People to Contact


Young Church10:00Rick Price

Great Heights20:15 Phil and Jacqui Sarbutts


CAMEO(Social group for the elderly)10.00Margaret Clarke

Banner Making14:00Sue Jacklin

Rock Solid (fortnightly during term time) 19.15John Harrington

Contact (Monthly)15.00George Lea

Tues Evening Reflective Worship19.00Kathryn Price


Wednesday Worship10.30Liz Parkinson

Toddlers (Term Time)10:45Emma Coe

Friendly Food (Term Time)12:15Hazel Crummett

The Singers18:45Christine Watson


Baby Chat (Term Time)10.30Emma Coe

Network(September – Easter)14:30Margaret Pattie

Scouts19:15David Heatley


Tiddlywinks (2nd and 4th in the month term time)10.30Emma Coe

Beavers (6-8 years) (Parish Rooms)18.30Jacquie Metcalfe

Cub Scouts (Woods Lane Guide HQ)18:30Neil Kidd

Focus (last Friday of each month)19.30Val Pickwell

Messy Drinks (Friday before Messy Church)20:00Phil Sarbutts

Men’s Breakfast (Monthly)8.30John Harrington

Playgroup (Weekdays, Term Time ) 9:15 Christine Watson

Activity bags are available for children to use during services. (see a steward for assistance)

An INDUCTION LOOP is provided for the benefit of hearing aid users.Please note the Communion Wine we use is non-alcoholic. Please let one of the Stewards know prior to the start of the Service if you require Gluten,

wheat and dairy-free wafers for communion

Christian children’s books are available to loan from Emma Coe.

Large print bibles and hymn books

are available, please ask a steward.

The Notices are published on the web (at

Any personal contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, etc) will be

omitted from the website unless it is explicitly stated that they should be left in.To book a room phone the office or go onto where you can click onto the date you want to book using the calendar to the left of the page.

Listen again! If you missed last week’s services (or want to listen again) they are both available on the church web site (Go to “Missed a Service” “Listen Again”)

Cheadle Hulme


Church Office 0161 485 1605

Monday-Friday 9:30am – 3pm


Church email:


Charity Registration No. 1130718

Minister: Rev Philip Peacock 0161

Office:- 0161 485 1605

Children and Family Worker: Emma Coe

Welcome to Worship

Notices for Sunday21st December

A Prayer as you Prepare for Worship

Father God, when Your precious Son became a tiny baby in a stable in Bethlehem in poverty and simplicity, You changed our world. As we imagine those surroundings, we join with the shepherds and the wise men in wonder and praise. We thank You for our material lives, praise You for our spiritual lives, and trust in You for our eternal life. Amen.


We pray for Philip Peacock as he leadsour worship today, for Richard Spurrthe organist and the Singers. Also forYoungChurchas they share the Nativity story

We also pray forBob Bartindaleas he leads worship atBramhall in the morning


If anyone has found a plastic envelope containing Christmas music could you please contact Cath Todd



All notices for 28th Dec and 4th Jan need to be in the office by 10am on Monday 22nd December. Thank you

CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS- this year the theme for the tree in church is 'Hand-made'.There is still time to bring alonga decoration made either by yourself or handmade by someone else Please enjoy hanging it on the tree and looking at all the other decorations.

Christmas cardsSale – half price £2.50 for 10. Order from Peter Crummett

2015 CalendarSale Price £3.50 each, and are available from the church office

THIS WEEK(Details of all groups can be found in the magazine)

Times and Contact details of regular groups are listed on the back of the notices

No CAMEO over Christmas- will start again on 6th January.

No Friendly Food over Christmas - will recommence on Wednesday 7th January.

Office hours

The office will be closed from 25th Dec – 5th Jan inc. Maggie will be working from home on various days during that period and will deal with any urgent emails.


This is to let you know that the Bramhall and Wythenshawe Circuit
Worship Enablers (myself and Rev’d Louise Gough) will be running a
training course in worship leading starting on Monday 12th January 2015at Heald Green Methodist Church. The course will run from 7pm to 10pm(which includes a half hour feedback session over coffee) every Mondayfor 8 weeks . We will be using the Family Friendly Churches Trust courseentitled “Leading Contemporary Worship”
The course is open to anyone who has an interest in worship leading, such as leading small groups or anyone who feels called to explore aministry in worship leading in their local church.The application form is available from the CHMC office and needs to be returned by December 29th.Susan Markall

Help needed!

Please can you help? We urgently need more helpers on the drinks rota for Toddlers on Wednesday mornings. This is such a great and popular service to our community, we would be really grateful for any help to start after Christmas. If you wanted to do it as a couple or with a friend that would be fine! Please see Emma for more details.


If you have been sent safeguarding forms to complete (please check the pigeonholes), please could you do so and return to Maggie ASAP so we can complete our safeguarding audit before Christmas? Thank you

Flower Visitor change

Jane Kemp will be doing January and Jenni Hardman will be doing February

Notices Announced in Church

A reminder to please make use of the weekly notice sheetand magazine to publish your notices. If you have anything particularlyurgent to announce which isn't in the written notices please hand it in brief written form to one of the vestry stewards by 9.45am. The vestry steward will consider announcing this at the beginning of the service. This should improve the flow of our worship and cut down on long and/or duplicate notices. Thank you.

Our church family lunch

after the Covenant Service on January 11th 2015 will be jacket potatoes and a choice of fillings - provided; please bring desserts. Please would you sign the list in the narthex to say ifyou are coming, if you can offer help setting up/clearing away/making drinks etc. Thank you.


4th January 6.30pm Visit of President & Vice President of ConferenceDistrict Service at KnutsfordMethodistChurch

12th July 6.30pm Farewell Service for Rev Dr Keith Davies

2nd Sept 6.30pm Welcome Service for Rev Dr Andrew Lunn


Horizons Fundraising events

Please see magazine and notice boards for details

Horizons Fund Raising - Jam

If you are making any jam etc for the Horizons Fund please feel free to come and help yourself to the jars in the church office – we have a lot. Please don’t bring any more for now!

Coming Up in 2015

Rainbow Restaurant Meal Thursday 19th February 2015 7pm

Coffee Morning,Art Craft Exhibition Sat 21st Feb 2015 10am

Laurence Singers 7th March 2015 7.30pm

Fashion Show April 2015

Silent Auction May 2015

Open House and Garden 27th and 28th June 2015

Big Band Swing Concert and Dance 4th July 2015

Pizza Galore August 2015

Gift Day September 2015

Harvest Supper and Social 3rdOctober 2015

Special Event! 21st November 2015

Cookery book, Calendar, Christmas cards

Ongoing Events

Sale of Chutney and cakes

Sale of cards and decorations

Sale of Easter Chicks and phone covers

Coffee mornings