Dr. Dimitris J. Panagopoulos
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos was born in Athens, Dec 6th, 1961. He has a diploma in Physics and a PhD in Biology from the University of Athens.HecompletedhisPhDonBiologicalEffectsofElectromagneticFieldsin 2001, withProfessorLukasH. Margaritis as supervisor and since then he is working in the Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, School of Biology, University of Athens as a Post Doctoral Researcher, responsible for the Radiation Biophysics Laboratory of the Department.
He holds a strong background in biophysics, electromagnetism, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, insect physiology and reproduction, and electronics.
He has published original experimental and theoretical articles and made presentations in a lot of national and international conferences, regarding Biological effects of EMFs. He was a member of the organizing committee of the 1st and 2nd International Workshops on Biological Effects of EMFs in Greece, (2000 in Crete and 2002 in Rhodes).
HisexperimentsontheeffectsofEMFsoninsect reproduction and cell death are considered as groundbreaking and were immediately accepted internationally. The same with his biophysical theory on the mechanism of action of EMFs on cells.
He is a regular reviewer in several high level international scientific journals.
Since 2001 he has been givinglecturesonRadiationBiophysics (physicalpropertiesandbiologicaleffectsofionizingandnon-ionizingradiations) to under-graduate and post-graduate students of Biology and Physics of Athens University.
He is a member of Greek Physicists Society,American Association for the Advancement of Science, and his biography has been included in the international publications, One Thousand Great Scientists (2002) and Top 100 scientists 2005,(International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England).
Representative publications of Dr. Panagopoulos are the following:
Panagopoulos DJ, Messini N, Karabarbounis A, Filippetis AL, and Margaritis LH, (2000): “A Mechanism for Action of Oscillating Electric Fields on Cells”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 272(3), 634-640.
Panagopoulos D.J., Karabarbounis, A. and Margaritis L.H., (2002), “Mechanism for Action of Electromagnetic Fields on Cells”, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 298(1), 95-102.
Panagopoulos D.J, Margaritis L.H, (2003): “Effects of electromagnetic fields on the Reproductive Capacity of Drosophila melanogaster, In: Stavroulakis P. (ed.), Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Springer, 545-578.
Panagopoulos D.J. and Margaritis L.H., (2003), Theoretical Considerations for the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, In: Stavroulakis P. (Ed.) “Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields”, Springer, 5-33.
Panagopoulos D.J., Karabarbounis A., and Margaritis L.H., (2004), Effect of GSM 900-MHz Mobile Phone Radiation on the Reproductive Capacity of Drosophila melanogaster, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 23(1), 29-43.
Panagopoulos DJ, Chavdoula ED, Nezis IP and Margaritis LH, (2007): Cell Death induced by GSM 900MHz and DCS 1800MHz Mobile Telephony Radiation, Mutation Research, 626, 69-78.
Panagopoulos DJ, Chavdoula ED, Karabarbounis A, and Margaritis LH, (2007): Comparison of Bioactivity between GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1800 MHz Mobile Telephony Radiation, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 26(1).