Individual / Organisation name:Tania Champion
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Review of the National Guidance Material for Working Safely on the Waterfront
Public Comment Response Form
Complete and submit this form by5pmAESTfriDAY 10 AUGUSt 2012to
Comments on content of the national guidance materialSection/page no. / Comment
Comments on additional issues identified in section 4.2 of the Discussion Paper
Section/page no. / Comment
Hatchmen / The Stevedoring Industry is a hazard in its own right. As a water side worker I think the hatchman has a very important position. Myself and another water side worker was nearly or could have been killed by a crane driver landing a grab via the directions of a hatchman that wasn’t doing the job properly, the same as if he wasn’t there at all. What u see in a crane is totally different to what you see on shore, and the same from the shore. You have to consider the hatch covers open, and other parts of the ship that can completely impair the cranes view. A good hatchman is essential for safety of the crane operation and the safety of those on the wharf.
Stevedoring qualifications / Should the guidance material refer to the qualifications (Cert II, Cert III and Cert IV in Stevedoring) that have been developed for the stevedoring industry?
Absolutely If a person is not fully qualified or in training under supervision that person should not be doing that job, It puts all persons and equipment in a hazardous situation
Safety Induction skill-set / Should the newly developed stevedoring ‘safety skill-set’ be used to underpin safety inductions?
A safety induction to the industry is very important. A basic outline of the industry for the persons new to the industry is a must.
Use of checklists / Should the safety checklists, which set out examples of the types of hazards, and acceptable/unacceptable ways of handling those hazards, be maintained in the guidance material?
As a machine operator I would like to see checklist on all equipment. A check list to fill out with each and every operator that uses that machine, from crane, excavator bobcat, sweeper, to protect the person using it, and the machine.
Comments on the implementation of the national guidance material in each jurisdiction which may have included launches, information and training sessions, and whether it has been useful in the workplace as a resource for improving safety practices.
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