Monday, August 24, 2015 1:30–2:30 p.m.Hyland 3303

Present: Basu, Ciganek (minutes), Deschner (excused), Leitheiser, Munro (chair), Outlay, Petzborn, Platt (via Skype), Prasad, Sankaranarayanan, Yin

  1. Welcome: Munro opened the meeting welcoming the department as the new chair, welcomed new member Petzborn, and everyone in attendance introduced themselves along with ‘one fun thing’ they had done over the summer
  2. Announcements:
  3. Syllabi. Munro reminded the department to submit course syllabi to and also to Dawson. Dawson can upload syllabi directly for you.
  4. Services. Munro stated that our student workers are available for a variety of services (photocopying, etc.).
  5. Student assistance. Munro informed the department about a push from the university to offer student workers more learning/professional experiences. Munro asked the department to consider their own ‘interruptible projects’, experiential projects with no firm deadlines and limited structure (e.g., data collection, transcriptions, etc.), that our student workers may complete. Student workers have previously been utilized in our jumbo courses (i.e., ITSCM 280, 306). We have two student workers for the fall semester; one for 10 hours/week (shared with marketing) and one for 20 hours/week. Unknown if these student workers have programming experience.
  6. Spring 2015 schedule. SCM is currently understaffed, though Prasad does have a tentative schedule ready. IT has the analytics minor available this coming spring, but no student are currently enrolled yet. We may need two sections of our programming course (ITSCM 180) for the spring as this is now a core course for IT majors.
  7. Other announcements.
  8. CyberHigh had a technology innovation theme and was coordinated by Platt. CyberHigh was well attended and was coordinated by Deschner. Both events were well received and successful. Northwestern Mutual will bring in approximately 60 girls for a day-long CyberGirlz event on campus in October. Outlay was awarded a grant to host CyberGirlz for a diverse group of girls in the Madison area, which is a region and demographic typically underserved in previous outreach activities and also in research conducted on these initiatives.
  9. Platt reported on a healthcare working group that plan to meet on a regular basis to leverage resources and collaborate; a strategic initiatives grant was unsuccessful due to budget constraints, but a small research grant was awarded. Sankaranarayanan, Leitheiser, Ambrose, Yin, and a DBA student are involved with Platt.
  10. Munro reported that discussion is underway about the future of course offerings at American Family in Madison. Two of three recent course offerings were cancelled due to low enrollment. Those that were involved in establishing the American Family partnership are no longer around at CoBE.
  11. Personnel matters
  12. Congratulations. Ambrose and Oravec promoted to Full, Ciganek promoted to Associate with tenure.
  13. Probationary faculty reviews. Munro informed that materials are due to the department by September 8
  14. Outlay (5th year consultation)
  15. Platt (3rd year consultation)
  16. Balaji (3rd year consultation)
  17. Post tenure reviews (Munro, Madan, Prasad)
  18. Sabbaticals. Prasad stated that he will apply for a Sabbatical.
  19. Applications to full. Chenoweth may apply, Basu may wait another year before applying.
  20. Annual staff reviews (Deschner), unsure about Petzborn
  21. Peer reviews for staff, and probationary faculty
  22. Search and Screen.Four positions need to be filled, 1 SCM academic staff position for spring, 3 tenure-track (2 SCM, 1 IT) for fall 2016. Munro asked the department to contact him to indicate your interest in serving on these committees. Munro stated that the department must determine what we need for these positions.
  23. Department expectations. Prasad stated that the department should continue discussions and approve publication expectations which were initially drafted in the past year.
  24. Fall 2015 enrollment. Munro shared fall enrollment statistics and stated that the trends look good for majors and minors for both the SCM and IT programs. Enrollment has increased for both programs, most courses have healthy numbers, while several classes are overloaded.
  25. Curriculum issues
  26. Assessment. Munro indicated that the IT program needs a initiate an assessment plan to address feedback from their prior audit & review
  27. ITBE 280 Review. Munro stated that curricular changes to the intro to IT course have been in place for several years (e.g., introducing access, simulation software, jumbo sections, etc.) and an evaluation of what has been happening, what is working and what could be enhanced, must take place
  28. Cool#IT (ITSCM 105). Munro stated that this is a team-taught course that is dependent upon the entire department. For faculty that will help with teaching, this may include covering a topic for a week and engaging students with something the is both hands-on and fun – capturing what ‘turns you on’ about IT, connects IT to the college experience, and exposes students to how they can use IT now in favor of how they will use IT in the future. The department will need to identify which topics will be covered in this course in our next department meeting.
  29. Online BBA. The online BBA has grown to 146 from 100 last year. The only major for these students is management. Prasad asked the department to consider possible collaborations among our group to be involved in this space.
  30. Standardize plan. Leitheiser completed IT Program Plans for our 4 IT emphases and has shared them with the first year advising office. Leitheiser subsequently shared these plans with the department via email and asked the department to review for corrections and adopt them when we advise our students for consistency.
  31. 2015-16 committee representation. Munro asked the department to inform him if you are unable to serve on your assigned committee(s).
  32. 2015-16 department goals and objectives. Munro stated that with several new administrators and faculty, we may want to revisit our department goals and objectives.
  33. Other business.
  34. Leitheiser asked the department to contact him ASAP with your server needs for the fall semester
  35. Munro reminded the department that the CoBE Fall Kick-Off Meeting / Faculty & Staff Retreat is Thursday at the Olbrich Gardens (Madison)

Respectfully submitted by Ciganek

Meetings Fall 2015: 1:00 to 2:00 in HH 3303, on Sep. 9 (Wed),Sep. 21,Oct. 5,Oct. 19,Nov. 2,Nov. 16,Nov 30.

College of Business and Economics

Hyland Hall 3301C • 800 West Main St • Whitewater, WI 53190-1790

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