Duke CIT/TWP Faculty Working Group
Fellows Application Form
Please complete this form and save it in Word, .pdf or RTF format. Email it as an attachment to: . The deadline for applications is September 20, 2011.
Please direct questions about the application to Jennifer Ahern-Dodson, Thompson Writing Program, .
1. Applicant information
Name/Rank/Department/Program / Campus Phone / Campus Mail / Email / Full-time?* (Y/N)Eligible for funding?* (Y/N)
*Are any of the listed applicants receiving course development funding from other sources for the course(s) that will be redesigned during the Fellows term?
____ Yes ____ No
(If “yes” please explain below.)
*Do each of the applicants have a full time position or will be enrolled as a full-time graduate student at Duke during the Fellows term for which you are applying?
____ Yes ____ No
(If “no” please explain below.)
*____ (initial) I have checked with my departmental budget staff to ensure that each applicant is eligible, during the Fellows term for which we are applying, to receive a Fellowship payment as a deposit to a departmental or research account.
2. Course information
Each Fellowship applicant will be expected to apply principles from the Fellowship program to one or more Duke Spring 2012 courses (e.g., by designing or redesigning the courses) during the Fellowship term.
Enter information below about the courses that will be used to carry out activities for the Fellows program. (Enter additional rows as needed.)
Course # / Course title/instructor / Semester taught / Anticipated enrollment / New course (Y/N)?If any of the listed courses are new, please describe how much development has already been done by the faculty member for the course.
Are there teaching assistants for this course? If so, state their typical role in the course.
3. Application narrative
Attach a brief (1-2 page) statement outlining a proposal for the CIT/TWP Fellows program. Within the statement, answer these specific questions:
- What is the role of writing in the curriculum of your department/program?
- What is the current role of writing in teaching research in your discipline? (You might describe a typical research project/assignment that includes writing or how writing helps students think about research in your discipline).
- What educational challenges regarding writing, especially, are you trying to address through the Fellows program?
- Describe the specific course or research assignment you would like to developduring the course of this fellowship.
- What student learning outcomes are you striving for?
- What impact do you expect your proposed activities to have on your program or department?
4. Evaluation
To fulfill the evaluative aspects of the program, Fellows use tools such as surveys, focus groups and instructor logs to address how the activities, assignments and teaching strategies impact student learning. Briefly describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the Fellowship activities in your own course/department/program.
5. Scheduling
To fulfill the requirements of the program, you will need to be available for a two-hour meeting once each month from October 2011 through April 2012 and for a three-hour orientation in September.
To assist us with scheduling the September orientation and the monthly meetings throughout the two semesters, please answer the questions below.
a)The orientation will be held the last week of September 2011. Please indicate in the blocks below which times slots you are available to attend the three hour orientation session. (Due to scheduling of the coordinators, Tuesday and Thursday time slots are unavailable.)
Monday, Sept 26 / Wed, Sept 28 / Fri, Sept 309:30 am to 12:30
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
b)In Fall 2011, in which of the following time slots are you available for a two hour meeting? Meetings will be scheduled once per month, October through December. (Note that meeting dates and times for the Spring will be determined with the Fellowship group in late Fall 2011.)
Monday / Wed / Fri9:30 am to 11:30
10:00 am to noon
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Noon to 2:00 pm
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
5. Applicant signature
Applicant signature ______
Date ______