Professional Learning Community Meeting Protocol

September 2015 – August 2016

PLC Norms (add additional norms if need be)

Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry / Pursuing and maintaining a balance between advocating a position and inquiring about one's own and other's positions assists the group to become a learning organization.
Pausing / Pausing before responding or asking a question allows time for thinking and enhances dialogue, discussion and decision-making.
Paraphrasing / Using a paraphrase starter that is comfortable for you: "So..." or "As you are...", or "You're thinking..." and following the starter with a paraphrase assists members of the group to hear and understand each other as they formulate decisions. A paraphrase sends three messages:
o  I hear you
o  I understand you
o  I care
Probing for specificity / Using gentle open ended probes or inquiries such as "Please say more..." or "I'm curious about..." or "I'd like to hear more about..." or "Then, are you saying?" increases the clarity and precision of the group's thinking.
Putting ideas on the table / Ideas are the heart of a meaningful dialogue. Label the intention of your comments. For example, you might say, "Here is one idea..." or, "One thought I have is..." or, "Here is a possible approach..."
Paying attention to self and others / Meaningful dialogue is facilitated when each group member is conscious of self and of others and is aware of not only what she/he is saying but how it is said and how others are responding. This includes paying attention to learning style when planning for, facilitating, and participating in group meetings.
Presuming positive intentions / Assuming that other's intentions are positive promotes and facilitates meaningful dialogue and eliminates unintentional put-downs. Using positive presuppositions in your speech is one manifestation of this norm.
1.  Weekly/Monthly Observations (15 minutes)
·  Share reflections with unit partner
·  Write down common themes
·  Share common themes with PLC
·  List next steps for lesson revision
2.  PLC Training Initiative: Group Member Presentation (20 minutes)
·  Each team member will present/facilitate training on the CCSS shifts/book study/Common Ground.
·  Members will complete reflection on how they will utilize information in their CCSS aligned units.
3.  Work on CCSS Aligned Units
·  Develop six LFS aligned units for each subject area
·  Create common assessments/performance task for each unit
·  Evaluate lessons in action and make revisions based on feedback
-Do essential questions begin with “Why” or “How”?
-Is research-based vocabulary strategy explained in detail?
-Is process for reading text explained in detail?
-Are higher order thinking strategies used approximately 75% of the time?
-Are assessment prompts explained in detail?
-Are resources included in the lessons?
4.  Complete team feedback sheet at the end of each meeting. (10 minutes)
Reflection/Feedback Tool:
1. / Which of the following supports assist your grade level team in creating Learning Focused Lessons/Units that align & adhere to the spirit of the Common Core State Standards?
Circle all that apply.
a.  Discussing Higher Order Thinking Strategies/Depth of Knowledge concerns regarding lesson integration.
b.  Viewing expert educators implementing focus strategies such as collaboration methods.
c.  Discussing grade level plans and providing group feedback to that team.
d.  Developing leadership qualities via facilitating book study/ CCSS Shift discussions/Common Ground professional development
2. / How do you and your grade level partner collaborate outside of the PLC meetings to accomplish the monthly tasks?
a.  Via Email
b.  Face-to-Face
c.  Telephone
d.  Schoology
3. / What resources does your team utilize to develop course lessons/units?
a.  Online Textbooks
b.  LFS planning materials
c.  DSCYF Education Wiki Resources
d.  Websites: New York Times, Kelly Gallagher, Newsela, Stanford University (Read Like a Historian)
e.  DOE Common Core Website/Resources
f.  Other (explain)
4. / When feedback is given, how do you and your partner dissect the information and revise the lesson/units?
a.  As a team
b.  One member makes the revisions
c.  Ask for clarification if feedback is unclear
d.  Ask for additional supports if training is necessary to carry out revisions
e.  Other (explain)
5. / What can members do to make sure that group meeting goals and deadlines are clear at the beginning of the meeting?
a.  Always start with an agenda
b.  Review the curriculum expectations timeline at the beginning of each meeting
c.  Plan with partner as to what will be completed by the end of each meeting, via email, and/or Schoology online platform
d.  Other (explain)
6. / In what ways do you support the continuous improvement of the PLC curriculum?
a.  Participate fully at each meeting
b.  Complete work on units outside of meetings
c.  Provide support to all team members
d.  Facilitate meetings
e.  Contribute/provide additional resources for members to review
f.  Other (explain)
7. / How does your PLC foster new understandings for best practices for continuous improvement in student learning, classroom management and pedagogical knowledge? Is it effective?