TCA Contact seminar

European Shared Strategies for Reducing the Occurance of NEET

Naples, 5th–7th November 2015

The Italian Erasmus + National Agency INDIRE, in cooperation with the other two Italian NAs, ISFOL and ANG, is organising a European Contact Seminar ‘ which will take place in Naples from 5th to 7th November 2015.

Policy contest

The definition is in principle straight forward, referring to those who currently do not have a job, are not enrolled in training or are not classified as a student. It is a measure of disengagement from the labour market and perhaps from society in general.

At EU level, NEETs are considered to be one of the most problematic groups in the context of youth unemployment. The European Commission has introduced new indicators, such as the NEET rate, to monitor the labor market and social situation of young people and facilitate comparison between Member States in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy. This gives youth issues greater visibility and strengthens the position of young people in the political agenda.

NEETs are a very heterogeneous population.

Being NEET has severe adverse consequences for the individual, society and the economy. Spending time as NEET may lead to a wide range of social disadvantages, such as disaffection, insecure and poor future employment, youth offending, and mental and physical health problems

Objectives of the seminar:

The seminar will be an opportunity to share and discover new recovery policies and approaches in this field, with the aim of creating cross sectoral strategic partnerships on the issue of NEET


We can host up to 70 participants, 2-3 participants per country from different Institutions that are involved in the context of youth unemployment, school dropout and in general dealing with the problem of NEET(upper secondary and vocational schools, public authorities, labour market, youth association, cultural association etc)

Venue: Naples

Costs: INDIRE will cover the cost of accommodation, meals and seminar premises and facilities

Travel costs: travel cost will be covered by the sending Erasmus+ National Agency

Working language: English

Organization: Italian Erasmus + National Agency - INDIRE

Contact person: Angela Miniati

Email address:

Phone number: +39 055 2380706/594