Efis No.39/2013
May 2013
Range: Conveyancing – Law Society Transaction
TA6-Property Information Form (3rd Edition)
TA6_Flexi-Property Information Form (3rd Edition) Oyezforms V10 Only
TA10-Fittings and Contents Form (3rd Edition)
TA13-Completion Information and Undertaking (2nd Edition)
Last year, the Law Society consulted the profession on changes to TA6 and TA10 which are part of the Law Society’s National Conveyancing Protocol Scheme which is now the Conveyancing Quality Scheme (or CQS for short).
The Law Society has amended TA6 and TA10 in response to last year’s consultation exercise. Please see Law Society press release for further details:
In addition, the Law Society has removed TA0, TA00, TA1, TA2, TA4, TA5 and TA15 as a result of the abolition of home information packs which was confirmed in the Localism Act. These forms will be automatically removed from your system(s).
Under the Law Society Conveyancing Protocol General Obligation 11, firms are required to use the most up to date versions of these Law Society Forms.
This range now comprises TA6, TA7, TA8, TA9, TA10 and TA13.
Finally, TA13 has received a minor field amendment.
All forms can be used immediately.
Case Management Notice
The recommended method for merging data with OyezForms is via 'Field Label' identities, rather than 'Field Numbers'. TOOLS>PRINT ID LABELS will print a list for each form.
OyezForms V10.00F and above
OyezForms now supports multiple Practice Details, an Undo feature to restore deleted text, an editor to maintain Local Authority databases and Improved library searching.
To obtain an upgrade, visit:
Technical Section:
Importing Forms
1.Start the OyezForms software (if you are running a networked copy of the software only one user should have the
software open at this point).
2.Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.
3.Select Admin and then Import new forms…
4.When the dialogue box appears, click BROWSE
5.Double-click on the CD-ROM drive labelled ‘OyezForms’ and select the EFIS folder which this document refers to. Click OK
6.The forms listed within this EFIS will appear in the dialogue box
7.Click Select All
8.Click Import
9.Click Done.
If you have any problems please contact Oyez Legal Software Technical Support on 08450 17 55 17