summer. Whatever type of weather you have been experiencing; let’s hope the worse is gone and we can finally keep the boys’ season rolling. . . I think this graphic says it all!

On a serious note--It occurred to me that if I didn’t know these board members prior to sitting on the board. Many of our members don’t know them either. So in the upcoming newsletters I will highlight a board member. It’s my hope that you realize the amount of time and energy these board members donate to improve our sport of tennis in Illinois.


Carrie Watson, President

Marion High School

IHSTCA Board of Directors

OfficersBoard Members

President:Carrie Watson (Marion)Rick Bailey (Johnsburg)

Pres. Elect:Sean Masoncup (SCN)Dan Brown (Nap. Central)

Past Pres:Greg Cohen (Warren)Jack Carmody (Triad)

Secretary:Jon Betts (Jacobs)Larry Faulkner (GBS)

Treasurer:Patti Shaw (Richwoods)Fred Galluzzo (OPRF)

Membership:Tres Heimann (York)Pat Gornik (Dunlap)

Matt Gross (Ottawa)

Michael Hand (Benet)

Bill Lange (GBS/NT)

Josh Leighton (Deerfield)

Dave Lipe (Edwardsville)

Bob Smith (Leyden)

Mike Terry (Quincy)

Kelly Willard (Metamora)

Publicity / Web PageAll-State (Boys)All-State (Girls)

Sean Masoncup (chair)Josh Leighton (chair)Dan Brown (chair)

Josh LeightonDan SkaerJon Betts

Sean MasoncupBob SmithGreg Cohen

Mike TerryMike Terry

Summer WorkshopCoach of the Year Newsletter

Jon BettsRick Bailey (chair-boys’)Greg Cohen (chair)

Awards / CertificatesPitchford Sportsmanship Award (Girls + Boys)

Fred Galluzzo (chair)Matt Gross (chair)

Mike Terry

Coaching EthicsHistorical Committee Century Club

Dave Lipe (Chair)Tracy Waters-Miller(chair)Tres Heimann (chair)

Bill LangeChuck Morrison

Bob SmithMike Terry

Kelly Willard

Hall of FameWorkshop/LuncheonState Format

Sean MasoncupGreg Cohen (chair)Josh Leighton (chair)

Josh LeightonPatti Shaw (Luncheon)Jack Carmody

Bob Smith Kelly Willard (Booklet)Mike Hand

Kelly WillardCarrie Watson (Registration)Kelly Willard

Please feel free to contact me: Carrie Watson

(618) 889-4709


List of Participants due on-lineTuesday, May 15, 2018

Boys SectionalMay 18 & 19, 2018

Boys State:May 24 – 26, 2018

IHSTCA Summer MeetingMonday, July 23, 2018



Schaumburg High School

Salary based on previous tennis coaching experience (Between $3,950-$8,000)

Contact: Marty Manning, Athletic Director

(847) 755-4770


Coaches, please be sure that you are entering your players’ matches into the TennisReporting platform. This information will later be exported for sectional seeding purposes. Links for some important tutorials are listed below:

Exporting a Players Season Reports (PSR)

*This is to check your players season records before you submit for sectional seeding. A more detailed set of directions as to how you will submit these forms for sectional seeding will be emailed out later.Coaches, please check your player's records now and make any necessary corrections ASAP.

Adding a defaulted player due to not having enough players on a roster

Change the Date of a Match and to Delete a Match

Entering in a Set Tiebreaker Score

Fixing Scoring Discrepancies

All training videos can be foundat:

If you have any other questions,please feel free to contact:

Steve Matuszewski