A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on September20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Daniels, Heaton, Moos, Ross and Truax and Mayor Moser. Also present: Attorney Anson. Absent: Trustee Rohn
Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the August16thmeeting. TrusteeTruax moved to approve theAugust 16th minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Ross. Motion carried 5-0.
Item 3–Transportation Plan – Aaron Fodge with NFRMPO. Aaron informed the Board that funds have been allocated to form a transportation plan for our community. Aaron introduced Jenny Young, the consultant from FHU that works with the NFRMPO. Jenny and Aaron reviewed the scope, wants and needs of the project for the Transportation Plan. They also provided information on what other towns in the area have done with their plans. There will be public hearings for the public in the future to provide input, along with work sessions to complete the plan.
Item 4 – Governors Ranch well agreement with Lynn Fagerberg. Gary reported that Lynn Fagerberg has bought approximately one third of the Governors Ranch subdivision. The area purchased is undeveloped except for approximately one block that has utilities already installed for future residences and Mr. Fagerberg will be farming the rest of it until development occurs. The agreement is still in the process of negotiations and is not ready for Board approval so Gary recommended tabling this item until a later date. Attorney Anson is working with Mr. Fagerberg’s attorney to complete everything required to make the agreement legal. The most important thing to track is the usage from the wells and where it is being used.
Item 5 –High Plains Library Board nominating committee. The board received a letter from High Plains Library District requesting a member from our town to sit on the nominating committee to select a new library district board member. Trustee Moos volunteered to serve on the committee.
Item 6 – Citizen comments/questions. Bob Piotrowski appeared before the board to find out where things are on the trail located behind his house and the flood plan in their neighborhood. Gary stated the recent things done by his property has been administrativetype work and does not involve the board. The study will possibly be completed by December of this year.
Item 7 - Reports. Gary introduced Art Mueller, Interim Police Chief to the board. Garyreported the Water Station is now up and running. Goodell Contracting will be starting on the drainage and sidewalk project for the Town Square next week with completion by the end of October 2012. The East Eaton project of installing water meters will be starting as soon as we receive the signed contract. Trustee Ross provided an update on the latest with the MPO.
Item 8–Adjourn. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk