/ AIS /


Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PU

Telephone/fax: (01332) 571 704


Headteacher: Mrs Atwal
4th November, 2016

We’re going to have an exciting time in Y2 this term!

This term, our topic will be ‘Into the Woods’. The children will be completing the following activities:

·  Following our trip to Nottingham Castle we will be using the painting Robin Hood by Daniel Maclise (above right) to inspire our own artwork.

·  Developing our Geographic skills by looking at aerial photographs of Nottingham castle, identifying human features and physical features and planning simple routes.

·  Becoming Scientists and testing materials by conducting investigations.

·  Developing an understanding of celebrations that are important to Christians and the Jewish faith.

·  Experimenting with clay.

·  Designing and making puppets.

In Maths, children will:

·  Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

·  Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division and write them using the multiplication (x), division (÷) and equals (=) sign.

·  Solve problems involving multiplication and division.

·  Show that the multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order and division of one number by another cannot.

·  Estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm) and mass (kg/g), using rulers and scales.

·  Compare and order length and mass and record the results using >, < and =.

·  Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables.

·  Recognise and use symbols of pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value.

·  Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.

·  Solve simple problems involving money, including giving change.

In English, the children will:

·  Use ‘talk for writing’ techniques to learn, modify and create our own version of Little Red Riding Hood.

·  Write spine poems about the woods, focusing on adjectives and the power of three (e.g. long, slender, green leaves).

·  Recount our trip to Nottingham Castle and our visit to the Velodrome using time connectives to sequence events.

·  Consolidating their knowledge of punctuation, correct letter formation and common exception words.

Ways to help your child at home and suggested activities:

·  Please read as much as possible and make a note of the page number in the reading diary. This will lead to your child making very good progress; the more practice the children have, the better readers they become.

·  Help them consolidate their Phonics by practising their Weekly Words.

·  Get children to recognise coins and discuss their value. Can they make 20p/50p/£1 using different coins? They could pay for things at the shop etc.

·  Count in steps of 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

·  Revise place value of 2-digit numbers to 100 (e.g. 24 is 2 tens and 4 ones).

·  Ask children to recognise odd and even numbers in their environment (e.g. door numbers).

·  Look at Alvaston on Google Maps and discuss what features they identify. Can they also plan a route from their house to school using a map?

·  Identify materials in and around your home, discussing why each material has been used e.g. ‘Why isn’t the bath made of paper?’ Can they describe the properties of the material (e.g. flexible, transparent)?

·  Discuss special occasions that your family celebrate and what happens during these events.

Dates to remember:

Maths Morning – starts Tuesday 8th November

You are very welcome to come and participate alongside the children with their independent activities, whilst the Teacher will hear readers.

Readers’ Morning will continue every Friday morning.

Remembrance Day ~ Children visiting church on morning of 11th November

Maths Workshop – 14th November at 6pm.

Children in Need Day – Friday 18th November (details to follow).

Arts Week – w/b 28th November: Visit from ‘Claydayz’

Parents will be invited to our showcase of work on Friday 2nd December at 2:00pm.

Christmas Fair – Friday 9th December, 4-6pm

Theatre Trip to the Velodrome – Monday 12th December

Christmas Production – Friday 16th December at 9:30am and 2:00pm

Christmas parties and visit from Santa: 19th December

20th December: Last day of term