Annual Funding Information 2018-2019

(for funds distributed on behalf of The Tindall Foundation)


Invitation to apply

Presbyterian Support New Zealand (PSNZ) invites Presbyterian and Union Churches, and Presbyterian Support organisations to complete an application for funding. Your application will be considered along with others received, and successful applications will receive between $500 and $15,000 towards your initiative.

Applications close on 22 June 2018.

What if I am not sure if my initiative qualifies?

If you are not sure whether your organisation or initiative qualifies for funding, please phone us on

04 473 5025 or email us to discuss.

Tindall Foundation

The Tindall Foundation is a family-run philanthropic organisation dedicated to helping give community organisations a ‘hand up’, often supporting with seed funding to establish new initiatives. The Tindall Foundation’s aim is to help build a stronger, sustainable New Zealand so that families, communities and our environment thrive now and in the future. Their work is driven by a belief that all Kiwis should have the chance to lead happy, healthy lives. They contribute to organisations and community groups, supporting them in their work to build a strong and prosperous New Zealand for future generations.

Funding Criteria

Initiatives must meet the Tindall Foundation’s funding criteria. In addition, preference will be given to initiatives which are carried out in collaboration with others, or with the support of your local Presbyterian Support organisation. Visit our website for contact details for the Presbyterian Support organisation in your area.

Faith Funding managers

The Tindall Foundation contracts with organisations that support community and social services across the country to manage funding dedicated to faith-based social services within The Tindall Foundation’s ‘Supporting Families and Social Services’ programme area. PSNZ manages the allocation of The Tindall Foundation Supporting Families and Social Service funding. The other faith funding organisations are: ADRA, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, The Anglican Care Network, Baptist Churches of New Zealand, Methodist Alliance Aotearoa, New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference, and the Salvation Army. For contact information for all Faith Funding Managers please follow this link

A panel will review, moderate and select successful applications in accordance with Tindall Foundation criteria and priorities. Each year Presbyterian Support receives a fixed level of funding from Tindall Foundation to allocate and distribute.

How Often Can We Apply and For How Long?

Applications are called for annually. Each application will be assessed against the others received that year. Generally, an initiative will not be funded for more than three years.

How to Apply

Please complete the Application form and email to:

Presbyterian Support New Zealand

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