Reading in Contemporary Chinese Literature: Advanced Chinese II

Spring 2017

Pu Wang/王璞

Office: Mandel 118


Office hours: TBA

I. Course Description

This course isdesigned for students who have completed 3 years of learning in Chinese at college level or who have the equivalent proficiency (no placement evaluation required). It is mainly to inspireand reinforce students’ intellectual curiosity in modern Chinese literature and culture,develop skills in conducting in-depth textual analyses and help students learn to appreciate thestylistic sophistication resulted from a modern Chinese author’s creative use of vernacular Chinese language.

In short, this course aims to enhance student’s capability of reading, thinking, and writing in Chinese. So this course is taught primarily in Chinese. Students are expected to significantly improve their readingcomprehension and writing competence, and at the same time to acquire the ability to intelligently and formally write and discuss with coherence on topics rich in Chinese culturalconnotation.

For our readings, this course focuses on the genres of short story (短篇小说), prose (散文), poetry, andargumentation or commentary (议论文,评论),written in modern vernacular Chinese.

II. textbook and readings

On the Present and Past: Comprehensive Chinese, Advanced Reading II (说古论今:汉语综合教程中高级下).Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007. (Note: 是否使用此教材,视学生水平而定,老师将在开学时向大家说明)

All other readings will be provided in pdf. files. But you must print them out as bring the hard copies to class. Sorry that I don’t think paper-less digital reading will work in a classroom environment.

III. Requirements

  1. Preparation for classpreview and review of texts are required.
  1. Attendance and ParticipationCommitment is required in terms of: a)coming to class and being on time; b) not eating during class sessions; and c) being actively involved in all in-class activities.Lateness and absence from class will both affect your attendance grade. Absences can be excused for religious reasons—with an email notification in advance—or by your illness for which a dated note from your doctor is required. Everyone is permitted to have two unexcused absences and latenesses. Students who have 8 or more absences (of all reasons) from class will not get the grade.
  1. Essay assignments There will be an essay assignment during the mid-term and at least two additional assignments of shortcompositions in Chinese in responseto our readings.
  1. Short PresentationsStudents will explain the words, grammar and/ or patterns of the assigned reading and give a short analysis – as a “kick-off” of class discussion.
  1. Final project every student is supposed to write a piece of creative writing (fiction, prose, drama, etc.) or a work of social-cultural commentary. The subject matter and the form are upon the approval by the instructor.

IV. Grading:

Attendance & participation 20%

Essays and compositions40%

Short Presentation 10%

Final Project 30%

V. Weekly Schedule






第六周:midterm recess:

第七周, 2月28日、3月3日:收第二篇作业;插曲:历史与穿越,鲁迅和郭沫若的历史书写;现代诗:郭沫若,卞之琳,冯至,穆旦

第八周,3月7日、10日: “朦胧诗运动”:食指,北岛,多多,以及回忆文章




第十二周,4月4日、7日: 长篇:莫言《生死疲劳》

第十三周,Passover and spring recess


第十五周,5月2日:Conclusion;final project due。