Logan County GIS Flex Viewer User’s Guide


The Zoom and Pan tools are located on the right side of the browser window.


1. Slider Bar-Click the (+) button on the slider bar will zoom in, and clicking the (–) button will zoom out.

2. Zoom In Button- Click the (+) button, and then draw a rectangle on the map outlining the area that you want to zoom in to.

3. Zoom Out Button- Click the (–) button, and then draw a rectangle on the map outlining the area that you want to zoom out to.

4. Zoom Full Extent- Click the Earth icon to zoom to the full extent of the map of East Peoria.


1. Pan Button- Click on the Pan button, and then click and drag on the map to move the map to your area of interest.

2. Pan Arrows- Click an arrow to move the map in the corresponding direction.

The following tools are located in the top banner of the browser window.


1. Click the Identify tool

and choose one of the following:

a. Identify by Point

b.Identify by Polyline

c. Identify by Rectangle

d. Identify by Polygon

2. Click a feature on the map to indentify. A pop-up window will display attribute information for that feature.

3. For detailed information of a particular parcel, click the “Logan County Assessor Tax Record” link to view Logan County’s assessment information..

4. To clear the identified features on the map, click “Clear” in the Identify window.


Enhanced Search

1. Click the Enhanced Search tool; the initial search is a Text Search. You can search by either PIN or Address. . The Address search must include the House Number, Prefix (if applicable), and Street Name.

2. For an Address Search, type in the address, and click Search.

3. For a Graphical Search, choose a tool (Point, Line, Rectangle, or Polygon) and select the desired parcel or parcels. After the parcels are selected with the Graphic Tool, press “Search” in the dialog window.

4. The final search feature is a Spatial Search, which applies a buffer to previously selected parcel(s) found using either a Graphical or Text search. Once a parcel(s) is selected, click on the Spatial Search icon. Here you can set the buffer distance & distance units (Feet, Miles, Meters, & Kilometers). Apply the buffer using icon.

5. After the buffer is applied, select the Spatial Search option of choice. Search entities of the Parcel selection which is..

a. Entirely Contained by

b. Intersected by

c. Intersected by Envelop

6. In the Results window, double-click on the result and the selected feature will come into view.

7. The final feature of the Enhanced Search tool allows you to Show Results in a Grid. After the parcel(s) are selected, click the Show Results in a Grid icon. The Search Results dialog window will appear …

8. The Show Results in a Grid window allows the user to export the selected record(s) to a CVS (Comma delimited) Excel file or a Text file. Choose the file type, and click “Export.”

Draw and Measure

1. Click the Draw and Measure tool, and choose one of the following:

a. Draw Point

b. Draw Line

c. Draw Freehand Line

d. Draw Rectangle

e. Draw Circle

f. Draw Ellipse

g. Draw Polygon

h. Draw Freehand Polygon

i. Add Text

2. The following are the properties than you can adjust for each type of drawing feature. These properties must be changed before placing feature on the map for any changes to be applied:

a. DrawPoint-Marker Color, Size, Outline Color, Style, Alpha, and Width

b. Draw Line-Line Color, Width, Style, Alpha

c. Draw Freehand Line- Line Color, Width, Style, Alpha

d. Draw Rectangle- Fill Color, Alpha, Outline Color, Style, Width

e. Draw Circle- Fill Color, Alpha, Outline Color, Style, Width

f. Draw Ellipse- Fill Color, Alpha, Outline Color, Style, Width

g. Draw Polygon- Fill Color, Alpha, Outline Color, Style, Width

h. Draw Freehand Polygon- Fill Color, Alpha, Outline Color, Style, Width

i. Add Text- Text, Font, Color, Size

3. Clicking the box “Show Measurements” will allow you to choose the units of measure and display the text on the map. If you want to display the measurements, this must be checked before the feature is drawn on the map.

4. When the properties of the draw feature are set, follow the cursor tips that appear for that type of feature in order to place the drawing on the map.

5. If you want to clear the drawings on the map, click “Clear drawings” in the Draw and Measure window.

6. The Draw and Measure tool has the ability to save Graphic Layers and open previously saved layers. Once one or more graphics have been drawn on the map that you wish to save, click the save icon. Once the dialog box appears, navigate to the folder you would like the layer saved, and click “save.”

7. To open a previously saved graphical layer, click the open icon, navigate to the saved layer in the dialog box and click “open”

Street View

1. Click the Street View tool. Use Dual Viewer from the Select Content Form drop-down menu; all other options do not currently function correctly. For Select window to open content- you can choose between Open in Flash (will open a window in the map browser), or Open in new browser window.

2. Click a location on the map. The Street View Viewer window will appear. If Street View is available, it will be displayed in the upper left corner of the window. Google Maps displays in the lower left, and Bing Maps occupies the right half of the window.


1.Navigate to the map extent in which you would like to create a bookmark.

2. Click on the Bookmarks tool. The initial view lists bookmarks that have been created. Saved bookmarks from previous internet mapping sessions will still be available, as long as the internet browser’s cache has not been cleared.

3. Click on the Add Bookmark button. Name the current map extent as a bookmark. This bookmark is added to the list of bookmarks in the initial view of the Bookmarks window.

Map Contents

  1. Click on the Map Contents icon to display a list of layers in the map with corresponding symbols. Here you have the ability to turn on and off layers.


1. Click on the Buffer tool. The dialog window appears displaying the buffer options.

2.Select the desired point size and color. Navigate to the area the buffer will be placed and select the “Add Point” icon, place the buffer point on the map.

3. Adjust the Buffer Properties by selecting the distance and distance units.

4. Advanced options are available for Fill Color, Opacity, Outline Color, & Outline Width. Once all options are set, select the “Apply Buffer” Icon.


1. Click on Print tool. The Print window gives you an option to give the map a Title and a Subtitle. Click Print.