Newsletter of Packington Agility Do

June 2012


Bernie and Belle 1st in large G5-7 combined Agility at Border Collie Show, Nottingham

1st in Large G6 Agility at Lincoln in April

1st in Large G6 Jumping at Adams Agility in May

1ST in Large G6 Jumping at North Derbyshire in June

1st in Large G6 Agility at North Derbyshire

1st in Large G6 Jumping at North Derbyshire – AND INTO GRADE 7!!!



Ann and Millie 1st in Large G1-2 graded Agility at Dordale. (now in Grade 3)

Clear Round in large G3-4 combined Jumping at Golden Valley

. Coming 2nd in the OmniPro Agility earlier in the year means that Ann and Milly have qualified for the OmniPro Final which will be at Lansdowne (Bath Racecourse) on Saturday 30th June.

Sharon & Dylan 1st in Large G2 Agility at P.A.D.S show. (Now in Grade 3 – photo to follow)

Graham and Poppy 1st in Large G2 Jumping at PADS show, Catton Hall (2nd June)

1st in Large G2 Jumping at PADS show (3rd June)

(3 wins in Jumping takes Graham and Poppy to Grade 3)

2nd in Large G2 Jumping at Chipping Norton

4th in Large G2 Agility at Golden Valley

Julie and Jack 1st in Large G1-3 combined Jumping at T.A.G (4TH June)

1st In Large G1-3 combined Jumping at T.A.G (8th June)

Peter and Kalli 2nd in Medium G1-7 combined Jumping at Chipping Norton

Clear Round in Medium G1-4 combined Jumping at Worcester

Clear Round in Medium G1-7 combined Agility at Golden Valley

Debs and Mollie 2nd in Large G3-4 combined Agility at Golden Valley

8th in Large G1-7 combined Jumping at Wye Valley

8th in large G1-4 combined Pairs with Max at Wye Valley

12th in Large G3 Jumping at Wye Valley

15th in Large G3 Jumping at Wye Valley

Beryl and Poppy 3rd in Large G1 Agility at the Adams Agility Show

8th in Large G1-2 Agility Club Starters Agility at Packington

Clear Round in G1 Large Agility at Dordale

Clear Round in Large G1 Jumping at Beacon

Clear Round in Large G1-3 Alpha Agility Challenge at Beacon

Clear Round in Large G1-3 ProPlan Agility at Packington. Clear Round in Large G12- Agility at P.A.D.S.

Debs and Drift 3rd in Large G3 Jumping at Golden Valley

4th in large G3 Agility at Golden Valley

19th in Large G3 Jumping at Wye Valley

Gemma and Indie 4th in Large G4 Jumping at P.A.D.S

Clear Round in Large G4 Jumping at T.A.G.

Chris and Sally 4th in the SUPERDARL Jumping Final held at Chipping Norton Show

9th in the SPERDARL Agility Final held at Chipping Norton Show

8th in Large G3 Agility at Golden Valley

Roger and Connor 5th in Large G10-3 combined Jumping at Bitz’nBobz

17th in Large G3 Agility at Dordale

17th in Large G1-3 Alpha Agility qualifier at Chipping Norton

Clear Round in Large G1-3 combined Jumping at Dordale

Clear Round in Large G1-3 combined Jumping at Packington

Clear Round in Large G3 Agility at Chipping Norton

Sue and Skye 7th in Large G3 Jumping at Golden Valley

10th in Large G3 Agility at Golden Valley.

11th in large G3 Agility at Chipping Norton.

15th in Large G1-3 Alpha Agility at Chipping Norton

Clear Round in Large G3 & 4 combined Jumping at Golden Valley

Greg and Max 8th in Large G1-4 combined Pairs with Molly at Golden Valley

Clear Round in Large G1-7 combinedJumping at Wye Valley

Graham & Millie Clear Round in Small Grade 0 Jumping at Smartpaws Mid-Summer Show.

Clear Round in Smal Grade 0 Steeplechase at Smartpaws

Ann and Boko Clear Round in Large G3 Jumping at Golden Valley

Sue and Lucy Clear Round in Large G3-4 combined Jumping at Golden Valley

Clear Round in large G3 & 4 graded Jumping at Golden Valley

Congratulations to all those who took part in the Team Dash at Golden Valley. We were so near to qualifying - if your Captain had only read the rules!!! Still there are a couple more heats before the Final – one at Blenheim show and another at Dashin’ Dogs (both in September) if you would like another go. Please let Sue know if you want to be included in a Team..



June 30th/1st July Lansdowne Show, Bath Racecourse (entries close 23.5.12)

July 6/7/8th Tuffley show, Berkley Castle, Glocs (entries close 24.5.12)

July 7/8th Wellingborough Show, Wellingborough RFC (entries close 4.6.12)

July 6/7/8th T.A.G. Show, Catton Hall (entries close 10.4.12)

July 14/15th Rugby Show (closing date 29.6.12)

July 21/22nd Empingham Show, Newark (entries close 8th June)

July 21/22/23/25th Adams Agility Show, Catton Hall (entries close 11th June)

August 4/5th Working Belgian Shepherd, Oswestry (entries close 29th June )

August 6/7th Capable Canines, Catton Hall, Nr. Alrewas (entries close 19/7/11)

August 10/11/12th Adams Agility, Catton Hall (entries close 2nd July)

August 13th – 17th Pembrokeshire County shoe (closing date 26th June)

August 25/26th Dordale Show, Top Barn, Holt Heath (entries close 8th July)

August 27th Warwick Races Show (entries close 12th July)

(This show rescheduled after being cancelled on 7th May)

September 8/9th Blenheim Show, held at Shrewsbury (entries close 28th July)

September 15/16th Bromsgrove Show, Holt Heath (entries close 3rd August)

September 15/16th Southam Show, Rugby (entries close 9th August)

September 30th Malvern Show – includes Alpha Final


Packington has to run a ring at Bromsgrove Show to reciprocate the help they gave at our show when they ran a ring for us. You will receive lunch plus refreshments throughout the day and parking near the ring. Your help will be much appreciated.


Don’t forget that it is the Barbecue and Club Competition this Thursday, 28th June. Hotdogs and drinks provided – if you want anything else, you will have to provide it yourself. They say the weather will be good, so let’s hope so.

The end