t: +44 (0) 1708 206 498 e: w: mortgageforturkey.com
Pre-Application Form
This form is also available on line at www.mortgageforturkey.com/eligibility.
Completion of this form does not constitute a formal application to a lender. This form is used by your advisor to assess your eligibility for any potential mortgage. A full mortgage offer will be subject to a full application to a lender and verification of the information provided in this form, as well as satisfactory security.
FINANCE OBJECTIVES Please indicate from the options below what your objectives are:
What stage are you at in the process? / Budgeting / Found a property / Made an offer / Signed a contractIs this a Remortgage or new purchase? / Purchase / Remortgage
What date is completion due? / / / or ASAP
What is the Purchase price currency?
What is the loan amount currency?
APPLICANT ONE / APPLICANT TWOTitle / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other___ / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other___
Full Name
Marital Status
Dependents under 18
Date of Birth
Home / WorkMobile
Email Address
Postal Address
Dates at Address
Residential status / Owner Tenant with family/friends / Owner Tenant with family/friends
Employment status? / Employed/Director/Self-employed/Retired / Employed/Director/Self-employed/RetiredOccupation
Job TitleStart date
Business Name
If Director, state % share
APPLICANT ONE / APPLICANT TWOEmployed - Gross basic income
Self employed
Net profit after tax / Projection for this year
Last year
Previous year
Other income – Bonus/dividend etc (3 year average)
Can you prove income? / Payslips & P60
Company accounts (how many years?)
SA302 Tax computation
Please include your mortgage here if you are a homeowner, secured/unsecured loans, credit cards, store cards etc. If you have a large BTL portfolio please request a spreadsheet from us or use your own.
Applicantone/ two or joint? / Type of Debt (Credit card / loan etc) / Name of provider / Cleared each month? / Amount outstanding / Payment per month
If not a homeowner - Rent
Have you been late with payments on your rent or mortgage or any other loans credit cards or other credit? / Y NHave you ever received a default? / Y N
Have you ever received a County Court Judgement, been made bankrupt or had a property repossessed? / Y N
If you have answered yes to any of these, please provide details below.
DECLARATION By Returning this form:
· I agree that the information contained in this document may be shared with the product providers and lenders and appropriate staff at Mortgage for Turkey for underwriting purposes and to provide advice and internal verification.
· I/we agree that updates on the progress of my/our application may be provided to the person or company who introduced me/us as a client to Mortgage for Turkey
Post: Mortgage for Turkey 54 Regina Road, London N4 3PP
Fax: Not acceptable due to poor quality
Mortgage for Turkey 54 Regina Road, London N4 3PP
Mortgage for Turkey ltd is registered as a company in England and Wales, No 8514176