September 14, 2006

Present: Debra Courville, HDSB; Tony Petitti, TCDSB; Kathy Doherty Masters, WCDSB; Richard Ward, Ophea; Nancy Schad, Ophea; Carolyn Temertzoglou, OISE; Joanne Walsh, HDSB; Kim Potter, PDSB; Jennifer Cowie-Bonne, Ophea; Jennifer Powles, CIS; Sue McMahon, LCDSB; George Kourtis, TDSB, Jennifer Johnston, TDSB.

Regrets: Lara Paterson, Jayne McCullough, Nancy Popovich, Dave Newman, Diahne Graham, Ron Lopez.

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action
1. Welcome and Introductions / -Debra welcomed new and returning members
-Meeting norms were set for completion of agenda items by the end of meeting time.
-Exec. Members should schedule meetings times from 10:00 – 3:00. Every attempt will be made to start promptly and to finish before 3:00 whenever possible
2.Constitution: Review and changes / -Several changes were made to the constitution in June
-Changes were reviewed and the constitution was updated / Nancy S. will draft changes to 5.9 to delineate a clear process for the election of officers and bring it forward at the Oct 3rd meeting.
Review of Executive Positions 2006/07 / -Confirming attendance at executive meetings.
-East Regional Representative.
-A Principal Representative has been added to the Members at Large positions to have a voice on the executive.
-Ophea CAC representative.2 more representatives are needed to attend the 4 annual CAC meetings.
-Nancy Popovitch will be the safety rep. to Ophea for 2006-2007 / Executive members are asked to ensure that they RSVP to Ann Amberg in all cases.
Nancy S. will contact the East regional rep. to determine if he is able to participate in the meetings this year.
Executive members will seek out interested parties to determine interest in the executive and report back at the October 3rd meeting.
Kim Potter and Jennifer Powles have expressed an interest. Other executive members will also be approached. Reps will be confirmed at the Oct 3rd meeting.
Kim Potter and Carolyn Temertzoglou will represent OASPHE at the Sept 20th meeting and will submit a report.
Role of Treasurer/ Administrative Assistant / -Ann has volunteered to continue in the role of administrative assistant. She has also accepted the role of treasurer.
-Ann will also be responsible for the website.
-Website address:
-To access the Member’s area :User name: HPE
and Password: Quality / Information to be posted on the website must be sent to the secretary, Joanne Walsh, at . Joanne will forward them to Ann along with the minutes. Ann will then post them on the Oasphe website.
2006-07 Membership Fees & Application Form / -Membership fees will remain at $40.00 for this year
-The Oasphe website needs to be added to the application form in the future / Membership fees should be sent directly to Ann Amberg by October 13th.
Curriculum Review Update / -The review is in the final draft stages. The polished version will be forwarded to Brock and the survey will be on –line this fall.
-The survey still needs to be translated into French.
-A committee is needed to check how well the survey works on-line.
-New executive members are also needed to continue to work on the survey, including elementary teachers.
-Future direction also includes investigating the research to support the changes that OASPHE will recommend to the Ministry.
-To launch the survey at Ophea, laptops and wireless access is needed.
-The “kick off” time at the Ophea conference needs to be determined. / Deb will send the survey to Brock early next week
Jennifer Cowie-Bonne will pursue funding for the translation into French.
OASPHE executive members should contact Deb or Nancy if interested in helping with the survey
OASPHE representatives will bring the request forward for support with research at the Sept 20th CAC meeting.
CIS needs to be added to section 1 on the first page.
Nancy S. will iron out the logistics with Ophea and report back at the Oct 3rd meeting.
Fitness Assessment Update / -The committee is moving into Phase II.
-The next stage is to investigate research to support the statements that OASPHE will publish regarding fitness assessment.
-The delivery of assessment is critical and therefore the presentation must be vetted carefully.
-Ophea has also requested direction around critical messages for fitness assessment to answer queries from teachers.
-Kim Potter and George Kourtis volunteered to join the committee. / The committee will work towards the goal of presenting a clear direction for teachers at the OASPHE winter conference.
The committee will meet to create a timeline and proposal for the winter conference and will report back to the executive at the Oct. 3rd meeting.
OASPHE Brochure update / -Jennifer Johnston has been working on the graphic design and is presently costing out the work. / Jennifer Johnston will continue to pursue the creation of the brochure and will have a sample for the Oct. 3rd meeting.
Ophea DPA Update. / -34 boards have subscribed to the DPA package. This is a representation of 30,000 teachers across the province. These teachers get a monthly update of activity cards.
-Teachers are raving about the cards so far.
-There is a link to DPA on the Ophea website and a private area set up for subscribers.
-Other resources continue to be available for free from Ophea that have been developed in the past.
-The Northern Fruit and Vegetable Pilot Program has several initiatives targeting northern Ontario / Jennifer Cowie-Bonne will forward the website to the secretary for publication.
Healthy School Work Table. / -A meeting was hosted by the Ministry, the second in a series looking for feedback on a Comprehensive Healthy Schools Recognition Program and would like feedback on how to move it forward, tools needed, what it would look like etc.
-The attempt is to make inroads into schools in terms of physical activity and nutrition.
-The group is looking for feedback from all sectors.
-Joint Consortium on School Health Fact sheet was distributed which represents best practices.
-There was quite a misperception about what occurs in Health and Physical Education on the part of the consortium.
-Tony voiced the concern at the meeting that there was no mention of ongoing DPA funding to sustain it.
Date and formats of meeting / -Please note the dates of 2006-07 executive meetings:
September 14 – Room 302-303
October 3 – Room 301
October 12 - Fall General Meeting Nottawasaga Inn
November 21 – Conference call
December 7 – OASPHE/OPHEA – site TBA
January 11 – 302-303
February – Winter Conference Date/ Site TBA
April 12 – Room 301
May 7 – Spring General Meeting – site TBA
June 14 – Room 301
-Please note that the conference call option is only available when meetings are scheduled in room 301. / Please let Deb Courville know if you will be calling in via conference call.
EDU and OTF Forum Meetings / reps. / -Each year the Ministry and OTF hold forums to provide information and updates on initiatives.
-EDU dates: Oct, 20, May 11
-OTF holds meetings to update members on association business.
-OTF dates: Oct 21, May 12
-A rep. will be needed for the OTF meeting in February. / Tony will represent OASPHEat the EDU meetings
Deb will represent OASPHE at the OTF meetings.
Advocacy Items. / -Continue to support the implementation of DPA
-Advocate for on-going resources to sustain the DPA initiative.
-Advocate for Ministry policy changes for a second compulsory physical activity credit;
-Advocate for Ministry policy changes to allow students to earn more than one HALE credit at the same grade level. / Tony will revise the advocacy items written on the advocacy letter and send them to Deb.
Fall General Meeting / The fall general meeting: possible ideas for a working session:
-quick sharing of successes of models implementing DPA e.g., What’s working?
-to generate key messages to communicate about DPA.
-What more do schools and teachers need to continue to be successful at implementing DPA?
-begin investigating models for Assessment of DPA programs - tools boards and teachers need to begin assessing student performance and to assess the effect of DPA on school climate, culture and learning.
-Presentation by Steve Friesen “Raising the Bar”- successful implementation of intramurals to maximize student involvement in activity at the secondary level.
-a room is set aside for the meeting at Nottawasaga with a capacity of 100. The room will be free of charge because of our association with Ophea. / Deb will create the Flyer based on key points generated by the executive regarding DPA and Steve Friesen.
Kathy Doherty-Masters will contact Steve regarding this presentation.
Nancy S. is confirming the refreshments.
Winter Conference / -An organizing committee still needs to be struck. Some executive members are willing to play a role in the organization of it; however there is no one to take the role as conference committee chair / Carolyn will talk to connections in Hamilton to determine if their annual conference can be joined with the OASPHE
Spring Conference / -The organization and theme of the Spring conference will be confirmed at the Oct 3rd meeting as well as which region is listed as responsible for the organization of it. / Deb will check the schedule and report at the Oct. 3 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Safety / -The first meeting will be held on Wed. September 20th
-Ophea programs that are on-going:
-Living Schools Initiative
-Active Healthy Kids Day: Had a great reception last year because of the report card that accompanied it.
-Active Schools Program
-Activ8 – lots of free programs are available on the website and can be downloaded
-Cybercops Grade 8 program test pilot is complete and will be sent out to schools in Oct.
-Take Action: Available in English and French in -K – 3.
-This program will be reviewed at the secondary level and have consulted with secondary educators to determine how it will be delivered at a secondary level.
-Asthma Education Initiative – the host of resources continue to be available. There is a new component on Asthma. Check the website.
-Always Changing/Vibrant Faces: The link and information is the same for grade 5- 8
-H&PE Curriculum Support – continues to be available via the Ophea website. Ophea is always looking for educators to review – teachers who review the resources will receive a copy of them
-Kid’s Health Conference: October 12 –14, 2006 at Nottawasaga
-Lung Are For Life: is in the process of being reviewed to determine the effectiveness of the program.
-School Nutrition Initiative: Menu of Choices for secondary schools sent out last year. It is a comprehensive nutrition document and contains lessons that link to the curriculum. There is a supplement on the Ophea website that pertains to family studies and business studies.
-Contributing to the Ophea website: Ophea is always looking for contributors so contact them with any suggestions.
-PARC: This resource centre continues to provide support through workshops. More information is available at
-New exciting program by PARC is “JiggaJump” Ophea is funding free delivery of this program. They are active stories that combine physical activity with music. It promotes early years literacy and physical activity. Ophea will be working closely with PARC for the delivery of it. Expect to see it in February. It will be launched at the PARC conference
-PlaySport: Still on line and there are about 50 activities free for download and $20 for the hard copy.
-Diabetes Prevention Education: Everyone Jump is an interactive CD designed to teach students about diabetes. They are also available on the website .
-Walk this Way: a walking program for adults sponsored by PARC. More information on . It might be a staff wellness initiative
-The balance is healthy. The current account will be closed and Debra will be opening a new account with Ann Amburg in the Mississauga area.
-Ontario Safety Guidelines: there are 19 new pages for elementary and secondary curricular and co-curricular guidelines available in Safety Services of Ophea website. There are no intramural additions.
- A request for changes or new additions to activity pages is due by Oct 31st. The application is available on line.
-The entire 6 modules of the safety guidelines are being reviewed. / One of the OASPHE/CAC reps. will report at the Oct 3rd meeting
Contact Diane Schultz at Ophea – if to review the new resources that are sent to Ophea. Resources include books, CD/DVD programs etc. for all components of the HPE curriculum.
New Business / -Peel is running their second annual “Think-Act-Be…Fit” Conference on Thursday October 26th. A very successful conference that is filling up quickly. Registration is on-line at
-Waterloo CDSB hired a production company to put DPA on DVD. It was completed in June and distributed in September. The content includes: information about DPA, safety considerations and getting started. It also includes 6 activities for each grade. The participants are students and teachers from the board. There is a diverse representation of students. It is 30 minutes in length.
-A poster entitled: Exercise in Disguise was also generated to reminder teachers and students of the safety considerations.
-The CD will be on display at the marketplace at Ophea Kids Health Conference. Posters will be free. The cost of the CD is yet to be determined but will be reasonably priced.
Meeting Adjourned / -3:10 pm.

OASPHE Executive Meeting1 of 7

September 14, 2006