Art.74-77 Code of Economic Law

In compliance with Articles 74 - 77 of Book III, Title III, Chapter I of the Code of Economic Law, the following legal information is provided or made available to clients:

Name or company name:
Legal form: / Natural person/company type
- If it is a company: names of representatives, title and accreditation number / -………..,…………,……………
Enterprise number:
Registered office:
Work address:
Contact details, including e-mail address
Professional organisation and regulations / IPCF – Institut Professionnel des Comptables et Fiscalistes Agréés– Avenue Legrand 45, 1050- Brussels: www.ipcf.be
Official Public Body. Established by Law of 22 April 1999 on the accounting and tax professions
- Code of Ethics: Royal Decree of 22/10/2013 – MB 21/11/2013 – in force from 01/12/2013
Legally prescribed professional titles: / - IPCF accredited accounting professional
- IPCF accredited accounting professional and tax-expert
- IPCF trainee accounting professional
- IPCF trainee accounting professional and tax-expert
IPCF Accreditation number
Country where the title was awarded
General terms and conditions – working language / See engagement letter
Set price for service: / See engagement letter
Key characteristics of services provided, with NACEBEL codes: / Accounting, taxation, consulting – Law of 1999– Art. 49 and Art. 20 Code of Ethics -
NACEBEL Code: 69202
Insurance: contact details of the insurance company and geographical coverage / If Group policy: Insurance company: Allianz
Broker: Marsh-Affinity, Hermann-Debrouxlaan 2, 1160 BRUSSEL
(Without prejudice to the details of Art. 2.10 - 1.1 paragraph 2 of the policy) the guarantee applies to events that take place anywhere in the world during activities regularly undertaken by the insured persons from their registered office in Belgium.
Or if other insurance company: ….
Customer mediation service Consumer disputes (non-professional natural person) / With effect from 01/01/2015
See: FPS, Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy

Information Sheet – CDE Art. 74 - 77