MCHS Math Knowledge & Employability
Teacher: Mr. Denham
Classroom Expectations
Punctuality: Be in class on time with required materials. If you are late you will be required to obtain a late slip from the office
Attendance: Obviously you are expected to be in class every day. As per school policy, phone calls home will be made after 3 unexcused absences and grade coordinator will become involved after 5. 8 unexcused absences will result in a parent-admin conference which could lead to your removal from the course.
Food and Drinks: Only water will be allowed in class (no food, coffee etc). No exceptions.
Assignments: Not all homework will be marked but you are still expected to do it! It is YOUR learning after all. Late quizzes, labs, or assignments that are for marks will be marked as time permits, and until then will be recorded as ëmií for ìmissingî and will be given a mark of zero.
Tests: If you are away for a test and the absence was excused you must see me to schedule your test within two days of returning to school. If the absence was unexcused you will be writing the test the day you return and in all likelihood will be writing a different, more difficult test than those who wrote it on the assigned day. All students are given the option of attempting an alternate version of tests and assignments provided that the student has no missing assignments and has created a study plan which has been approved by me.
- You are not allowed to wear hats (of any kind) or hoods in class.
- Unauthorized use of cell phones (& mp3 players) is prohibited. They will be confiscated and taken to the office and returned to you at the end of the day.
- Keep the classroom clean & organized: students caught making a mess can expect to stay after to help clean up.
- If you need a copy of an assignment, or want me to check a mark etc please put requests of me in writing (email or note) please!
- Swearing and derogatory language is obviously not allowed. Generally pushups and/or situps are assigned as punishment, however you may be asked to sing or dance instead.
- Dress code: No Butts, No Boobs, No Bellies
- Pencil and a good eraser
- Calculator
Course Outline
Dates / K&E 9 TopicsSept. 1 – Sept. 21 / Whole Numbers & Decimals
Sept. 22 – Oct. 19 / Fractions
Oct. 20 – Nov. 9 / Integers
Nov. 14 – Dec. 2 / Percentages / Rates / Proportions
Dec. 5 – Jan. 13 / Algebra
Feb. 1 – Mar. 8 / Measurement
Mar. 12 – Apr. 19 / 2D & 3D Shapes: Perimeter, Area, & Volume
Apr. 21 – May 11 / Transformations
May 14 – June 7 / Data Analysis & Graphing
June 11 – June 15 / Review / Practice PAT questions
Weighting (Full-Year)
Summative Assessments
Assignments and Quizzes20%
Unit Tests50%
Final (PAT) Exam20%
Have a Great Year!