TheCrossroads Program
A Living/Learning Community Housed in Carlson International Center
Crossroadsbrings together international and domestic students with a passion and curiosity for language and culture. These students elect to live in the intentional learning community of Carlson International Center. Crossroads members work to understand themselves and the world by actively engaging in their community, attending activities and programs put on by the Collegiate Fellow staff and hosting events for all of campus in Carlson International Center.
Last Name:First Name:
Sex/Gender: ID Number:
Check the appropriate box: First Time ApplicantReturning Applicant
Current On-Campus Building/Room:
Current class standing/year: First YearSophomore Junior
“I will be enrolled fulltime in classes on campus during the 2014-15 academic year and plan to live in Carlson International Center as part of The Crossroads Program for ” (check one):
Fall Semester Only
Fall Semester and J-Term
J-Term and Spring Semester
Spring Semester Only
Applying with a friend/Requesting a Roommate? List that person here:
(This must be a mutual request. All spaces in Carlson International Center are drawn into as PAIRS.Listing a roommate does not guarantee that person’s acceptance to the program.)
Native/First Language:
Other Languages/Language Courses/Number of years:
Other Involvement: One goal of Crossroads is to have a broad cross-section of campus represented. Please list all other campus involvement for 2014-2015 (athletics, student organizations, performing arts, etc.):
I am interested in a Leadership Position in the Crossroads Program: YES NOPERHAPS
The structure of the Crossroads program is being examined for next year. Marking YES is not a guarantee of a position, but rather an indication that we will send you information about leadership opportunities when the structure is decided. It is anticipated that information will be sent out in early April.
First Time Applicant Essay Questions:
Please include with your application responses to the following areas (on separate paper). Responses should be no more than 2 pages total and please include your name at the top of each page.
- Briefly describe any intercultural/multicultural experiences (include future planned experiences)
- Language skills/education, study abroad, extended travel experiences or specific courses, cultural immersion experiences, foreign exchange student, unique cultural experience within the United States, etc.What did you learn? How will this apply to your involvement in The Crossroads Program?
- Describe what skills and ideas you will bring to the program if accepted.
Returning Applicant Essay Questions:
Please include with your application responses to the following areas (on separate paper). Responses should be no more than 2 pages total and please include your name at the top of each page.
- Describe how your understanding of yourself and of other cultures has grown as a result of your involvement in the Crossroads Program and other experiences at Gustavus? What knowledge and skills have you improved/gained as a member of the program?
Before submitting your application, please read the paragraphs below and sign on the designated line.
“I understand that I am applying to live in Carlson International Center as part of the Crossroads program and that Carlson International Center comes with a surcharge of approximately $900per person for the academic year.”
“I understand that my acceptance of an invitation to join the Crossroads Program will then remove me from any future Housing Selection processes for the 2014-15 academic year (singles, room clusters, doubles, etc.).”
“I understand that active support/commitment of the Crossroads Program is a requirement of continuing membership. I should positively contribute to the environment within Carlson International Center by supporting the mission of Crossroads and regularly attending and supporting events sponsored by Crossroads.”
Signature ______Date______
Applications are due by 4:30pm on Monday, March 10, 2014 to the Residential Life office.