You will be responsible for arranging your own placement. There will be a meeting on the first day of the new term. Here you will be given a list of potential sites. It will be your responsibility to contact and meet with a supervisor of your choice, and turn in a signed contract to Mrs. Townsend by September 9, 2015. If you do not have a site/signed contract in by September 9, you will need to report to study hall during your assigned time. Students who don’t find a placement may be assigned a study hall and receive an F for the course.
Guidelines for Midterm and Final Paper:
Processing, working through your perception and feelings enables you to gain the most from your experiences with others. To help you process your service learning experiences, you will be writing a midterm and final paper. At four weeks into the term you will write a one page midterm paper. Turn it in to your site supervisor. At the end of the term you will write a one page final paper that will be turned into Mrs. Townsend along with your calendar.
- Midterm Paper to include:
- Identify activities and experiences you engage in. Include details that illustrate your involvement. Be sure to address the who, what, where, when, why, and how.
- Think about what you gained as a result of this activity or experience. Identify the skills you are developing and explain how your engagement is helping you to grow as an individual.
- Must be typed.
- Hand in the midterm paper to your supervisor by Thursday, October 1, 2015.
2. Final Paper to include:
a. Answer all of these questions:
In what ways have I made a difference at my site?
What have I learned about myself and those I served as a result of this experience?
Where might I apply this new knowledge elsewhere in my life?
How has my view of the world changed and what does that mean for my life?
b. Must be typed.
- Hand in the final paper to Mrs. Townsend by Monday, November 2, 2015*.
Weekly Calendar: Write in daily tasks on the calendar and have your supervisor sign it at the end of each week. The completed weekly calendar will be turned in along with the final paper on (or before) the due date listed above. Attendance: If you are going to be absent you must call your supervisor in advance. If you do not notify him/her in advance your absence will be considered UNEXCUSED. Illness and doctor appointments are the ONLY excused absences allowed. (You may not call and say you have something else you have to do at that time.) Your supervisor will call the office to verify your absence. If you have two unexcused absences you will be reassigned to study hall. Tardies: You need to arrive on time and stay until the end of your assigned time. If you arrive late you are tardy. Two tardies will be counted as one unexcused absence. Arriving 10 minutes or later than your assigned arrival time is considered an unexcused absence. Likewise, if you leave before your departure time, that is considered an unexcused absence. Remember: After TWO UNEXCUSED absences you will be reassigned to study hall and receive no credit or volunteer hours.
Supervisor’s Evaluation: The supervisor’s evaluation is an important part of your grade. Each supervisor will be evaluating you on your attitude, quality of work, ability to work without supervision, cooperation, and initiative. The supervisor’s evaluation must be a pass in order for you to receive a PASS on your report card.
Grading: Pass/Fail - All four of these requirements must be fulfilled on or before the due date in order for you to earn a passing grade. If any one or more is missing you may not pass.
Supervisor’s Evaluation (must be pass)
Midterm and Final Paper (BOTH must be completed and meet the prompt in a proficient manner.)
Calendar (Must be complete and have supervisor’s signature every week.)
Your supervisor’s evaluation and midterm paper (turned in by supervisor), and your calendar and final paper will be turned in to Mrs. Townsend at the end of the term. Listen for announcements. This is a Pass/Fail course. You must meet ALL of these requirements to pass the course. If you receive an F you will not receive credit or the volunteer hours. An F in Service Learning will have a negative impact on your GPA.
* Students that have this class as a “skinny” (2A,2B,3A or 3B) will have their midterm due November 2nd and final will be due January 18, 2016.
Block______Term ______
Service Learning is truly an experiential learning activity. Students participating in this program not only gain knowledge from their experiences, but also earn a one half credit. The service learning program is recorded on the student’s transcript. A Passing (P) or Failing (F) grade is recorded based upon the supervisor’s evaluation, a midterm and final one page paper, and calendar. It is also possible for the student to earn 40 Community Volunteerism hours as well.
In order to verify complete understanding of the duties and procedures involved in service learning, please read the following and sign. You will also need the signature of your site supervisor and your parent/guardian.
I, ______agree to the following conditions of service learning:
- I will meet with my site supervisor prior to the service learning experience to discuss the duties to be performed by me and to establish his/her expectations for me as a service learner.
- I must be enrolled in at least 2 other credit courses.
- I will meet with the site supervisor at least once per term to discuss my performance. I understand the supervisor’s evaluation is an important part of my grade.
- I will complete the Attendance Calendar daily and have my site supervisor sign it at the end of each week.
- I understand that attendance is mandatory.If I am going to be absent I must call my supervisor in advance. If I do not notify him/her in advance my absence will be considered UNEXCUSED. My supervisor will call the office to verify my absence. If I have a second unexcused absence I will be reassigned to study hall. Tardies: I need to arrive on time and stay until the end of my assigned time. If I arrive late I am tardy. Two tardies will be counted as one unexcused absence. Arriving 10 minutes or later than my assigned arrival time is considered an unexcused absence. Likewise, if I leave before my departure time, that is considered an unexcused absence. (Remember, after TWO UNEXCUSED absences you will be reassigned to study hall and receive no credit or volunteer hours.)
- I have read and understand the Midterm and Final paper requirements. I will write a one-page midterm paper (see Guidelines) and submit it to my site supervisor by the due date. I will write a one page final paper (see Guidelines) and submit it to Mrs. Townsend by the due date at the end of the term.
- I understand that I must receive a passing grade from my supervisor, compete both the midterm and final papers following the guidelines, and turn in a signed calendar in order to pass the course. I understand I must complete all four requirements in order to receive a passing grade on my report card.
- I understand the grading procedures and the Pass or Fail concept. I understand if I fail Service Learning I will not receive a .5 credit or 40 volunteer hours and it will negatively affect my GPA. (An F on my report card also affects my sports eligibility.)
- I understand I am a representative of Sturgeon Bay High School and will conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times. This includes no smoking to or from my service learning site. Any misconduct may result in removal from the program.
- My parent’s/guardian’s signature at the bottom of this form indicates his/her permission for me to leave the high school building at the specified time in order to attend my service learning assignment.
After all required signatures are present, make a copy for your site supervisor,
Mrs.Townsend, and yourself.
This contract must be turned in by Wednesday, September 9, 2015.
The following signatures indicate agreement to all conditions of the Service Learning Contract.
Student ______Parent/Guardian ______
Site Supervisor ______Supervisor phone ______
Supervisor email ______Date ______
Arrival Time of Assignment ______
Departure Time of Assignment ______
Possible Duties:
◄ August / ~ September 2015 ~ / October ►Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
Classes begin / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / Notes:
More Calendar: Oct, Nov, PDF Calendar
◄ September 2015 / ~ October 2015 ~ / Nov 2015 ►Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
Midterm due to Supervisor / 2 / 3
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
◄ October 2015 / ~ November 2015 ~ / Dec 2015 ►
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 / 2
Final & Calendar due to Mrs. Townsend
Skinnies: Midterm due to supervisor. / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
29 / 30 / Notes:
More Calendars with US Holidays: Dec 2015, Jan 2016, PDF Calendar