Introduction to Transformational Dog Breeding Week 2 Worksheet

This worksheet includes this week’s assignment, as well as the Your Breeding Goals worksheet and an inclusive list of breeding goals for you to consider as you create your goals.


Draft your answers to this week’s assignment here and then submit them at

1.  Using the Dog Breeding Goals to Consider at the end of this document, create a SMART goal in one of the six of the important categories.

1.  Health

2.  Behavior and temperament

3.  Structure

4.  Reproductive abilities

5.  Interacting with People

6.  Giving back to the future

2.  Identify one way to measure your goal.

A.  Health

B.  Behavior and temperament

C.  Structure

D.  Reproductive abilities

E.  Interacting with People

F.  Giving back to the future

Feel free to create additional goals (see the Your Breeding Goals on page 3) but submit only one of them for this week’s assignment.

Your Breeding Goals

Fill in your SMART breeding goals in each block. If you do not have goals for a specific area, simply but Not Applicable.

Behavior & Temperament
Reproductive Abilities
Type and Beauty
Interactions with Others
Giving Back to the Future
Future Dogs
Future Breeders

Congratulations!! You have taken the first and most important step toward creating a coherent breeding strategy and achieving your goals!!

Dog Breeding Goals to Consider

1.  Health*

A.  Functional

i.  skin issues, like hot spots and infections,

ii.  clean ears and eyes,

iii.  normal respiration and fitness,

iv.  GI stability,

v.  minimal allergies,

vi.  no moderate or severe orthopedic diseases,

vii.  no seizures and

viii.  no early terminal or debilitating disease.

B.  Longevity

i.  Long, active, healthy lives

C.  Reproductive

i.  Relatively high level of both longevity and functional temperament plus clinical, breed-specific and

ii.  Clinical health

1)  orthopedic

2)  eyes

3)  cardiac

4)  and neurologic diseases

iii.  Breed-specific Health (CHIC, Breed Club)

1)  DNA or genetic testing of breeding stock to minimize production of affecteds

iv.  Reproductive ability (see below)

2.  Behavior & Temperament*

A.  Functional

i.  Stability & Resilience

ii.  Confidence

iii.  Trainability

iv.  Biddability

v.  Minimal Aggression towards people and dogs

B.  Work

i.  Depends upon breed

ii.  Self-confidence

iii.  Eagerness

iv.  Work ethic

v.  Courage

vi.  Intelligence

vii.  Memory

viii.  Prey drive

C.  Health-compromising behaviors

i.  Polyphagia (Insatiable appetite)

ii.  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

iii.  Pica

iv.  Coprophagia

v.  Separation anxiety

D.  Reproductive

i.  Relatively high level of both work and functional temperament with few, if any, health-compromising behavioral traits.

3.  Structure*

A.  Functional

i.  Adequate angulation

ii.  Livable moderation

iii.  Respiration

iv.  Coordination

v.  Muscling

vi.  Feet

B.  Work

i.  Appropriate angulation

ii.  Athleticism

iii.  Proprioception

iv.  Speed

v.  Coordination

C.  Reproductive

i.  Relatively high level of work and functional structure

4.  Reproductive Abilities*

A.  Puppies

i.  Litter size

ii.  Birth weight

iii.  Neonate survival

iv.  Rearing system

v.  Evaluation system

B.  Dams

i.  Breeding systems that respect their bodies, brains and natural abilities

ii.  Natural breeding ability

iii.  Functional Heat Cycle

iv.  C-section rate

v.  Milk production

vi.  # teats

vii.  Length of labor

viii.  Mothering

ix.  Condition at weaning

x.  breeding longevity

C.  Sires

i.  Breeding systems that respect their bodies, brains and natural abilities

ii.  Semen production

iii.  Natural breeding ability

iv.  Appropriateness with bitches

v.  Breeding longevity

5.  Type and Beauty

A.  Type

B.  Beauty

6.  Interactions with others

A.  Individuals*

B.  Clubs

C.  Registries

D.  Countries

7.  Giving back to the future*

A.  Future Dogs

i.  Collecting and storing DNA on as many dogs as possible

ii.  Participating in important research

iii.  Keeping as many genes in play as possible

iv.  Breeding decisions as much for the future as the present

B.  Future Breeders

i.  Registering health info/dates of death/causes of death in public databases

ii.  Record-keeping

*Goals we consider important for all breeders

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