Title I
Greenwood School District 50
Para un folleto en español, llame al 941-5430 y deje un mensaje indicando su nombre, el nombre de su hijo/a, y a cuál escuela asiste. La maestra le hará llegar el folleto.
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. Your child will be attending a Title I Elementary School this year. Below is a summary of the provisions of Title I:
· Schoolwide Title I projects are authorized under the No Child Left Behind Act. Schools qualify as a schoolwide project based on the overall income level of the student population. Schools with poverty rates of 35% or higher can qualify for Title I funds.
· State, local, and federal funds are combined to provide programs to address the needs of every student by expanding the curriculum, setting higher expectations, providing additional opportunities for student success, and involving the family and community in education.
· A planning committee from your school developed the schoolwide plan. The committee consisted of community members, parents, teachers, assistants, and District 50 administrators.
· All parents have the opportunity for input through the Title I End of Year Evaluation, Title I suggestion box in your school office, or by contacting your principal or District Title I Coordinator.
The staff is committed to providing your child with a quality education and has implemented strategies to ensure that all students make the gains needed to meet the stringent guidelines of the No Child Left Behind Act.
Listed below is information about additional Title I forms you have received. All of these forms can be returned to the school at the school orientation on Wednesday, August 10, 2016. The time for orientation is 8:00 a.m. We look forward to having you at orientation. The following topics will be addressed at the meeting:
District Parent Involvement Plan
This plan was developed jointly by a parent representative from each school. Please review the plan, sign it, and return it. If you have suggestions or concerns about the plan, please address that in the comment area. At the first PTO/Open House meeting, a final copy of the District Parent Involvement policy will be distributed, and schools may address adopting this policy as their school parent involvement plan.
Compact Suggestion Form
We would like to seek your assistance with developing a schoolwide compact. The compact serves as a written agreement between the home and school concerning the responsibilities or promises that each will make to provide the best learning opportunities for the students. We are asking your help in the development of our school compact by offering suggestions for three responsibilities. This form will be returned to the school. The suggestions will be compiled and a draft of the compact will be presented at the school’s first PTO meeting.
Title I Parent Orientation Evaluation
Although this letter outlines many of the details of the Title I project, the principal and teachers will review these items and answer any questions you have about the Title I project at the school orientation. Please complete the evaluation after your orientation and leave it with your child’s teacher.
Parent’s Right To Know
All teachers working in Title I schools must be certified in their teaching area and meet Highly Qualified guidelines outlined by the state. If your child is being taught by a teacher who does not meet the Highly Qualified status for 20 consecutive days, your principal will send you written notification. You may also request this information at any time.
Below are highlights of your school’s Title I plan. You are always welcome to discuss the plan with the principal and/or Title I Coordinator.
Parenting Activities
· Our fall parent conferences are scheduled for October 25 and November 3, 2016. Teachers will give you information about your child’s academic progress and results from the PASS and MAP tests. If you need a translator, please contact your principal at least a week in advance of the meeting.
· Multiple opportunities are provided throughout the year for parent involvement.
Professional Development
· Teachers have been involved in intensive professional development in language arts and math in preparation for the new Common Core State Standards. Teachers have and will participate in afterschool and summer sessions to increase their knowledge base in order to help your child have a successful school experience.
Supplemental Instructional Opportunities
· Child Development is provided at the Early Childhood Center for qualifying preschool children who are four years old by September 1.
· ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) services are provided to students learning English as a second language. Students may receive small group and/or one-on-one assistance to help with academic needs and language acquisition.
· Reduced Class Size teachers are also supported through your Title I funds. By hiring an additional teacher, all classrooms benefit from smaller classroom populations in order to provide more individualized instruction.
· RTI (Response to Intervention) Each school provides additional academic assistance to identified students through a variety to methods. The classroom teacher and other instructional staff in the building work together to develop appropriate instructional options.