Pittsburgh Minadeo PreK-5

Parent Involvement Policy


Pittsburgh Minadeo PreK-5 recognizes parents as children’s first teachers. We support and encourage full engagement between parents and our school. As soon as children are enrolled, parents are given information about the school and the parent involvement opportunities. An annual meeting is held to inform parents of the Title 1 program. During the meeting information is shared with parents about the school’s curriculum, local and state assessments, state standards and parent’s right to be involved. Parents are also informed about how the students at Minadeo have performed on the state assessments. Throughout the year, parents are invited to events designed to provide information, materials and training on helping improve their children’s achievement. Each child is also given a Student handbook explaining the policies of the school. The front office staff is to greet and make all families feel welcome at Minadeo Elementary School.

Volunteering is encouraged in Pittsburgh Minadeo PreK-5. The Parent School Community Council pays for volunteer clearances for all parents. Clearance forms are distributed during the Preschool and Kindergarten orientations, at Back to School Night, and at the Volunteer Meeting. They are available in the front office to all parents throughout the school year.

Communication is very important to maintaining Parent Involvement.

A monthly calendar listing school activities goes home to all families. A school website provides a page for each teacher to post class information. The website includes up to date information about events in the school. Our PTO has established their own Facebook page and is utilized to communicate with parents.

The Minadeo Parent Teacher Organization and our Parent School Community Council meets monthly. The Title 1 Meeting occurs as part of the PSCC/PTOmeeting. The PSCC/PTO invites parents to review and improve the Parent Involvement Policy at the first meeting each year. The PSCC/PTO meets monthly in the evening and alternates is location between the school and a community location. The school invites the PSCC/PTO members to plan, review and make suggestions for Minadeo’s Title 1 program as well as the SchoolwideImprovement Plan during the monthly meetings. Information is shared about the use of Title 1 funds for parent involvement activities and related expenses. Yearly elections are held forPTO Executive Board positions. The PSCC/PTO meetings are open to any parent or community member who wishes to attend.

Parents are expected to sign yearly compacts, attend conferences, and communicate with their children’s teachers. Teachers are expected to communicate regularly about children’s progress through interim reports, report cards, letters home, phone calls and conferences. Conferences are available at different times so that all parents can be involved. Conferences not only occur at the school but in the communities. During conferences, parents receive information regarding how to understand the State’s academic content standards, student achievement standards, local academic assessments and how to monitor their child’s progress. Teachers are available to assist parents in working to improve the student’s academic performance.

Parent Involvement is an important factor in a child’s success in school. Pittsburgh Minadeo PreK-5 supports a Parent Involvement program that acknowledges and celebrates this relationship.