1920s Review Test


Explain the following:

Lost Generation:

Jazz Age:

Harlem Renaissance:



Answer in your Journal:

  1. How did the role of women change during this time?
  2. What was the purpose of Marcus Garvey’s movement?
  3. Explain what a flapper represented.
  4. How did radio and mass media affect us as a nation?
  5. Who was the biggest baseball star of the time?
  6. What was the long term effect of prohibition?
  7. How did Jazz music get to northern cities?
  8. What was the Scopes trial issue?
  9. What is the Red Scare and who was it in response to?
  10. Why did the economy grow in 1920?

11.  The National Origins Act of 1924 reduced the number of people who could?

  1. Many Americans believed that Sacco and Vanzetti were executed because they were?
  2. Where did jazz come from and why was it important?
  3. How did movies change during this time? What stars were so cool in the twenties?
  4. What was the impact of the auto industry exploding? How did it affect society?
  5. Why did people connect Communists to labor strikes?
  6. Who were advertisements aimed at? What impact did they have?
  7. What is the connection between prohibition and organized crime?

19.  The Palmer raids were organized to root out groups whose activities?

  1. The Universal Negro Improvement Association was formed to?
  2. Henry Ford’s dream was to sell cars that?
  3. New businesses such as gas stations and motels was an effect of the increase in what?
  4. What is The Teapot Dome scandal?
  5. Using violence against those they opposed was the actions of what group/

25.  Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sinclair Lewis were all members of what?

  1. The sale of alcohol was forbidden by which amendment?
  2. Most advertisements were aimed at what group of people?
  3. What was The Jazz Singer?