Running Head: Consulting Project Plan-Part Two 5

Consulting Project Plan Part One

MGT/527 – Business Consulting

Jose Rodriguez

Rachelle Love

October 27, 2014

Ford Motors Feedback Plan

The feedback meeting enables the consultant to present a clear picture of the current problem and present recommendations to Ford Motor’s. The heart of the feedback meeting is spent understanding the problem and discuss what actions must be taken to resolve the problem (Block, 1999). The feedback meeting is an opportunity for both parties (consultants’ and Ford Motor’s) to get action, not just an opportunity to present data (Block, 1999). The consultants’ will present the structure of the meeting as follows:

·  Problem Statement

·  Why the problem exists

·  What happens if the problem is not fixed (short and long term)

·  Recommended solutions

·  Expected benefits

Feedback Meeting Step by Step Approach

The consultants’ will set up a four hour feedback meeting with Ford’s managers and implement a ten step approach. The consultants’ will calculate a percentage of time that will be devoted to each step.

1.  Restate the original contract.

2.  State the Structure of the meeting.

3.  Present findings.

4.  Present Recommendations.

5.  Ask for Ford’s managers and CIO reaction.

6.  Halfway through the meeting, ask the managers if they are getting what they want.

7.  Decision to proceed.

8.  Test for concerns of control and commitment.

9.  Ask yourself if you got what you wanted (consultants).

10.  Give support.

The purpose of the meeting and the goal of the consultants’ are to get a reaction from Ford’s stakeholders regarding the data and recommendations that are presented and to come to a consensus or agreement as to what needs to be done to solve the problem (Block, 1999). The consultants’ goal is to also establish a collaborative relationship and to ensure attention is given to both technical business problem and relationships (Block, 1999).

The stakeholders that will be attending are the top managers and the CIO of Ford. Furthermore, the managers will be able to provide feedback and address concerns during each step of the meeting. The consultants’ will take control of the meeting and work through the managers’ resistance by moving towards the resistance rather than away from it (Block, 1999). If the consultants’ encounter resistance and the meeting is not going well, the consultants’ will discuss directly and ask the mangers why the feedback meeting is not going well. The consultants’ will approach the meeting with an opened mind and will be supportive to the stakeholders’ needs. The consultants will behave authentically at each stage of the meeting, approach the meeting feeling positive, and trust their recommendations and solutions.

In the feedback meeting the consultants’ will address the presenting problem: employees wanted more time off from work, since they were working twelve hour shifts, six days a week. Employees wanted to replace the six days to a five days a week shift. However after some extensive research the consultants’ were able to address the real problem:

·  Employees were only given one 20 minute break during their twelve hour shift.

·  Employees complained that they only had a 30 minute lunch break during their twelve hour shift.

·  The employees felt that top management didn’t value their work, dedication, or commitment to the company

Communication Plan

The communication plan will consist of status meetings, emails, phone and conference calls. The communication plan gives both parties an understanding of the goal and expectations of the project. A communication plan adds value and it helps set expectations, acts as an assurance factor, and build consensus around the Ford Motor’s project. The consultant’s will contact Ford Motor’s stakeholders on a routine basis to schedule appointments or meetings as necessary.


Block, P. (1999). Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used.

Managing the Feedback Meting.