Constitution amended 3rd December2008
By-Laws amended 11th March 2009
Rules of Conduct of Auction amended 3rd December 2008
COVER...... 1
INDEX...... 2
1. NAME…………………………...... ………...……...... 3
2. DEFINITIONS………………………..……...... …...... …...... 3
3. OBJECTIVES.……………………………….…………...... 3
4. MEMBERSHIP.………………………..………….……...... 3
5. OFFICERS………………………………..……….…...... 4
6. ELECTIONS……………………………..….………...... 4
7. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE….………………...……...... 5
8. EXECUTIVE…………………………………...……...... 5
10. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER…………………………...... 6
12. FINANCE……………………………………….….….….…...... 6
13. MEETINGS……………………………….………….……...... ….7
14. FEES……………………………………..…………....……...... 8
15. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION……………...………...………...... 8
16. GENERAL………………………………………....……...... …...8
17. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION…..…....…...... ….…8
18. BY-LAWS………………………………………...... ……...... …....9
19. DISSOLUTION……………………….………....…..…...... …9
1. MEMBERSHIP……………………………………………..…...... 10
2. SUBSCRIPTION………………….....……………………...... …..…...... 10
3. MEETINGS…………………………………………….………...... 11
5. AUCTION.…………………………………………...……..…...... 11
6. AWARDS...... 11
PREAMBLE…………………………………………………...... 12
1. GENERAL………………………………………………...... 12
3. MAIL BIDS…………………………………………………...... 13
The name of the Society shall be:-
In this constitution and in all rules made hereunder the following terms shall mean (unless contrary intention appears from the context of):-
SOCIETY means the Newcastle Numismatic Society, Inc.
COMMITTEE means the Management Committee of the Newcastle Numismatic Society, Inc.
BY-LAWS mean the By-Laws of the Newcastle NumismaticSociety, Inc. made in pursuance of this constitution.
SECRETARY means the Honorary Secretary of the Newcastle Numismatic Society, Inc. elected in pursuance of this Constitution and includes the Assistant Secretary while in accordance with this constitution exercising any of the powersof functions of the Honorary Secretary.
OFFICER means any Honorary Office Bearer of the Newcastle Numismatic Society, Inc. appointed under this constitution.
BULLETIN means the official journal of the Newcastle Numismatic Society, Inc.
The Objectives of the Society shall be to:-
1.encourage the study of Numismatics in all its forms.
2.collect and further knowledge in Numismatics and associated fields.
3.interchange information and assistance between Numismatists, Collectors, Societies and like institutions in Australia and in other parts of the world.
- Any person interested in the furtherance of the purposes of the Society shall
be eligible for membership when nominated by a member on the official application form. A roll of members showing names, addresses and date of acceptance shall be kept.
- Any member may resign from the Society by giving notice in writing to the
Secretary. Such resignations shall take effect from the date of receipt of
such notice by the Secretary.
- Any person who ceases to be a member of the Society whether by
resignation or by any other means whatsoever, shall forfeit all rights and claims upon the Society and its property, assets and funds.
- The Society shall elect:-
2.A President
3.A Senior Vice President
4.Vice Presidents-two (2)
5.An Honorary Secretary
6.An Assistant Secretary
7.An Honorary Treasurer
8.An Assistant Treasurer
9.A Public Officer
10.An Editor
11.An Auctioneer
12.A Media Person
13.A General Committee minimum of five (5) members
14.An Auditor
15.A Librarian
16.A Coin Grader
17.An Auction Committee minimum of two (2)
18.A Social Committee
19.Competition Judges
20.Coin Custodian(s)
21.Society Hosts
- All Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, to hold office until the ensuing Annual General Meeting, provided that any vacancy occurring may be filled by the Committee.
- No Officer of the Society shall receive any remuneration for any servicesprovided, unless approval is granted by a two thirds (2/3) majority of members present at a General Meeting of the Society.
- All positions shall be open to any member eligible for election to same.
- Nominations for election of Office bearers shall be either in writing, endorsed by the nominee and lodged with the Secretary prior to the meeting and/or called from the floor at that Annual General Meeting.
- If an exactly sufficient number of nominations be received, either inwriting or from the floor, where either one or more than one be required those so nominated shall be declared elected unopposed. If nominations are inexcess of the number required, the position(s) shall be filled by the simplestform of ballot possible.
- Where nominations are called from the floor of a meeting, the nominee shall beeither present at the meeting or shall have given written confirmation asassurance of acceptance of such nomination, which shall be presented at themeeting.
a.The management committee of the society shall consist of:-
The President Three Vice Presidents
The SecretaryThe Assistant Secretary
The Treasurer The Public Officer
The EditorThe Auctioneer
The Media PersonThe General Committee Members.
- All members of the Committee shall be entitled to vote with the exception of the Chairperson who shall have a casting vote only.
- The Committee may act not withstanding any vacancy in it’s body.
d.The duties of the Committee shall be to control the affairs ofthe Society, the acquisition, care and disposal of it’s assets and property, and the framing of such By-Laws as it considersnecessary from time to time.
e.A quorum of the Committee shall be six (6), or four (4) if two (2) are executives. If no quorum be present within thirty (30) minutesof the notified time of the meeting, such meeting shall lapse.
f.The President shall take the Chair at all meetings of the Committee,in that person’s absence or unwillingness to act, this place shall be taken by the Senior Vice President, first, then the Vice Presidents or if none of these Officers are present the members of the Committee present shall choose a Chairperson from among their number.
- Every question submitted to the Committee shall be decided bya majority of the votes of the members present.
- Every resolution of the Committee shall be binding upon allmembers of the Society.
- The Executive of the Society shall be comprised of the following:-
The President
The Senior Vice President
The Secretary
The Assistant Secretary
The Treasurer
The Public Officer
Such other persons as may be appointed by a General Meeting.
b.Any three(3) of these shall constitute the Executive of the Societyand may act in any way deemed beneficial to the Society within the terms of this Constitution and By-Laws, when immediate action is required, and it is not practical or convenient to call a meeting of the Committee.
c.A report of any such action taken by the Executive shall be presented at the next Committee meeting of the Society.
The Secretary shall:-
1.Attend all meetings of the Society and of the Committee.
2.Read and file all communications and other papers.
3.Keep copies of all correspondence.
4.Conduct the correspondence of the Society.
5.Keep a register of all members of the Society.
6.Publish notification of Annual General Meeting in the June Bulletin and call for nominations for elections.
7.Perform such duties as may be directed by the Society.
The Treasurer shall:-
1.Receive and disburse the monies of the Society as authorised by the Committee or the Executive.
2.Furnish a statement of receipts and expenditure at each Committee Meeting.
3.Present bank statements showing the current level of Societybank accounts when requested by the Committee.
4.Present the accounts of the society to the Auditor at least twenty one (21) days before the date appointed for the Annual General Meeting.
5.Present to the Annual General Meeting a written statement ofreceipts and expenditure for the preceding year and a balance sheet as at the end of the year, both of which have been dulyaudited.
The Assistant Secretary shall:-
1.Act as Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.
2.Perform such duties as may be directed by the Secretary or President.
a.The Bank Accounts of the Society shall be kept at such Banks and/or Societies as the Committee shall from time to time determine.
- The President, Secretary and Treasurer may sign and endorse on the Society’s behalf receipts,acceptances, cheques, postalorders and other documents. Any two (2) of the above mentioned Officers shall sign cheques drawn on the Society’s accounts.
- The financial year of the Society shall end on the thirtieth (30th) day of June in any calendar year.
- The Auditor elected at the Annual General Meeting, shall makea report to the Society upon the Balance Sheet, statement of receipts and expenditure, and the accounts submitted by the Treasurer, and shall state in such report whether all the information and explanations that were required have beenobtained, and whether, in the Auditor’s opinion, the Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of the state of the finances and assets of the Society according to the best information and explanations given and as shown by the books of the Society.
a.The Society year shall be from the first (1st) day of July in any calendar year till the thirtieth (30th) day of June in the succeeding year.
b.The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the first (1st) week of August each year when the Annual Reports and Balance Sheet will be presented; the election of the Office Bearers for the ensuing year will be conducted; consideration of such motions of which the Secretary has had notice, in writing, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the Annual General Meeting; dealing with any business as is prescribed in the By-Laws; discussing, without proceeding to the vote, such other business as may legitimately be brought before an Annual General Meeting.
c.A General Meeting of the Society shall be held in the first (1st) week of each month at the time and place specified in The Bulletin. (It shall be in the second 2nd week of January if it coincides with New Years Day).
d.A Committee Meeting and an Auction Committee Meeting shall be held in the week following the General Meeting of each month, on any day, time and place determined by the Committee.
e.A quorum of persons entitled to vote at meetings shall be:-
1.At a General Meetingtwelve (12).
2.At a Committee Meetingsix (6) or four (4) if two (2) are Executive.
3.At an Annual General Meetingtwenty (20) or 50% of membership, whichever is the least.
4.At a Special General Meeting twenty (20) or 50% of membership, whichever is the least.
f.Unless inconsistent with this Constitution or the By-Laws the rules of debate shall be applied to all meetings of the Society as in Joske’s “Law and Procedure at Meetings”.
g.Notices of all Meetings shall be published in the Bulletin.
h.The President shall take the Chair at all Meetings of the Society. In that person’s absence of unwillingness to act, the Chair shall be taken by the Senior Vice President first, then the Vice-Presidents or if none of these Officers are available the members present shall choose a Chairperson from among their number.
i.No person shall be competent to vote at any General Meeting unless he or she is a financial member or life member of the Society.
j.Every resolution passed at any General Meeting of the Society shall be binding on all members of the Society.
k.Minutes of every Meeting of the Society shall be adopted at the next succeeding meeting subject to their being confirmed as a true and correct record of the proceedings of the Meeting and shall be signed by the Chairperson. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting shall be confirmed and adopted as a true and correct record at the next Annual General Meeting and signed by the Chairperson.
l.All minutes of all meetings shall be published in the Bulletin of the Society.
The Committee shall, by By-Laws, prescribe the amount of the annual subscription and life subscription.
The Official Publication of the Society shall be the“NEWCASTLE NUMISMATIC SOCIETY, INC. BULLETIN”. Every financial member of the Society shall be entitled to a copymonthly without any charge.
a.Every member of the Society shall be entitled, upon request, to obtain a copy of the Constitution and all rules promulgated thereunder for the time being in force, copies of which shall at all times beavailable from the Secretary.
b.The income and property of the Society, howsoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the objectives of the Society as set out in the Constitution, and no portion thereof shall be paid ortransferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus orotherwise howsoever by way of profit to the persons who at any time are or have been members of the Society or to any person claimingthrough them. Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any Officer or servant of the Society or to any member thereof or to any person in return for any servicesactually rendered to the Society or prevent the repayment or paymentof interest on money borrowed from any member for any of the purposesof the Society.
Any addition to, amendment or recision wholly or in part of, this Constitution may be made provided that:-
1.Notice of any proposed addition to, amendment or recisionshall have been given to the Secretary in writing at leasttwenty-eight (28) days before a Special or Annual General Meeting.
2.The Secretary shall have forwarded a copy of such notice to allmembers at least fourteen (14) days before such meeting.
3.The addition to, amendment or recision is the only item on the agenda at a Special General Meeting.
4.The addition to, amendment or recision shall be made byconsent of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting at the meeting.
a.The Committee may make By-Laws not inconsistent with thisConstitution to:-
1.Membership fees.
2.Membership of the Society.
3.The Bulletin.
4.The giving of effect to this Constitution.
5.Auctions held by the Society.
6.The election of further Officers as deemed necessary.
b.An addition to, amendment to or recision of the By-Laws may bemade by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and voting at a Committee Meeting, provided-that notice thereofhas been forwarded to members in the Bulletin prior to therelevant meeting.
a.If notice of intention to dissolve the Society is given to theSecretary by at least fifty per cent (50%) of members, theSecretary shall, in not less than fourteen (14) days and not more than thirty five (35) days, convene a Special General Meeting with the item “DISSOLUTION” the only item on the agenda. Provided that such Special General Meeting meets the requirements ofcl.13.e and the motion for dissolution is carried by a three-quarter (3/4) majority of those present, the Society shall be dissolved.
b.If on the dissolution of the Society there remain after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any monies or properties whatsoever, the same shall be loaned to a museum or library, nominated at the meeting for dissolution, for display as the Newcastle Numismatic Collection, until such time as the Society may be reformed.
a.The membership of the Society shall consist of Subscribing,Honorary and Honorary Life Members.
b.SUBSCRIBING MEMBERS: Application for membership is open toall persons irrespective of sex, colour or creed who pay the prescribed fee per annum or as a life subscription.
c.HONORARY MEMBERS: Honorary membership may beconferred on persons who have rendered outstanding orspecial services to the Society or to the cause of Numismaticsgenerally.
d.HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Honorary Life Membership may be conferred on persons who have rendered outstanding orspecial services to the Society or to the cause of Numismatics generally.
e.Application or re-application for membership shall be on theofficial form duly nominated by a current financial member andseconded and accompanied by the prescribed fee. Names of the applicants shall be published in the Bulletin and the voting foracceptance shall take place at the following Committee meeting.
f.In the interest of the Society, the Committee is empowered to suspend or terminate the membership of any member of the Society without reason being published.
a.Subscriptions shall be discussed at the April Committee Meeting with a recommendation to be put to the May General Meeting for determination by a majority decision of members present and voting.
b.Subscriptions shall be payable in advance. Where such subscriptionsare not paid within three (3) months of the beginning of the Society year, the member concerned shall be declared unfinancial and no longer entitled to the privileges of membership of the Society. Postage of the Bulletin shall be discontinued. Should the subscription not be paid within six (6) months of the beginning of the Society year to which they are applicable, the name of the member so in arrears shall be removed from the list of members, and that person shall cease to be a member thenceforth and without further notice.
c.Lifetime subscription fee shall be determined at twelve and one half (12½) times the current adult annual membership fee.
d.Members who join the Society after the first day of May shall be credited with membership for the following year.
a.Meetings of the Society shall be held at any place appointed by the Committee as notified in the Bulletin.
b.General Meetings shall be held in the first (1st)weekof each month on any dayandtime as theCommittee decides.
c.Annual General Meetings shall be held in the first (1st)week ofAugust each year, in conjunction with the August General Meeting.
d.Special General Meetings may be called by the Committeeat the written request of not less than six (6) members and only for such business as is indicated upon the written request.
e.Members and visitors are required to be dressed in clean and appropriate attire.
a.The Editor shall be responsible for the publication of the Bulletin once every month.
b.Only financial members shall be entitled to receive a copy ofthe Bulletin.
a.An Auction will be conducted at the discretion of the Committee.
- Any such sales will be covered by the “RULES OF CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION” by the Society.
- Three (3) Award Judges shall be elected at the AGM to consider presentations and displays by members at the monthly meetings and to recommend the overall winners,during the ensuing year, for confirmation by the Committee and presentation of awards at the next AGM.
- Annual awards shall be made for:-
- Special Themes.
2.Recent Acquisitions.
- The Committee shall prepare a list of Special Themes for the ensuing year.
- The “Stephen James Memorial Award” is awarded annually for the overall contribution to the Society as determined by the Committee.
- The recipient of the “Ted Hufnus Award” (Medallion) will be selected by the Committee and existing recipients for outstanding contribution to the Society and Numismatics.
- The Committee, at times, may see fit to present “Special” or “Encouragement” awards for specific contributions.