Cert III in Water Industry Operations


NWP301B – Implement, monitor and coordinate environmental procedures

Learners Name:

Instructions for use of Workbook

The workbook is designed to help you work through the Toolbox.

You can use the workbook in a number of ways – you may prefer to print it out and write in it, alternatively you may prefer to use it electronically.

The sections in the workbook match those found in the Toolbox.

You will notice some sections have the statement – Attach print out. This is to remind youto attach the printed document from the Toolbox with your answers. This can be included in your workbook rather than writing information into your workbook.

If you prefer to write the information you will see a table in your workbook where the information can be written.

Remember you don’t need to complete all learning tasks. It is important to check with your trainer / assessor to find out if there are specific learning tasks that need to be completed.

Use the checklist provided to ensure that you have completed all the required learning tasks and projects. Use it to track yourprogressas you work through the Toolbox thenagain on completion of the Toolbox. This will help you to check that you have done all the required learning tasks.

Learning tasks

Learning tasks give you background knowledge and information to complete your project. In this unit there are four sections: assess, implement, report and project. In the context of water operations, these terms mean:

Assess / Gather information about an event or situation
Make a judgement based on criteria
Plan a response
Implement / Take actions according to the plan
Report / Complete relevant workplace documentation
Project / Apply skills and knowledge to your workplace situation

Remember you can do learning tasks in any order.

If you are confident you can go straight to the project.


Section and notes / Tick sections completed / Date completed
Identify issues
Identify risks
Legal requirements
Plan a response
Who and when
Choosing gear
SOPs and forms
Internal reports
External reports

Assess - Identifyissues

Use the table to record risk or issues associated with each image in the gallery or attach a print outfrom Toolbox.

Description / Issue
Drum of ferric chloride used to aid the flocculation of effluent.
Water being tested before and after treatment to ensure it meets water authority specifications.
Bulk water storage.
Domestic water sampling. Domestic water supply must be checked for factors such as chlorine residue, turbidity and pH to make sure it meets water authority specifications.
Wastewater treatment plant.
Manhole maintenance.

Assess – Identify risks

Hot spot / Answers
Swimming pool

Assess – Legal requirements

List the names and locations of six policies and six procedures used in your workplace.

Policy name / Location
Eg. Central Water Environment Policy Statement / Intranet > Policies
Procedure name / Location
Eg. SOP 105 – Manual Handling / Intranet > SOPs

Assess –Plan a response

Use the table to record both immediate and long-term actions and reasons or attach a print out from Toolbox.

CaravanPark Spill Action Plan

Immediate actions
Long-term actions

Implement – Who and when

Use the table to record who will do what and when or attach a print out from Toolbox.

What / Who / When
Deploy root cutter down sewer
Deploy bunding, contain overflow and pump into tank on trailer
Put out site delineating tape
Notify the EPA head office in Melbourne (through Leon)
Call supervisor to get root cutter on site

Implement – Choosing gear

Use the table to record your answer associated with each image in the gallery.

Description and question / Your answer
This device is a video camera that is sent up pipes. What do you think this device is used for?
High pressure jetting trailer. In what situations would this trailer be used? What fittings could be used with this trailer? What precautions should be taken when using high-pressure water?
This piece of equipment is known as an ‘air ball’ and is used to block a pipe, by pumping compressed air into it, after it has been inserted into a pipe. The rubber centre section expands and blocks the pipe. In what situations would it be useful to block a pipe?
Shovels are essential equipment for a water industry operator. List three examples of their use.
Rubber boots, often with steel caps. This is known in most industries as personal protective equipment (PPE). In what situations would it be necessary to wear rubber boots?
Rubber gauntlets, another piece of PPE. In what situations would you wear long-length gloves like these?
Description and question / Your answer
Face shield, part of safety equipment commonly worn by water industry operators. Why would you wear a face shield at a sewage spill?
Cover lifters, for lifting man-hole covers. Why has a specialised piece of equipment like this been designed? Why not use a crowbar or a screwdriver?
Waders. In what situations would water industry operators wear waders? Is there any danger associated with wearing waders?
High visibility jacket. In what situations would water industry operators wear a high visibility rain jacket?
Communication devices. When working in remote areas or alone it is often mandatory to call in to head office on a regular basis. What is the benefit of having instant communication with your headquarters?
Plastic safety mesh is used as a barrier to keep public away from potential hazards and work sites. Give two examples of where plastic mesh might be used.
A container of fresh water. Why would water industry operators carry fresh water in their trucks?
Description and question / Your answer
Hand cleaner. Water industry operators need to be able to clean their hands after they become dirty or contaminated. List two situations where operators might need to use hand cleaner instead of water?
Petrol-driven water pump. Used in all manner of situations where liquid has to be moved from one location to another. Give two examples of where a pump might be used.
Toolbox with assorted hand tools. List three jobs that would be performed with hand tools by a water operator.
Crowbar. Used for loosening soil and rock prior to excavation. Also used as a lever in many situations. List two examples of where a crowbar might be used. What Occupational Health and Safety issues are associated with the use of a crowbar?

Implement – SOPs and forms

Complete CW501 Maintenance Report Form – Sewer.

It is on the following page.

Customer Name: (if known)
House No:______Street: ______Zone:______
/PLANNED / Unplanned
Planned / ASSET
OWNER /  Central Water Asset
 Private Asset / GENERATED
BY ENQUIRY / Reference ID: /  Yes
 No
WHAT ON /  Sewer Main  Sewer Branch  Emergency Relief Structure
 Rising Main  House Drain  Pump Station
 Manhole  I.S. Marker  Jump Up
 Other
PROBLEM TYPE /  Blockage  Overflow  Maintenance/Replacement
 Pipe Breakage  New Connection  Other
CAUSE OF FAILURE /  Tree Roots  Pipe Weakness  Ground Movement
 Fats  Pump Failure  Power Failure
 Damage by Third Party  Other Obstruction  Other
ASSET INFORMATION / Pipe Diameter (mm)______Pipe Material______Pipe Offset (m)______
OVERFLOW / OVERFLOW AFFECTED /  Public Property  Customer Prop – In House
 Stormwater Drain  Customer Prop – Surrounds
 Waterway Other / IMPACT
Est. Volume (litres) ______
Area (m2) ______/  Visual
 Odour
CATEGORY /  External Water  ExternalLand  External Air  Internal
(0verflow) / Priority 1 (Spills that result in a public concern, significant damage to property, a discharge to a sensitive receiving environment, a discharge from a pipe >=300mm or the flow is >80 L/min)
Priority 2 (Any minor failure to contain sewage within the sewerage system and any spill affecting sewer users which results in minor property damage or results in a surcharge outside a building that does not pose a health risk)
RESPONSE TIME / Customer Inquiry: Date ______Time ______
First Arrived on Site: Date ______Time ______
Spill Contained: Date ______Time ______
INTERRUPTION / RESTORATION TIMES / Service Interruption: Yes/No No. of Properties Affected: ______
Inter. Commenced: Date ______Time ______
Inter. Restored: Date ______Time ______

Report– Internal reports

Choose an appropriate form from the Central Water Intranet, complete it and attach to your workbook.

Report – External reports

Choose the appropriate forms to both theLakeLapis and Dunnart Creek incidents. Tick boxes to indicate your choice.

LakeLapis / Dunnart Creek
OHS incident report /  / OHS incident report / 
Sewage spill monitoring form /  / Sewage spill monitoring form / 
Environmental incident report /  / Environmental incident report / 
Complaint report form – Conservation services /  / Complaint report form – Conservation services / 
Operations and maintenance report - Water /  / Operations and maintenance report - Water / 
Maintenance report form - Sewer /  / Maintenance report form - Sewer / 
Environmental site inspection checklist /  / Environmental site inspection checklist / 
Field work hazard identification and control checklist /  / Field work hazard identification and control checklist / 
Central Water environmental incident report /  / Central Water environmental incident report / 


In this project you will apply your knowledge to a workplace situation. To do the project, you need to choose a topic. Your topic can be an incident from your own workplace, or you can use one of the scenarios below.

  • Scenario 1: Routine maintenance at Pinehurst dosing plant
  • Scenario 2: Burst main at SapphireBay
  • Scenario 3: Pearl Weir catchment flood
  • Scenario 4: Ammonia spill at Spinel Water Treatment Plant
  • Scenario 5: Flood damage to Jasper Drain

You can read the scenarios online in the training page.

Reading the scenarios may help you think of a topic of your own.

To complete the Project you need to ensure you have completed the following:

Background – only complete if using your own topic

a. If using a topic from your own workplace give an outline of the situation.

Hint: Use the scenarios provided as a guide about how much to write.

1. Assess

a. Identify all the possible health and safety risks and environmental issues associated with the selected topic.

Hint: Look at Assess ‘Identify issues’ and ‘Identify risks’ if you are not sure what is required.

Central Water workplace documents – policies, procedures, SOPs, forms or your own workplace documents will help you identify these risks and issues.

2. Assess and Implement

a. Provide details of the response or plan of action that is required in order to minimise health and safety risks and reduce environmental impacts. Details must include who, what and when.

Hint: Look at Assess 4 and Implement 1if you are not sure what is required.

Central Water workplace documents —particularly SOPs or your own workplace documents — will help you with the details of the response or plan of action.

3. Reporting

a. List all the workplace documents that are relevant to your selected topic.

Note: If using a topic from your own workplace ensure you clearly name the documents and either provide hard copies or links to the documents.

Hint: Look at Assess 3 and Report 1 if you are not sure what is required.

b. Complete workplace documentation for your selected topic.

Note: Complete as much of the documentation as you can. It may not be possible to complete all sections of the documents, as it is may not be a real topic that you have selected.

c. Does an external agency need to be notified?

Ifso, what is the name of the agency and who in the organisation is responsible for this reporting?

Note: If you use one of the scenarios supplied, use CW documentation to answer the question – if using a workplace topic refer to your own workplace documentation in your answer.

Hint: Look at Report 2 if you are not sure what is required.

NWP301B – Implement, monitor and coordinate environmental procedures

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