PURPOSE: To provide forced entry procedures. Occasionally, EMS responders may be faced with a situation where the ambulance has been called to the residence and no one appears to be present in the home. In that a situation may exist where the patient is believed to be alone and is now medically unable to unlock a door or verbally respond, the EMS responders may consider using forced entry.
FORCIBLE ENTRY: Forcible entry will be used only in case of bonafide emergencies where other measures to obtain access are unsuccessful. The following procedures are to be followed:
A. If there is no answer at the residence, have dispatch try the call back number.
B. If the call back number is ineffective, without endangering themselves, EMS personnel will try all
Doors and windows.
C. If no unlocked openings to the structure are found and available information does not verify that an
Emergency situation exists, then the EMS ambulance may return to service.
D. If a bonafide emergency is found to exist, or available information suggests an emergency does exist,
Then the following procedures are to be followed:
1. Law enforcement assistance is to be requested and an engine company if needed.
2. Forcible entry locations should be sought that will minimize damage to the structure. However,
Reasonable efforts to gain access should be made regardless of damage estimations.
3. All personnel will use extreme caution in providing for their own safety. Protective clothing will
Be worn for all forcible entry efforts (i.e., breaking windows, etc.)
E. All pertinent facts of the situation will be documented on the narrative part of the patient form and on
The incident report.
F. If no emergency is found after forcible entry, and on one is in the building, the EMS Duty Supervisor
Will be notified and the ambulance personnel will not leave the scene until the police arrive.
G. In the event damage has been done during forcible entry and no resident has returned prior to leaving
The scene, a note shall be left on the door with instructions to call the EMS Shift Supervisor and to
Explain the circumstances which caused the forcible entry.
H. The police officer will be responsible for seeing that the building is secured.