Side Event Concept Note
Hyogo Hard Talk
Fit for purpose? A mid term debate of the Hyogo Framework for action in 2009 (working title)
Presented by: The BOND DRR Group
Preferred date 17th June
1. Purpose, context and scope
The purpose of this event is to examine the success/weaknesses of the HFA at the half way stage (towards 2015) and in light of dynamic global pressures such as climate change, economic crisis, increased vulnerability etc and make concrete recommendations for action and scaling up successes over the next 5 years and beyond. The event will make specific use of the findings from both the GAR (Global Assessment Review) and the Views from the Frontline.
The suggested title is:
Fit for purpose? A mid term review of the Hyogo Framework for action in 2009 (working title tbc)
2. Format and draft programme
Hyogo Hard talk will retain the successful and energetic tv style format from 2007 and mix short thought provoking film clips with a lively and probing interactive debate from an expert panel and lively audience.
We aim to have a talented journalist as facilitator and a good cross cutting panel representing UN, Donors, civil society, research and innovation, local government, national government. Andrew Maskrey who carried out the GAR and Marcus Oxley who coordinated the Views from the frontline would be involved.
3. Partners involved
BOND DRR Group members – Christian Aid, Action Aid, Oxfam, Tearfund, Plan (tbc)
4. Audience
We aim to attract a good cross section of people from UN, government, local government, INGOs, think tanks etc.
5. Draft Programme
- Introduction by facilitator
- Film clips – thought provoking/ climate change and disasters, vulnerability, economics etc
- Short interjection by Andrew Maskrey – where we are at (feedback from GAR)
- A managed debate with probing questions for the panel
- Identified members of the audience will be allowed to pose questions or may be called upon by the facilitator to make comments
- The event will be recorded and turned into a dvd
- The event may be followed by food and drinks (depending on cot and logistics)
6.Names of: Chair, Moderator and Rapporteur (tbc)
We are looking for a talented interviewer/journalist to chair the event.
7.Equipment required (to be covered by Organizers)
PA/speaker system and projector for showing films, slides
8.Expected number of participants (for room allocation)
9.Supporting document and expected printed material to be brought bz the organizer(s) to the event (optional)
There will be copies of both reports available, Characteristics documents and copies of the interagency videos for people to take away
10.Preferred date and time
Lunch time slot on the 17th June 2009 (after the Global Network side event as this event seeks to build on this and not clashing with the UN film event)